New text-messages out from Peter Strzok and Lisa Page. One Key Email (dated on or about November 3) refers to a "forthcoming CF Article," and Nunes is trying to figure out what that means. Let's help.
Context: Looks like Page and Strzok were leaking info re Trump/Russia to news outlets. In a series of text messages occurring just before the Nov. 7, 2016 election, Page sends Strzok a text message: "Makes me feel WAY less bad about throwing him under the bus to the forthcoming CF article,” she texted. Congressional investigators are still trying to determine what the “CF article” reference means and who the agents thought they were trying to throw “under the bus.”
What is the "CF Article"? Is "CF" the initials of a reporter? Initials of a news organization? Something else?
Suggest we look for News Articles that are anti-Trump, Russia related, that were published on, say, November 5 to November 15, that was published by (a) a News organization, or (b) a specific reporter, that has the initials "CF."
Sounds like it is a red herring. CF usually means Clinton Foundation but if it was simple it would already be out in the open. No reason to suggest this is not code or shorthand of some kind.
Jason Scott
It's not "Clinton Foundation" because that doesn't align with "throw him under the bus"
Isaac Walker
And, doubt it's a code because these retarded FBI agents were having these discussions, about criminal leaks to the media, on their government issue phones.
Landon Morales
Could be typo.
What if it is supposed to be "CFR Article", as in some kind of document dissmenated to CFR or Trilateral Commission members only.
Asher Bailey
Yea, I thought about that. If that's the answer, it will be hard to find the article. But given that we have them talking about leaking to the press in several emails and this one with a specific date range, it shouldn't take too long to look at all of the anti-Trump, Russia-related emails around that time that were published by major publications.
Another avenue would be to search NYT and Washington Post for any political reporters with the initials "CF."
Camden Richardson
It's not going to be some obscure publication. These turds were leaking to major newspapers. Probably spreading their info around to multiple reporters from multiple news orgs.
Justin Nelson
It was Clinton Foundation and this was what they were going to throw Frank under the bus for via Uranium. The story broke and thought if the rest came out they'd have to sacrifice a big fish and it would've been Frank.
But because tgey thought Hillary would win, they held back on addressing it publicly, hoping they could ignore through the elections. He's a huge CF and campaign donor too so didn't want to expend him if they didn't have to cause they needed him.
I know it's the ny post y'all, and this one is actually two days late because first reports of this actually started coming out 11/3/16, but does factually include what's important so I'm too lazy to dig. You can find more though.
Frank's even making news now with uranium, which is why Nunes is looking at it now. ;o)
Not following. Anti-Trump FBI Agents were going to throw a Clinton Foundation donor under the bus? Read The Hill article in the OP for context. I don't think your explanation is on point user.
Christian Mitchell
But yeah, it's Clinton Foundation. No need to over complicate things.
Hudson Foster
Here is the full quote from the Hill article for context: "Page mentions a conversation she had just had with FBI chief of staff James Rybicki and openly expressed concern the information about the FBI’s timeline was too specific for comfort in the article.
“Sorry, Rybicki called. Time line article in the post (sic) is super specific and not good. Doesn’t make sense because I didn’t have specific information to give.”
A few days earlier Strzok texted Page about another new article, suggesting it was anti-FBI. “Yep, the whole tone is anti-Bu. Just a tiny bit from us,” he wrote.
Page texted she had seen the article. “Makes me feel WAY less bad about throwing him under the bus to the forthcoming CF article,” she texted. Congressional investigators are still trying to determine what the “CF article” reference means and who the agents thought they were trying to throw “under the bus.”"
Again, referring to "Clinton Foundation" as "CF" in this context doesn't make sense (to me, anyway)
Jayden Stewart
Because Frank was directly implicated in the shady missing millions in CF tranactions directly related to what we now now as the Russia uranium desks. They weren't going to throw Hillary or Bill right?! Frank was only other one with the direct ties and access to that money and those uranium transactions they could blame it on if story picked up traction just before election. They'd have just blamed the deal on frank l, claim they didn't know what he was doing and cut his ties, like it was the ethical thing to do. Hence, they'd throw him under the bus.
Grayson Baker
Given what we know about Strzok and his whore Lisa Page, that is their love of everything Clinton, I strongly doubt they had any plans to do any damage to anyone in the Clinton orbit. They were working with Clinton forces to thwart Trump.
Angel Diaz
bump. this is the shit Sup Forums lives for.
Colton Hughes
>Help Trump! I'd rather not obstruct justice
Juan Edwards
Better to spend your time calling your Rep and two Senators and telling them you demand a CONCRETE WALL and no amnesty for DACAs. Otherwise you are wasting your time defending Trump.
Would it have anything to do with Flynn? Such as collusion flynn article, etc? Just spitballing here.
Christian Cruz
Fuck that. I want to deliver Justice right to their doorstep. All we need is an aggressive prosecutor and serious criminal charges against one of these turds. Put 5 to 10 years in the pokie in front of them and then see if they really want to take one for the team or roll over like the little bitches we all know they are. No FBI agent wants to be in general prison population for obvious reasons.
Adam Garcia
They'd have thrown him under the bus to the forthcoming CF article they knew was coming out ahead of time.
I think you're thinking too much about the "Makes me feel WAY less bad about throwing him under the bus TO the forthcoming CF article". If that's the case, I can explain better...
Strzok knewctge articke was coming so they made the decision to tie frank to uranium via a leak Strzok made. Remember I told y'all he was a spook and he's a docs and memos guy?! He was "S" in palpatine's Revenge Gliph [pic related] chats who'd leak memos on turkey to msm - Waco and limey (Louise mensch) to create narratives in news they knew were coming.
They knew a few articles in late October had started coming out typing the Clinton foundation to uranium transactions with Russia. They waited it out to see how much traction and attention it would get, hoping not much. If it did get more, which it did over the next two weeks (hence 11/5-11/15 dares you're citing) they were going to, then eventually did, draft more fake news memos they'd leak, to drive the attention and discussion to Frank, who they threw under the bus, after trying not to.
Thomas Ward
"In one string of text messages just five days before Election Day 2016, Page, the lawyer, alerted Strzok, the counterintelligence agent, to a story in The Washington Post about a timeline in the controversial Hillary Clinton email investigation."
I fail to see where it mentions CF donors.
Samuel King
Exactly. I think most likely CF is a particular reporter. And it's not video. It's an "article," so we are talking about print media.
Colton White
Bump for Trump.
Another interesting thread.
Adam Ross
I read it as they threw another agent/reporter under the bus by discrediting what he was saying about the CF investigation. In other words, they denied the veracity of the dirt on the Clintons.
Eli Adams
Does anyone have a list of lib reporters? Or, does anyone know how to build a solid wildcard search in Google, like for C! & F! AND Trump AND Russia within a certain date range?
Jordan Reyes
I remember one of those where stuff was being said about wapo AE, Adam Entous.
Brandon Lopez
WMAL 1/8/18 Former U.S. Attorney Joe DiGenova Carpet Bombs Obama/Lynch/Comey DOJ/FBI - (amazing interview)
Pretty sure it was when they threw pedosta under the bus
Elijah Martinez
>A few days earlier Strzok texted Page about another new article, suggesting it was anti-FBI. “Yep, the whole tone is anti-Bu. Just a tiny bit from us,” he wrote.
>Page texted she had seen the article. “Makes me feel WAY less bad about throwing him under the bus to the forthcoming CF article,” she texted. Congressional investigators are still trying to determine what the “CF article” reference means and who the agents thought they were trying to throw “under the bus.”
So there's what these two adulterers consider an anti-FBI article and later an article about someone involved in that story later that make "him" look bad, probably regarding the Clinton Foundation.
John White
They were never in a relationship. She was his point person. Their comms cover was a relationship so if ever exposed, could be blamed and positioned legally as negligent with classified/sensitive info, but not reckless.
Happens all the time with contracted spooks. You all keep missing what I've said since the beginning. Strzok is NOT FBI. He is only being positioned as FBI because he was employed by the FBI UNDER CONTRACT. He is a literal, physical example of an actual spook, or shadow l, deep state operative, whatever you choose call it.
I don't know who his actual employer at the time the FBI contracted him. He could've been independent, or ran 1099's from FBI through CrowdStrike, MI6, etc. but this is why you can't find anything on him and this is why they need you to believe he's FBI and not to dig deeper. If you did, you could probably tie him to Steele and CrowdStrike direct. Strzok helped create the dossier for CrowdStrike. He helped create and assemble half the docs that filled the fake "guccifer 2.0" files "hacked", Awan helped aggregate the rest with him. Strzok and Awan are the fake guccifer 2.0. Trust me.
Christopher White
Why would these FBI agents commit felonies to protect Hillary, there must be a much much bigger crime we don't yet know about.
Lincoln Russell
Hmmmm.... that's not a bad theory. I don't recall the dates.... Was Clinton Foundation heavy in the news right around then? Probably was right before the election. Whore Page's txt message does say the subject article is "forthcoming" so we could test your theory by looking for pro-Clinton Foundation articles that came out in that time frame. Whatever they are referring to must have been published within a week or two of early November, with a heavy probability that it was published before Nov. 7 (election day) as all of the pro-Clinton puff pieces would be target to occur before the election...
Jonathan Wright
>muh insider info Alert President Trump, faggot. Stop being a faggot.
Well they technically threw them under the bus, too because they created the fake press releases they leaked and fed to the reporters they used but in reality, those leaks threw Frank under the bus, as related to this context directly. They leaked bullshit to msm reporters in their pockets all they time. Technically they threw them all under the bus, every day. That's not what this is referring to.
Anthony Nguyen
>muh frank theoriez You are lost. Stop shitting up the board.
To be clear. They were discrediting the connection to Hillary and the CF with uranium being reported, by throwing Frank under the bus via the leaks they planted which implicated him, instead of Hillary. Frank became a patsy. Make sense?!
Adrian James
>him: Bret Baier >CF: Clinton Foundation >under the bus: intentionally misdirecting to humiliate FOX
What happened? None of this is necessarily an indication of malice or negligence on the part of Baier, or the Journal. His sources seem to have misled him, which is bad but happens to everyone on occasion. But why, and who were they? On Wednesday, before Baier’s story, my colleague Adam Serwer considered the surfeit of leaks dribbling out of the FBI, writing, “It seems clear that key officials at the bureau no longer feel that the rules against politicized disclosures apply to them.” >
Youre welcome
Alexander Martin
Because they all thought Clinton was going to win and EVERYONE knows that if you help the Clintons get away with their shit, you're in for promotions, favors and the like. I think they were sloppy because they didn't think Trump had a chance in winning and it goes without saying that anyone that helped Team Clinton wouldn't be called-out let alone prosecuted. Imagine being one of the FBI agents that saw this shit going down and wanting to whistle blow it. Fucking instant career killer right there, you're thinking, given the high probability that Clinton wins.
I'm betting Office of Inspector General's phone was ringing off the hook at 8am on Nov. 8.
Lucas Flores
Haha, was literally just going to reply Adam was Strzok's fave. Limey too. That bitch would've posted anything and she did.
Camden Carter
Thanks for clearing that up. Btw are the rest of the palpatines revenge glyph messages going to be made public? Think I've only seen 3 different screens including that one. Think you've mentioned that a large part of the "10,000" texts are these messages from this hidden message board.
Juan Gutierrez
That pre-dates the email chain in question, user. "CF Article" was said by whore Page to be "forthcoming" sometime in early November 2016
LOL, they were still pushing the back-channel servers communicating bullshit then.
Bentley Wilson
>In a series of text messages occurring just before the Nov. 7, 2016 election >to the forthcoming CF article What if it never came out, due to the election? Like if it was about the Clinton Foundation, or by someone initialed CF, but could only be released if Clinton was in power so they stomped on it & never released it?
Elijah Gonzalez
Who is Adam and who is Limey?
Juan Wilson
#3 and 4 combined
Kayden Wright
bump, good luck 'tists
Isaiah Nelson
So we need to find a wsj article from right before the election which should provide context
Bump op. I've been crosslinking this thread, let's get some more autists in here.
Noah Garcia
Actually user, looks like you may be onto something
Nathan Young
Logan Thomas
very good
Ian Cruz
Not bad, user. This is the most promising lead so far. Would make sense if whore Page was Bret Baier's source and what she meant by "throwing him under the bus" was that she was his source and gave him bunk info only to rip the rug out after he published. But that would be risky as some reporters that get burned by their sources burn right back by disclosing the source.... Another possibility is that after Baier article, whore Page calls a friendly reporter and "throws Baier under the bus" by giving the friendly reporter info that allows that reporter to disprove Baier's article...
Ayden Robinson
Limey = Louise Mensch
Eli Thomas
>Strzok is NOT FBI. He is only being positioned as FBI because he was employed by the FBI UNDER CONTRACT. They let someone on contract head the Clinton Email investigation just under Comey?
Landon Phillips
I'm convinced that 70% of Sup Forums are illiterate and 29% are too autistic to function.
Connor Jones
Stop responding to the faggot megaLARPanon
Lucas Gray
Do you have moar? I think the insight into these criminals is just fascinating.
Elijah Smith
>burn right back Whore Page probably assumes he wouldn't dare. What with her being part of the active Clinton partisans and Baier presumably know that they have six ways to Sunday to get back at ya. Her tone certainly seems to indicate that she does not fear retribution of any kind.
But then we know they have hubris to spare. Or at least had. JAIL TIME WHEN
Andrew Howard
No, this guy is an idiot.
Sebastian Perry
There are like 5k texts between Strzok & Page. It’s gonna be obvious when all texts are released whether or not they’ve been screwin. The reckless goes out the window
Nolan Wright
Sorry, can't resist punching holes, especially when anons say "trust me" with no support articles or data. No way contract people get to analyze SAP-related info & exonerate Killary
Angel Thompson
CF... C is next to V on the keyboard, and wouldn't be caught by autocorrect as it's an abbreviation.
VF: Vanity Fair?
Andrew Hill
It does fit in the timeline. Of course now the big question, were Strzok, his mistress Page or their buddies were sources?
Jeremiah Flores
But there is nothing stopping him now....
Kevin Gray
Nice, saved em
Jack Turner
The committee knows. They're peppering the msm because these texts prove strzok did more than change language and wording on a few docs. He drafted the fuss's with rice and forged power as thecrequestor, too. Hecabd rice drafted the fish's with thecfajecdossier Strzok made based on the requirements Rice confirmed and ensure the dossier would include, to get the fisa's approved.
Then because Rice couldn't actually draft AND approve the requests they'd submit, they forged them under Power and she testified to this. She testified she did not draft orbsubmit those requests with her name on it. Rice and Strzok did, then she approved, signed off on them herself and submitted to fisa courts for ruling.
And all of this, is a big part of Flynn's story they wouldn't accept his voluntary testimony on and blocked his requests for, soninstead, he "lied" to the fucking FBI, knowing they'd have to indict him and when they did, it would FORCE HIS TESTIMONY, ON THE RECORD so he pled guilty and walked, just like I promised y'all he (and Manafort) would, months ago... because Flynn is a bad ass fucking Patriot.
You'll realize THIS will be what got Rice indicted, when she's unsealed. Then?! They blast her on Benghazi. End of story.
Brayden Cook
Working on it, boss. ;o)
Christopher Campbell
^^there's your answer OP.
Leo Barnes
nice find
Henry Hernandez
Adam is a waPo reporter and limey is Louise mensch.
Juan Turner
It was Samantha Powers that reportedly tied to "hundreds" of unmaskings. She claimed that someone else used her name (uh huh...) on those unmasking requests. Did Suan Rice claim the same thing? I don't recall seeing that....
Adrian Adams
Find article where timeline is "too specific", who gave that reporter information ? That is who page is talking about throwing under bus, because it made it look like she might be leaker.
William Wood
It's going to be a very comfy week lads....
Saw somewhere today (now I can't find sauce) that DOJ-OIG report is due out on January 15? I read previously that it was coming out in Q1 2018.
Given the demotions and firings at DOJ and FBI, me thinks the DOJ-OIG is going to drop bombs on these characters. THAT investigation has been very hush-hush. Only info leaked appears to be in connection with the DOJ-OIG contacting Team Mueller and Team Wray/Rosenstein with heads up that they need to get rid of some peeps asap because embarrassment incoming. Once that info got out of DOJ-OIG, it gets out into the wild because every other government institution leaks like no tomorrow.
But it's very possible the OIG has been surveilling some of these clowns and monitoring communications. Could be loads of comfy fun incoming.
Nolan Mitchell
Just brainstorming but what issues caused them the eat their own? >Comey and his testimony? It’s odd that a subordinate would have editing rights over a superior’s given/written statements.
Wyatt Clark
Think I'm wrong?! Refer back to this pic. "Let's put Flynn back in the news with Turkey and Erdogan". Note the date of these... May 17th.
Then reference where they mention Adam Entous from WaPo - "AEWP".
Now see here, read the article, look who wrote it and check the dates.
No. They contracted a deep state memos and documents guy to draft, create and forge anything they needed, whenever they wanted it.
Wyatt Hill
"Too specific" almost undoubtedly is reference to whore Page's leaking info to a reporter who used that info too literally in an anti-Trump article. As in, the information in the article was "too specific" such that the source could only be identified as someone in the FBI.
Should note that the Hill article quotes of the texts seems to indicate to some degree that Strzok and whore Page were not acting in concert with the "rest of the team" in leaking to reporters as Strzok said something along the lines of "should I report to the rest of the team the Article that you were the source on, my little lawyer whore?"
Jacob Reed
And the 17th are the fakie awards.
Anthony Hernandez
Haha, nah. If this is true, then I only hope David Brock's staff of $13.25/hr tweens, flag and tag this so he can see me, telling him, that he can go fuck himself. He's irrelevant to everyone everywhere and all the people who've kept his chop shop afloat financially, are out of both money and time. So is he.
I looked at JewYork Times and the Compost's writers and op-ed writers, none of them had initials with CF.
I looked at Politico as well. I couldn't find one. Most of their big hitters (in politics) are listed on Wikipedia, the rest you can find on their websites.
Jayden Morgan
They make it look like they're screwing so they have plausible deniability. They make it look like they're in a relationship, speaking candidly, making unintentional mistakes. Not having reckless, malicious conversations. They were not fucking. This isn't like some new thing, BTW. This is an old strategy. This is why you even see intel agents/contractors fake married in real life. Did you not see Mr. and Mrs. Smith?!
Jace Wilson
All this is fascinating. Be nice to see these deep state fuckers sent to Guantanamo and waterboarded. Permanently,
Jeremiah Richardson
Rice and strzok forged her name then rice approved them herself, hence Power didn't draft/sign them.
Jonathan Nelson
Q-user, is that you?
Josiah Butler
going by > "On Nov. 3, 2016, just days before the election, Page texted Strzok, and mentions a call she had with FBI Chief of Staff James Rybicki. “Sorry Rybicki called,” Page states. “Time line article in the post is super specific and not good. Doesn’t make sense because I didn’t have specific information to give.” Strzok, responds, “what post article?” Page then states, “just went up. WaPo.” Page apparently was referencing an article in the Washington Post."
So who gave these people the details in the article, if not Page?
Bentley Wood
Fan-fucking-tastic. I can't wait. After seeing them awhile ago from you I was dying to see more considering the absolute bombshell of the message (and the meaning) you point out here
Flynn is a goddamn hero and cannot wait til all those who fucking cheered when he was taken in, get this shoved up their collective ass' s like I have to one or two people irl. Cannot wait til he's free to talk publicly along with his testimony.
Jacob Sanchez
Umm... no. Not at all.
Adrian Hernandez
I just want to give Flynn a hug tbqh.
Evan Howard
Highly doubt the texter wouldn't catch that kind of mistake prior to sending.
Caleb Green
Waterboarding is weak. How about, put out car lighters on them and then pour draino in the pockmarks, seal them over with saran wrap and then run an electrical current near the wound.
Milfags have a lot to learn about torture desu
Benjamin Torres
Fair enough. TY Off topic, was Sessions was behind getting the Bundy’s off via getting rid of NV AG Myhre?
Isaac Allen
Guys these are all lawyers at the FBI. Perhaps "article" doesn't refer to a publication, but a legal instrument? Could Page have been talking about an upcoming rule change to FBI policy, and someone getting thrown under the bus for violating it?
>Legal Definition. n. A separate and distinct part of a written instrument, such as a contract, statute, or constitution, that is often divided into sections. A written instrument, containing a series of rules and stipulations that are each designated as an article.