So, Sup Forums about this movie... What are (((we))) going to do about it?
So, Sup Forums about this movie... What are (((we))) going to do about it?
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nothing as usual
fuck off faggot
Nothing. Niggers getting overconfident works in our favor.
I don’t watch capeshit
Not going to see it but I bet it's less sjw than expected and very very predictable
Even normies hate race baiting. If we push a very hardline "WHITES NOT ALLOWED" it will just put normies off. Don't fight the Blacking, embrace it, and normies will turn off.
What's to be butthurt about? It's faithful to the source material far as I can see and funny that a successful black nation can only exist in fiction.
stay home while niggers chimp out?
I don't care. Super hero movies are for children.
We don't need to do anything. Niggers don't pay for movies anyway. Guaranteed box office flop for the kikes. Will probably still win a grammy for muh diversity and leading negro role though.
When this movie inevitably flops, because chinks have zero interest in watching niggers wewuzzin for 2 hours, I wonder how the (((media))) will manage to blame white people?
How many kids wanted the toys thinking they were batman figures?
>people expect it to flop because MUH GROIDS
MCU is guaranteed sales ya ding dong diddly pinheads.
Gonna watch it
>high IQ blacks build a wall to keep the plebs out
>utilize their high IQ for societal good
And the most important
>it isn't nigger culture
>none of the weed or rap MSM trash
>an actual positive role model for Blacks
I'm all for positive propaganda that doesn't train Blacks into niggerdom
its a good thing that blacks have their own compartimentalize entertainment ,its statement of segregation that reinforce our points
This comic is over 50 years old
Probably watch it. DisneyMarvel does good shit. Hoping for some solid Iron Man tie-ins. Really like the look of this more than the Thor stuff.
I wouldn't be surprised if there is an alt right false flag where some ugly white cuck goes into a theater and guns people down.
well, it is fiction after all
Is this a Uganda super hero?
Does he know the way?
Does the queen die?
Underrated post
>how the (((media))) will manage to blame white people?
they will blame the russian super hackers
Laugh, pirate it, and create racist memes. What more could you possibly want?
Know what? I'm going to lie and say I love it
That'll drive all the Reddit normies crazy.
Fucking halfwits can't even allow themselves to have fun
It actually looks kind of okay so will probably watch it when it comes out on dvd
Uh, you know, not watch it I guess. That's what you do. Don't spend your money on things you don't like.
What is the problem with it? Be honest, because as I can see it, it's just a black people movie.
These movies are performing terribly thanks to social media and irl mocking.
case study - star wars: the last one ever made
Push the rhetoric that this is a quintessentially l alt-right ethnonationalist movie.
I'm not going to see it. The audience will be obnoxious and loud
OP is faggot, can confirm
Agreed its going to be great, I can't wait to hear all the hooting and hollering over something a white artist came up with.
first post honest post
it doesn't need any help finding its way into the flop column
Just let if flop, black panther isn't about some stupid gangsta nigger off the streets, its about actually intelligent Africans that set themselves apart from the dumb niggers.
The original comic book character is black
Making white characters black is the real problem
Iv got a bad feeling about Black Panther entering the franchise.
In interviews with Marvels top people, you can see they are pushing Black Panther into Tony Starks position. You know why? Stark is going to die to Thanos.
So the new "Really smart scientist dude" will be a black guy. The actor who plays him sounds like he is from the hood when he isint in character. Its hard to take any of it seriously.
Were gonna watch it and support it because it's based
Fuck off, kike
>star wars: the last one ever made
you fucking wish
They are making a movie about the black panthers? Box office suicide
Nothing. It’s a movie for blacks about a kang and fake country designed to stroke monkey ego and make money just like the original comics. As long as it’s not a nigger james bond I see no problem here.
Blow it out your shitcutter
Convince black people that wakanda is real and that they should move there
"BLACK PANTHER " is the movie Christopher Nolan Should have made. The depth of the characters leaves plenty of elbow room to expand the current story arch into a 6 part saga. The epic battle between Black Panther and the Red Skull only foreshadows the true struggle, which will be between Black Panther and Captain America after Cap becomes the New stand in father figure and sugar daddy for Wonder Woman's three mulatto children as he is called back to Wakanda to rule his Army.
Cap believes he can raise the children as his own, and the Black Panther must make an epic journey from Wakanda to the United States to regularly remind the Cap that he is not their father and that he could have wonder woman back if she would just stop axin all crazy
>I bet it's not going to be what people predict and simultaneously be very very predictable
I always kek when the words "black" and "father" are used in the same sentence. Just can't stop laughing.
>the last one ever made
Black panther is a shit nig of a hero. Read any version of Tchalla, he is a fucking nigger that constantly goes back and forth on choices while criticizing others. When given the choice between saving his planet from utter doom by destroying a planet about to collide and doing nothing he goes for the latter after being a fucking nigger and critizisies every other hero for doing the thing he refuses to do. Namor BTFO his ass
It's about nationalism. Why would Sup Forums be against that.
indeed, praise black nationalism so hard everyone turns against the niggers
It's a movie about africans in africa doing things to other africans
Why would we do anything?
What is wrong with a country devoted to its citizens, with citizens devoted to their country. Whilst also being against massive immigration.
start telling niggers to go back to wakanda
>What are (((we))) going to do about it?
idunno claim, you tell us
not watch it, because I read books, and because I don't have money for useless shit like movies
Ib4 it's all the same culture but works out into utopia somehow
>DisneyMarvel does good shit
stopped listening here
>actually intelligent Africans
>implying this is a thing that exists
back to plebbit, nigger.
The movie looks fine and doesn't promotes race mixing or immigration to the west, on the contrary.
That’s a good point maple guy
Eat sum watahmelun
Turned a black character into black propaganda. Yeah, just what I want to spend money to see.
Encourage it.
Make Wakanda Great Again!
pretend our edginess goes beyond this website and just continue to be a bunch of screeching faggots
It would be fine if this movie was an example of a currently or historic black society. The problem is that this is more of a fantasy than some random white guy who gets bit by a radioactive spider and gains arachnid superpowers.
Niggers are and have always been self-defeating apes incapable of creating a society beyond that of a Stone Age dump.
It just works
I stopped watching this cape shit after the first Avengers. What a jewey unfunny cringy mess that movie was.
Apparently they've added like 30 new heroes now and branched into another 30 franchises and another 30 TV shows and Netflix shows and Hulu shows.
It just seems like an absolute trainwreck of mediocre superhero garbage.
>his fathers legacy
>sock puppets attack!
This, desu. we need to push this type of agenda across all social media.
Are you really such a newfag you used that meme incorrectly? Are you implying we're all jews?
Have you heard the soundtrack? Straight up nigger shit
>Differentiating between "blacks" and "niggers"
>Implying they aren't the same thing
Serious t_d the election was fun but it's really time for you to go back now.
Convince the groids that We Iz and they can emigrate to Wakanda today.
What is there to do? Simply don't see it, it's an irrelevant character nobody knows about.
>right wing SJWs trying to ban it again
nobody takes you seriously
Must watch because I’m a sucker for the whole Infinity Gauntlet arc and Wakanda possesses the Soul Stone
>it already leaked online
>redditors creating memes on Sup Forums to defend themselves
Not watching anything marvel. It was because of the success of the movies is when they let the comics become far left propaganda. Eventually those big avenger actors will retire from their roles and either disney attempts to reboot with new actors or the stop making marvel movies for a long time because by then it would be super hero movie fatigue.
there will still be a white woman as his love interest.
Same reasoning here. It's like they're taking a fantasy nation that has nothing to do with Africa (and keeps the real Africans out) and just making them look African.
If there was actual we wuz kangs bullshit in it, I'd stay a million miles away.
>So, Sup Forums about this movie... What are (((we))) going to do about it?
Don't watch it.
Get the plot from Sup Forums.
Give it a shitty review on review sites.
>Movie about blacks
>90% black cast
>set in Africa
>Set in a fictional world with crazy rules (i.e. not an serious portrayal of Africa)
Literally nothing wrong with anything.
To be determined
No ones expecting SJW. It's done by the guy who did Creed. The scuttlebutt around the movie seems to think that it's actually going to be a pretty pro nationalist movie (From the Wakondan's PoV)
That's because silver age comics sucked.
Very nice
kek fucking saved
why do they always have to overdo it with the black culture thingie
it's like they are trying to compensate for something hmmmm
Because Sup Forums is definitely for adult-minded folks.