What the actual fuck...
> Le cryptocurrencies are sexist
What the actual fuck...
> Le cryptocurrencies are sexist
What is stopping women from buying bitcoins or shitcoins for that matter? To scared to lose shekels?
they dont know how to set it up
Women need to shut the fuck up.
>women are dumb
>men’s fault again
>(((experts))) say
Come to think of it. I've never met a woman who invests.
It's literally because they're far more afraid of the uncertainty than men are. Testosterone makes men more willing to take risks.
their inferior brains and lack of testicles
One of my good friends is a woman (who is somehow a total hippy and also dedicated, traditional married family woman) who bought Bitcoins at an opportune time and has used the money to support her and her husbands travels and low-impact lifestyles.
If cryptocurrency can enable people like that to live like weirdos and still have 3 kids, all the better.
I love the crypto world. It's like the wild west. Look at /biz/, it's like a board for rich Sup Forumsacks.
did any of you fucking shits even read the article?
its basically implying that bitcoins are risky because women dont want to invest in them
women can fuck off. pools closed hos. born roastie, die a roastie.
>Men take risks, get rich
>Women don't
Fuck everything
The moment day time talk shows start shilling cypto it's time to abandon ship.
Men like taking risks and women don't.
First they said crypto was racist. Now they're saying it's sexist. Tomorrow they will be saying it's transphobic. Next week they will say it's too capitalistic.
Fuck these people. Stop giving them clicks. Stop giving them attention.
>too capitalistic
It is. Not like thats a bad thing.
women are goddamn retards
they haven't pioneered anything ever
Why do women always try to ruin every mostly male endeavor? Anytime men engage in a project and it is successful, women are drawn to it like mosquitoes to a lamp. They just can't stand to see a group of men working efficiently together, even though they ultimately reap some of the benefits from it!
This is basically dumb clams trying to browbeat and pussy power men into creating a no-risk free money scheme for them.
You know the dumb whore who wrote this doesn't know or care about crypto, she just heard it was growing in popularity and suspected it was dominated by men (probably because it's so successful) and then decided to write a hit piece. A professional complainer, a dumb slot. A hole.
Women are naturally risk averse.
An alpha like Trump can buy crypto, grab a puss, run for president... no fucks given. No woman is going to do that.
Women aren't wired to take risk, and crypto is pure risk ancap shit
Another bonus of crypto is that it can't be given to diversity hires
>taking risks is sexist
every time
99% of the crypto world is non-white
What are they going to do though?
That's the beautiful thing, they can't do shit about it
No it isn't you dipshit. Sure there are tons of pajeets in crypto who dumped their life savings into it to buy 20m satoshi (about 3k usd) but the majority of wealth holders are likely whites, asians, then jews in that order.
stupid poor people
Yeah we'll I'm South Iraqi in origin so?
How stupid
>women refuse to take risk and remain poor
Sounds like a personal problem.
Surprised the niggers haven't complained about racist cyber monies yet!
women are risk adverse. How many women are on fucking wall street? It’s biological.
Not to mention a new pair of shoes or a cute purse is more important to them. Or a tattoo if she is into that sort of thing.
I overheard a black teen telling his family about it a few months ago. They didn't like it because "it can get hacked".
If a large group men had a fake club where they wore green paper hats because they bring us money luck. And you leaked that this group existed women would try to force their way into the club.
If they weren't able to get in they'd find some way to villainize the club to make it less appealing to the masses.
And once they got in and got their hands on the green paper hats they'd try to change it's meaning and make it their own.
Shit like in the OP is not some thing that women just do. It's a well funded and organized ploy.
All forms of entertainment have been victims to it.
Anything that men enjoy, make profitable, or beneficial to themselves must be either crushed or infiltrated until seized.
They have their eyes on cryptocurrencies and desperately trying to find an in.
>They have their eyes on cryptocurrencies and desperately trying to find an in.
They already found an in. Blockstream.
DUDE jai vu cet article aussi cest dla calice de marde xD
Gubberments have too strong of an economic boot.
how long until bitcoin exchanges are pressured to cut off customers accused of wrongthink?
>women are too stupid to figure out bitcoin
>therefore sexist
hurr durr
Women use their money for clothes, makeup, hair styling, travel, a car, furniture
Women are simply consumers.
>whites, asians, then jews in that order.
Given China, its possible that asians represent the highest amount of investors
>women once again fail to see the opportunity in something
>women afraid of risk
>Won't jump into crypto
>Suddenly tons of nerds become millionaires over night and this is sexist