So what, who cares. Man up and take it like a leaf.
"...but sir.... Canadian lives are at stake"
How would you respond?
What bad could possibly happen? The only viable targets in Canada are major cities, and the only thing there is Cuckoldry and Diversity™.
why would they bomb another asian country?
Get on your knees
good kill us
We would be doing the world a favor.
>America talks shit
>Canada gets nuked
yeah i'd laugh it up
We opted out of the missile defense system. why would they protect us for free?
Muffled laughter.
Let them have Hongcouver.
Can they reach Toronto going around the other way?
Take em both!
1000000 canadians are not worth a single american fingernail
What the fuck Canada?
"If we get attacked, Daddy won't protect us!"
Either defend yourselves, or give us your land.
"Shitposters, faggots, and failures aren't the kind of people worth saving."
It'd be the perfect reason to wipe NK off the map while having lost nothing
hard being a leaf these days huh?
>anywhere on the west coast
I can live with this
please conquer us so I can live in a non-meme country
Become a state or recognize you are your own country that can’t stand under US nuclear umbrella
Maybe kick refugees out of airbases and put planes in them
Fuck em. Canada acts like they're so cool. Enjoy your nuclear holocaust.
glorious leader, if you nuke whatever the fuck the capital of cucknada is, we'll give you statehood (and dissolve cuckafornia among its bordering states to make room) and you'll have our eternal gratitude
Stake? I think you mean rake.
Rake yourself
Day of rake is coming!
"Guess they should have had a bigger defense budget than $5"
Canada will be a lot easier to annex without major cities. The only Canadians worth saving live rural anyway, so letting the cities burn is sound strategy.
fuck trump needs to speed this shit up
>our closest allies
she means by actual distance, right?
such lack of class america should protect its hat or else he wont look as cool.
Just come to Brazil if it happens, we need more white people here to overbreed the niggers
Says who, some dumb bitch with near zero political credentials in CNN's political department?
Id believe that humans are all equal before this garbage.
one of those lives could be justin bieber!
>a leaf hurr
Love ya Canada
Okay Leaf faggots, time to fire up the Winter nukes
>doubles those fat asses get hammered by two months of -20
>Triples, -30 for three months
You guys sound like a country sized California at this point, :(
But if you kill your enemies, you lose.
>both are members of nato and nk is not
>sits on its fat ass
nukes are fake anyways. nice wars you keep losing though
>What bad could possibly happen? The only viable targets in Canada are major cities, and the only thing there is Cuckoldry and Diversity™.
Vancouver, Toronto, Ottawa and Montreal getting wiped away in an instant would improve the character of the country markedly.
so is the reference to not defending limited to a nuclear attack? Or is this bitch basically telling everyone they can take canada without the US getting involved?
they made their choice when they started putting milk in bags
is that trudeal end game?
>if they nuke us, we win?
We aren't protecting California either.
>NK nukes fly into leafland
>so cold missile freezes before exploding
>now mooses have a new weapon at their disposal
Day of rake when?
It's more or less put into the extremes of American stereotypes. Cities are megacucked, and the rurals more or less stopped caring due to depression.
Putin's ears just perked up, Trump is literally offering to trade him Canada for a US-Russia buttfucking of the gooks. I unironically support this.
Someone beat me to it, but I'm posting this anyway. =P
Wow, guess yall bitching about Trump up there did have an effect. I thought we were bigots and rednecks down here that you guys wanted no part of. Strange how that changes when you have to defend yourselves.
If your hat was a transsexual Chinese Muslim would you take it off or at the very least try to fix it?
Canadian? Are they American...No? Then fuck off
would you at least save the maple syrup vats?
are there any fat people in canada? i'm just curious
no we dont, need white trash here,
this country is perfect as it is, we dont need white quotas user, this an hot pot melting of multiculturalis.
brazil is better without white quotas.
>nuclear winter starts
>mfw its less cold than it is right now
Also why the fuck would KJ1 ever nuke canada?
Guess you should have been all-in if you wanted our protection, Canada.
Top kek
why would we? let someone else do the legwork and then we come in to clean house and claim clay after
Relax buddy, we're just like you. Only statistically more white
Oh fuck ya, tons, just like americans in many regards (see: cheap sweets fast foods and loads of pop)
They aren’t called burgers anymore leaf. They are called mutts
Encourage Kim Jong Un to use his entire arsenal. Its win win, no more Canadians, no more North Korean nukes.
Hats are out of fashion.
Trudeau=America's fedora
So the US half of NORAD is being told to stand down?
Not too sure about this.
them canucks got some strange fetishes but to each their own i guess
>you will live to see the Nuclear Fall Annual Leafpile Fire
We already are and we do it for free
so when are they packing up their military bases?
When turns out trump v kim controversy was 4d chess to exterminate the leaf
This desu
The leaf blower spares no leaf
>the 1 missile with a 4% chance of hitting North American soil
>waste on sparsely populated Canada
Yeah, sorry burgers but you in this on your own. We saved your asses at Viny Ridge, that was enough
>The U.S. actually invited Canada to join its continental missile-shield system more than a decade ago, but then-prime minister Paul Martin opted against it in 2005 following a divisive national debate.
>Canada has been on the sidelines ever since as the U.S. spent more than $100 billion building a series of land- and sea-based interceptors to stop the type of limited attack North Korea might launch.
Fucking free-loading canucks.
>Whiter than you paco
Maybe Trump realized that the west coast of Canada is full of Chinese, not Canadians? If the silly NKs bomb Canada, they'll be bombing their allies.
Won't happen.
>he doesn't believe the phone-sized article excerpt posted on a sri lankan masturbation forum
normies get out
Or pay us.
They recently said the same thing about Australia.
I guess Pine Gap belongs to us now.
"If we get nuked, we win!"
Nothing personel kid
This is for all the corporate shill threads.
NORAD looks like the name you give to one baddas ship, that shoots down yamato lazers.
Can you imagine being Trudeau, he's been constantly poking the bear (Putin) if this is true policy that means Russia could launch a nuke at Canada and we won't even attempt to shoot it down let alone issue a counter response with one of our own nukes.
The political heat was turned up Wednesday on the Liberal government's refusal to join the U.S. ballistic missile defence program, with the Opposition Conservatives demanding negotiations with the Trump administration for Canada's inclusion in the controversial program.
Recent North Korean missile and nuclear tests have been "game changing" and the isolated nation represents a "direct threat," according to the party's defence and foreign affairs critics.
While Defence Minister Harjit Sajjan acknowledged the global "threat picture has changed," he refused to budge on the policy of keeping Canada outside of the U.S. missile umbrella.
I have never met or seen a Mexican. You should be preserving my purity with a shield of missiles.
So this general has just declared that NORAD no longer exist. We should believe him because he's the deputy commander of NORAD.
Stop, North Korea! You're about to lose!
who cares?
they're not shooting at us
Nothing would please me more than all the liberal Canadian cities getting nuked followed by the US annexing Canada. All that remote land is wasted on Vancouver hipsters.
It just stands for North American Aerospace Defense.
In the year of the rope
Canada will be conquered
Liberals will be eliminated
Canada will become a huuwhite paradise
North America will become a whites only zone
Trump's southern border wall will be tripled in height and giant robot killing dogs will be unleashed for 10 miles south of the border on a permanent mission to eradicate life in the nearby patrol zone
Only we delivery the rake.
>Toronto gets nuked
Muslims and Caribbean blacks BTFO
>Montreal gets nuked
Muslims and Haitians BTFO
>Ottawa gets nuked
Trudeau BTFO
>Winnipeg gets nuked
Natives BTFO
>Saskatoon nuked
An actual sad loss for Canadians
>Regina nuked
An actual sad loss for Canadians
>Edmonton nuked
>Calgary nuked
An actual sad loss for Canadians
>Vancouver nuked
Chinks BTFO
>Victoria Nuked
An actual sad loss for Canadians
>Maritimes nuked
No one even lives there they all moved to Alberta.