Wow so intolerant he doesn't want to kiss a man
Wow so intolerant he doesn't want to kiss a man
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who is their favorite pet? Trannies or blacks?
It just had to be a fucking white guy.
Don't you know the subtext of this is that a white man is begging to be kissed by a black man and getting angry when he can't have it? When will the current year end?
God and his fucking nipple sticking through the dress. Tranny self-genocide when?
>Wanting herpes
Who gives a fuck about what the internet thinks
Since when are we ruled by the tyranny of the majority?
nigger i wouldnt even kiss the vast majority of biological wxmyn these days, the nasty whores, and trannies have the highest rate of aids
but i'm not a kisser anyways, my idea of a kiss is punching someone square in the fucking mouth
The left eats itself due to their own sacred cows. At the moment is is Transgendered, but those will be abandoned soon for another group who becomes the new fad to defend.
Since suffrage was given to the majority
(((they))) have been grooming for pedo acceptance for years so they can defend their own abhorrent behavior, the time is nigh
WTF I love Ginuwine now
Holy fuck is the cognitive dissonance astounding on the Far-Left.
The people that are pushing for this shit unironically need to be placed in internment camps and be forced to mine resources as slave labor until they die
WTF is that name?
Maybe the only way to make nonwhites leave is just to ramp up the gayness to the point where they don't want to live around us anymore.
It's a pun on "genuine", "gin" and "wine". It's very good as far as rap names go I have to say.
I just hope he doesn't end up like August Ames with the backlash.
>one mans crusade...
What the fuck? Why is anyone who refused to kiss anyone being berated?
This goes beyond trannies and niggers.
>Be nigger
>Be supported by the left when you openly hate whitey
>Be presented with a tranny and do not want to kiss the degenerate
>Left gets all bent out of shape
Not even niggers want to touch tranny fags.
Blacks. They lowered the standard of retardation from 85 to 70 because too many of their precious pets fell on the wrong side of that bell-curve.
In visual media, they make sure to include little snippets about how smart their pets are such as:
In a commercial, blacks are always depicted as the cool, calm, collected, and oh-so-much-smarter than whitey.
In a recent movie, Justice League, it was pointed out that the cyborg-nigger was a genius in addition to being a star athlete.
If you're black in America, you're in a really good spot right now as liberals have pushed this narrative of "400 years of slavery means they can do no wrong ever or have a negative trait applied to them.".
nigga should've just screamed "STOP RAPING ME" and would've been praised
If we have every man we won't have to get AIDS or even have gay sex for it to be effective. We just pretend to be complete faggots for about a decade and everyone but the tolerant whites will self-deport.
Isn't it "his body, his right"?
Hypocritical cunts.
Hillary won by 3 million votes. #ItWasHerTurn
It's all about control.
Kiss the tranny bigot
They know it is cause he thinks that shit is gross and that makes them mad even though he is right.
More like #InAnyOtherDemocracticCountrySheWouldHaveHadALandslideVictory
millionaire nigger gets lynched on social media by white women and soyboys because he refuses to kiss a tranny on live television.
the current state of america.
It's becoming trannies though
We obviously didn't nuke you enough.
Everyone follow Genuine on faceberg now. Blacks are pretty anti-gay (except for the gays, which are numerous) and DEFINITELY anti-trans. We should push this "Y'all niggas fighting for trannys" idea.
Whats funny is that the left is starting to show its true colors when it comes to race. They never cared about the black community period and just used them as there voting plantation. So when there spades start rejecting the kool-aid they destroy them.
You don’t know Genuwine?!
Absolutely transphobic, but as a POC, it is okay. We owe him far more reparations than he has received. I will ensure my wife and her boyfriend, as well as my girlfriend, possibly even the girl I have a crush on, all donate to a Patreon for underage African children.
They only see them as a means to an end here. The left only uses them and then discards them. The modern right may be "Racist" but at the very least doesn't use and abandon like trash like the left would should a new opportune group emerge.
jej. are they planning to force him to kiss someone?
mfw he didnt want to "ride his pony"
can get can some memes out of this,
>I'm jussa bachelor
>lookin for a tranny
> (OP)
>but i'm not a kisser anyways, my idea of a kiss is punching someone square in the fucking mouth
Found the incel
Misgendering now equals violence apparently. What will they think of next?
Can we use the proper term?
Schizophrenic self-mutilators
Kek based nigress
I'm sorry, is herpes deadly? No, it's not. That stigma, knock it off.
fuck, i had a former boss who looked like that. female though. the squinty smile is uncanny
Let's see how the niggers love being attacked by this leftist nonsense.
based boon
>freed the slaves... nope
>majority vote in all three civil rights acts... nope
>lowest black unemployment on record... nope
The thought of being forced to kiss a chick with a dick... this is what makes black men start voting republican.
>by knowing the definition of violence
>India Willoughby looked disgusting--nipples protruding--in his silver shirt before a live audience. Very very disrespectful.
So I hope everyone now accepts "my body my choice" isn't taken seriously by those who keep spouting it.
a white would have no problems with this
We really need to meme chapelles point that these are white men stealing POC movement. At best it ends the tranny movement, at worst liberals continue to fight one another
>Did not let trans ride his Pony.
>His saddle was not waiting.
>Don't jump on it.
This same trannie compared black face to doing drag and said he has a phobia of drag queens. The nigs and drag queens are chimping out on twitter KEK
They are especially prone to feeling ashamed because gay.
>How can you tell someone what violence is?
This level of stupidity.
The absolute state of him ignoring literally what his ancestor's probably faced simply to appease a meme-trend.
>Who's this Ginuwine?
This is why the internet must die.
Yup. The algorithms these sites use are cancer. If the internet were a fair playing field again. the degenerates would be in for a rude awakening.
Eating themselves
>internet is at war
>literal who refuses to do thing
>people are supposed to care
Honestly at this point I really want a massive world war that kills at a minimum some 60% of the population so we can get back to not pretending to be retarded 24/7
Sup Forums you monumental morons! Don't you realize that this is the best opportunity to red pill massive numbers of Black people? This could be the moment they're made to realize the game thats being played, and that its being played against them.
Don't mention Jews or Cops or Trump, but get the point across that SJWs were not their friends.
>the internet is at war
wtf does that even mean?
It's already redpilling blacks in England.
This trannie had already pissed off the black community and the lgbtq cunts too. He compared black face to being in drag, tried to force a black guy to kiss her/him and cried because she has a fear of drag queens.
The British public despises her and black people are dragging her through the mud.
This is a classic case of reverse rapism.
>Have big award ceremony that's shown to millions around the world where the biggest story coming out of it is how everyone's coming together that night to give a clear sign that sexual harassment will be tolerated no longer.
>Next day a man gets demonised for not kissing someone he wasn't comfortable kissing.
Business as usual with liberals then.
That is fucking gold, and a great comparison.
Not so sure about that
Sjw are confused
I hope he does kill himself.
One less nigger.
It's not even a war, nobody agrees with the tranny
here's a picture that isn't airbrushed into near oblivion
Looks like Francis from PeeWee's big adventure
>gimme dat BBC now
Lol. I earnestly don't remember who the fuck this is. I had a track in my head but it turned out to be Twista.
That's why we need to play them off each other. End this tranny movement right here and now
No, they just crop their hair short and dye their pencil stache
Norm MacDonald in drag
They're already readpilling themselves but start using the hashtags #cbb #cbbindia #genuwine to join in
It's not about getting black allies, that's not a realistic option. But we can turn one enemy against another and thereby destroy one. Blacks against trannys
Good. I don't have a twatter but this should be an active strategy of Sup Forums. Like I said earlier, at best we end the tranny movement, at worst the liberals are fighting each other
Goddamn trans-misogynistic niggers should be sold into slavery!
I agree. They're gona eat themselves anyway so we might as well help speed up the process
They might not even have the dick.
If we activate the autism of Sup Forums we could make a difference. I'm sure many here already have fake black Twitter handles, with our power we could make this a big thing. Someone just needs to make threads about it regularly until it gets rolling. It might as well be you, potato nigger
Shouldn't he have the right to not kiss anyone?
I no longer want to live. Someone please end me
Blacks don't feel social guilt like whites do. This can only backfire
Last month a pornstar killed herself because she was being harassed by the gay mafia for refusing to fuck a bi-sexual pornstar. Libshits want to spread the gift of poz to everybody.
t. tranny
and your ID was so close to saying "SJW"
>Don't mention Jews
Nicetry, Shlomo
It would be more effective to have fake trannie accounts and label men transphobic for not wanting to suck my dick
Outrage does far more damage
This is a quality b8 post. I believe it to be real