Post 'em if you got 'em.
Soy Thread
There's nothing wrong with getting your nuts clipped
>there's nothing wrong with being an impotent effeminate manchild
This is you.
If you have 3 kids and don't want more, what's the problem with it?
Why does this guy's face give me nightmares?
my dad got a vasectomy after I was born, i was his 4th child so what's wrong? he was already 30
Seriously, just shut the fuck up you inbred moron. The reason you social midgits post are like this is because you were never taught how to treat people fairly. Your feelings are hurt because you can't into empathy and feelings. Which are highly important for living and understanding injustice in society.
I'm a straight, healthy biological woman and this thread makes me taste vomit. Why are you all turning into this? Can you please stop?
>These Soyboys have GFs/wives.
>All you have is your mother.
Hmmmmm. Think there's something deeper, psychologically, with this thread.
>Treat people fairly.
>Act like a literal child until you're 40.
I fail to see the correlation.
These 'men' are not that.
>post are like this
Why is your post are like this?
who cares this is good content. fuck off shill
milkers or kindly pls go
Fucking pathetic this is what bluepilled looks like
is it bad that these people are taking themselves out of the gene pool? I don't think so
You know, in my experience, guys like you have small, shrunken dicks. Like dried up carrots on a sun baked countertop.
You should be embarrassed. This is why women aren't attracted to you. Because you're stupid animals that have no ability to empathize with your fellow human being. It's why you can't enjoy anything or anyone. KYS.
>she leaves him 2 years later and gets pregnant
Brave. Wish all straight men could try out a chemical vasectomy, would reduce their violent urges.
Please more
I need to build a collection this stuff is gold
You sound offended.
Like I said, I'm not a guy. I'm a woman, who is attracted to men. That's why I'd never be attracted to a creature like you. Because I like men. Understand?
>how to spot a woman online
>it’s the first thing they’ll say
Fuck off
Yeah, I understand, It's nothing to scoff at really. Most guys are born bi or pansexual. Explains a lot about this board, literally just pent up virgin rage.
who are they afraid of
i can hear it, in an exaggerated american leftist accent:
>woooah soylent! the future is here! i can drink food and eat my drinks!
Soyboy extremists just can't stop castrating themselves!
What will society do against their emasculating terrorism?
>Most guys are born bi or pansexual.
[citation needed]
If you only knew how bad things really are.
>I'm a woman
>that flag
I bet she'll get pregnant within a year and he'll believe her when she says the vasectomy must have failed even though the doctor doesn't agree.
That's pretty fucking gay.
Uh... Bud
Carrots don't shrink when they're sun dried
You know that right?
If this is a thread about gender rolls and who women are attracted to (which it is) then my gender is pertinent to the thread, you fucking mongoloid.
Women hate weakness and want it removed from the gene pool. That's /ourgirl/ right there.
>There's nothing wrong with voluntarily becoming impotent
Some dudes have fucked priorities.
>3 kids
>being this much of a pussy
>Not having 5-10 children
>Stay genetically cucked
>Families at my church keep on having more and more and so do any other similar churches around the world.
Uhh, buddy, just look up any research site.
he looks like he has soft hands
is that a bag of frozen soy??
We don't care about your gender, this thread is to laugh at soy. Nobody cares you're a girl here- not everything is about gender roles and girls, stop being narcissistic.
Also post milkers or stop posting.
Wrong. It shrivels up like any plant and becomes inedible. Lel letting internet terrorists define culinary norms is hilarious.
Kinda sad, have seen the .webm of this abomination but had no idea who he was before
>research site
Fuck soyboys for ruining beards.
/fit/izen reporting. This soy shits got to end. These pussies are just fucking gay. Soy is great for workouts
>Internet Terrorists
Thanks for the compliment
lmao Links me to fucking "bi-resource," a bright purple page with no citations whatsoever. Holy shit, dude.
Jesus fucking Christ, even if using ironically please kill yourself.
When a man castrated himself he loses his vital masculine energies and becomes a shade of a man, less than even a woman
you can literally see that the guy in the middle has bad breath... that green shit on his tongue ...
disgusting freaks
This kills the christtard
literally posing like they're ready for the cumshot
Jesus Christ what the fuck is this fake please say it's fake
Yeah, that's what you are. Too cowardly to try out new experiences. When I go out, no when I party with my pals, it's actually pretty safe. For example, when I go to a club, all you have to do generally is drop your pants, and you can snag a stallion to bareback you. It's like the feeling of an electric blanket, you know, the warm, soaking feeling up your ass. It feels splendid. It is also accompanied by the thrusting motion up and down, thrusting right on by the prostate. Yes, that's the heavenly part. Then after that, he takes you by the throat, squirts a hot, piercing feeling deeper into the rectal tract, and you can feel his sweat, and musty breath. It's is the best feeling in the whole world. You rejects will never true love in life.
>Soy is great for workouts
You mean Jamal working your gf's pussy right
When the Asian has the highest T you know there's a problem.
there's nothing wrong with fish oil
imagining being this stupid
Some dude said that women were attracted to soy and I said they weren't and that's retarded, because straight women are straight which inherently means that they like men. If you're taking that personally as an attack on your bubble then you're probably bordering more on the incel side of things and might feel a bit more comfortable with your fellow fat pockmarked untouchables on /r9k/.
There are only two types of people on the internet, men and traps. So no matter what your pretty fucking gay.
>straight women
a meme
That sounds pretty gay, not really my thing, I'll pass.
Enjoy your gyno and zero test. Even onions can't save you once you've taken the soypill.
>yfw when this is some weird ass Cartman style ploy and after she takes the picture goes upstairs to get loudly plowed by Tyrone and Deshawn and he someone leverages this into taking over the school and defending it from Jihadists until everyone in town has a humorous life lesson recapped by precocious children while cleaning up the viscera.
No that's when it rots
Carrots are Roots
They don't shrink when they're sun dried user
>Personally attacked
>smug anime girl
Here have a pepe, you made me post congrats
Sharing cum between asses isn't all too bad either. We all take enemas, so there aren't any shit clumps to be had. It's like tasting a warm, soggy sausage, that was dropped into the grease pan of a george foreman and a bit harder. Although when those occasions pop up, we just take some vet grade antibiotics, and keep going. Ever heard of cum drinking/sharing? It's exceptional for a party atmosphere. I suggest you try it.
lmao holy shit dude. No one disputed that bisexuals exists, are you having a different conversation with the people in your head right now?
This started out when YOU said that more than half of men were bisexual, which you pulled out of your ass, then linked to a page written by a "father of five" with no sources whatsoever. Please take a break from the internet and sort yourself out, you're a little confused there buddy-O.
i'm in fact very angry that there are women who are willing to touch this guy's dick on a regular basis
are you retarded?
Their girlfriends and wives have boyfriends too.
that's all the same guy retard
No, it's just that you're compensating for your microcock. I'm gonna be candid with you; I fucked ~120 guys and I'm 23. I know the ins and outs of the world and i can say FOR A FACT that tikitorch boys like you are destined guttertrash. You hate on women, the oppressed, and minorities because you're scared. Scared of your small worldviews being shattered. Literally hang yourselves. I'm being serious, we're the future of this glorious country. Why do you think we get so much private and DNC support? You can't prevail against the poz.
He's also a literal cuckold.
Holy fuck
The things our people did for and against each other.....I don't want to live here anymore.