It's not happening

CNN polls say no.

Why polls gotta be racist

No they do want her to.

Oprah doesn't want to, and wont.

>CNN: According to the polls, people want Hillary to run again

I don't know why people think blacks would vote for another black president after Obama

He was basically a mass redpill for the masses, if the black guy who ran his entire campaign on "hope" and "change" proceeded to have a completely mundane and forgettable presidency they aren't going to vote for Oprah because they think she'll give everyone in the country a new car

Oh, are those the same polls that said Hillary had a 98% chance of winning?

we push for oprah for the candidacy
start memeing early, put her in to a battle she can't win


Yeah no way that can possibly backfire.

Like Trump rite guis.

>No, The Rock!
>No, Oprah!

The left are more materialistic and celebrity-driven than any capitalist. Disgusting.

America seems to be making a habit of electing monkeys.

Your PM has monkey fantasies. Probably worse.

Enjoy tumbling down the same path as us fagboy

Well OK ......since CNN says so

Regardless of Turnbull or Shorten, we won't be getting a Trudeau.

>is cucked politely

The Rock is a republican, though.

CNN puts Oprah at 21% and Rasmussen puts Trump at 42%.

And the opposition research on Oprah hasn't even started. There's so much dirt on her it's not even funny.

Didn't Trump want her as a running mate back from in 2000?

Only out-of-touch celebrities want other out-of-touch celebrities as president, how is this news

If cnn doesn’t want this and they’re faking polls
Then we must make it happen
Make oprah run again

>I don't know why people think blacks would vote for another black president after Obama

I feel like you’re giving blacks like way, way, way more credit than they deserve.

>mfw trump made lefties think any celebrity can be president
>mfw dozens of popular lefties run for office and divide their own voter base
>mfw 8 years

People who believe in her dont want to see someone like her engaged in all the dirt of politics, they don't want to know her dirtiest secrets or to learn about her looking the other way on stuff like Weinstein.
The left already hates themselves, guilt is basically their entire brand at this point, their psyche's are likely extremely fragile and need people like her as their anchors to believe that no matter how shitty of a person they are, they are ultimately serving a "greater good" purpose.
Oprah running against Trump would drag her down to his level and might reveal things about her that would make people realize that she isn't an infallible bastion of liberal "goodness".

That's my opinion anyway