chink, your the same soulless insects raped and beheaded by nips no? LEAVE CHINK SUBVERSIVE SPY.
Dominic Price
Looks like a bunch of nerds roleplaying as american soldiers
Henry Harris
Lincoln Miller
imagine spending this much money on your military during a time of global peace
it's almost like the American politicians never played Starcraft
Bentley Carter
wow we made the list neat
Luis Moore
Wars are no longer based on pure numbers. The US has vastly Superior tech and shit that doesn't fall apart like made in china crap.
>inb4 that picture showing how china literally loses every war they ar ein
Gabriel Bennett
>loses in Korea >loses in Vietnam >loses in Afghanistan >loses in Iraq
Aaron Walker
Owen Price
Jace Wright
/fit/fag here. I can do their training regime. I've had a habit since last year of using Special Forces from different countries training regimes as my exercise routines. It's a lot of fun.
Matthew Perez
Bentley Thompson
It unironically doesn't matter, the Chinese could throw endless amounts of warm bodies at us.
Whites need to boost their numbers, kick out the shitskins, and erase Africa.
Liam Hernandez
>100% of that money boosts the GDP.
Robert Sanders
Saudi does have better equipment and general training.
However like all Arabs, their command structure is fucked beyond fucked and commanders do not share information amongst each other and cross train units because of a fear that it will male them useless.
All this that western militaries do. Russia still holds onto soviet doctrine which is very by the book and lack flexibility.
Outside of specific special forces the Chinese military uses large bulky military tactics to this days.
Neither China nor Russia can into expeditionary warfare like the U.S. France and U.K. can. Until then , they will not be the strongest army on a global stage.
Chase Edwards
huge standing armies are a bit of a meme these days, maybe useful domestically but moving around and maintaining 100,000 troops across an ocean is another matter entirely. given their production and technical capacity, they probably have some pretty sick drones and missile tech not on display, probably got some ool space stuff down the line incoming aswell
Jackson Smith
Most of that money if for personnel's inflated salaries and benefits.
Connor Parker
Good luck winning a war with all your trannies and women and POC cowards
Jose White
didn't we buy 20 dud submarines or something years back?
Brody Sanders
Jordan Brooks
Cardboard tiger
Logan Bennett
Brandon Diaz
China probably has the worst military record of any country I would love to see poo vs chink total war desu.
Julian Cook
I forget, where is China's path by land to the US?
John Thomas
what if you had to pee?
Isaac Martinez
Aryans have superhuman bladder control.
Wyatt Taylor
all of these replies are spot on, the military parades are cool but they arent effective outside mainland china. i suspect over the coming decades theyll get involved in a big way across africa which will see them develop into a real force.
in terms of global power its all about the high ground and today the highest ground is in space, the us is way out in front there but anyone could get on their level quickly once the initial barrier of carrying junk up there is passed. satellite v satellite battles were probably drawn up 50 years ago, maybe we'll see it in our lifetime
Gabriel Ross
Asiatic army commanders are afraid to group their armies into combined arms. One manlet always declares himself warlord and makes a run for the throne.
Grayson Gutierrez
Yeah, the money on the left
Jacob Wright
> poo vs chink i cant fucking wait, it will be amazing to watch
Angel Allen
Lock your knees till you pass out, you'd still piss yourself but it wouldn't look as bad.
Levi Butler
i dont think you thought this through u stupid nigger
Mason Flores
It would be a stalemate, US couldn't invade China. There'd be too many people to fight.
Doesn't matter, the whole of Nordic states is only some 20 million people. That's barely anything. Now how many of those are fighting age men? You guys need to up your numbers and kick out those shitskins and take some new land.
Ian Morales
Joshua Roberts
>australia at the top
bloody noice
Oliver Turner
>I can do their training regime ever suck a guy's cock? wanna suck mine? "I can put a ball into a net from 40 yards, just like Messi. I can't do it on a field with a goal keeper and actual other players and RW conditions, but I can do it."
Nolan Perry
and that isn't even counting the 1 million man SS who had ~10:1 kill ratio.
Carter Richardson
Newsflash doofus: China makes the chips the US military tech needs, US sold the fab tech to China and now depends on them for parts for their own missiles, good luck making a drone without Chinese semiconductors hahahahahahh
Nicholas Rodriguez
flightless birds btfo
Liam Hill
> 200/200 > bases all over the map > implying this is undesirable
Jonathan Gutierrez
Manlets when will they learn?
Michael Rodriguez
Cool story Pajeet
James Bell
Aside from the fact the PLA is loyal to the Communist Party alone and not China itself, I heard they have neglected uniting their command for years. Have they finally given the air force and ground force a line of communication yet?
Brayden Nelson
It's actually the bottom if you looks at the image in australia.
Benjamin Turner
>doofus le epic burn. also le gooks who hate your chink guts and le nip savages couldn't take over in a day with ZOG's stolen plans chen.
Matthew Clark
> be Chinese man > every other Chinese is a man too
Ryder Long
No one takes China seriously because its uncomfortable. They will.
Parker Russell
Jordan Clark
Dann machste dir in die Hose du Hurrensohn
Jeremiah Murphy
>because its uncomfortable or because you are subhumans who got mopped up and used as human lab rats by the japs?
Carson King
>bomb the shit out of populated areas >blockade the coast >wait There'd be no reason to invade.
Ryan Cooper
I'm Chinese? Didn't know that. Thanks for letting me know, retard.
Robert Morris
I didn't say I could go to war and kill a bunch of guys, user. OP asked (Can you do it ??? ) And I said yes. Meaning their training regime. Maybe you should go back to school, burger. Your reading comprehension is a little off.
Caleb Morales
Imagine the view if all white countries united.
Liam Howard
What does that have to do with jack shit?
Hunter Cook
>that "training video" lmao I can smash shit with my head this will surely defeat those imperialist american dogs they don't even smash bricks fight me with bricks faggot see who wins i dare you lol what's the point of even having an army if you're not going to line everybody up for a nice picture lmao american pig dogs btfo again by yerrow powah
Jayden Gomez
This. If you honestly think the average Chinese soldier, still butthurt from getting BTFO by Japan, can compare with the average roided out pissangry jarhead, you're kidding yourself. They don't understand strategy, their forces don't work together. Their equipment is garbage, they can't compare in expeditionary forces. Their command structure is disjointed. Iraq was the same way. "We've got a big army" melts away very quickly in the face of combined arms. It would be a bigger deadlier blowout than desert storm.
James Gomez
>loses in Afghanistan >loses in Iraq >loses in Korea
Can't lose if the war never ends
Justin Hill
>Well biggest always wins... that's been proven as bollocks by us time and time again. Oh no here comes the biggest navy/army/airforce/ in history. >haha Johnny Inglonders. Where is your famous stiff upper lips now? Bam! Biff! Zap! Twat! (Piles of dead foreigners everywhere) >0h nooooo! Sis is tha catostofy. We gong to be to be speak speaky English for fookin Eva now. And that's how history happened. And the moral of this story is everybody else can suck it. The chinamen piss me off most. The Fart Of War is more childish than I. You cannot fight a battle once you've won it, brainlets; And no plan usually survives first contact with the enemy anyway. This breeds your first mistake. You can't win a battle you have to fight before the fighting, you go in thinking you've won before the shit lady sings because you've got a bigger army and you get your face and your metaphors all fucked up. >We've won we've got the biggest army, hurray let's celebrate - foreigners every bloody time. Officers trained on fart of wah and similar illusions. Chinese are full of shit. They are titchy too. A billion chinamen only weigh the same as the population of Milwaukee. So fucking what. Tiny dicks. Tiny men. Tin guns. Stupid philosophy that actively undermines their chances. I shouldn't really be warning you foreigners about your mistakes. Keep it up!
Caleb Price
>their training regime. dumb fuck, I have no idea what you're on about. If you can do basic chink physical, congrats. If you are on about being able to pass SAS or SEALs or Delta, try doing it with no sleep or food and wet and filthy with guys screaming at you. no one cares if you what you can pass or if you dig up your dead mother, serve her warm tea on the sofa and then fuck her corpse.
Josiah Bell
>I'm Chinese? Didn't know that. A CHINK in the Us bragging about chinks, but won't go live among them since he knows he isn't human and who will never get laid. imagine that.
Liam Cooper
America's military is still stronger, we could take on the world all at once.
Tyler Bennett
>global police force occupation adventure >war Pick one. We're fighting a bunch of guerillas with ROE and red tape and little reliable Intel. Were we to go to war with any nation on the planet they'd get BTFO
Samuel Moore
>loses in Iraq If Iraq is what winning looks like then lets give the Chinese one hell of a victory.
Joseph Wilson
Nathan Ortiz
I'm not even Asian.
Julian Cook
Loss depends on objective. Objective = make rich richer Plastic victory flags and Hollywood films for everyone! As long as the movies make you the goodies who gives a shit, right?
Jeremiah Hernandez
no, retard. not bait. I honestly despise your chink fucking cat eating guts and wish death on you. just like all the chinks at Uc berkley, who brag about china but won't go live there for some strange reason. I'd kill to live in an all-white country. the jews won't let me have one. The next eliot roger.
Jayden Wood
Christopher Murphy
China has no ability to project force. They could invade Mongolia or Siberia, maybe Korea, but that's about it.
Aiden Diaz
Then try harder if that's your hearts desire. You'd have to superglue your eyes up and wear a lampshade but I believe in you.
Luis Brown
I do so love this, and letting Trump into the Forbidden City is pretty baller. Maybe China and the USA can be bros and have mutually exclusive civil wars.
Dominic Sanchez
A lot of the US military budget comes from over inflated costs at the tax payer's expense. There's a lot of bloat in that military budget that only helps fluff the income of MIC related companies.
Russia doesn't have as large as military budget as the USA yet they have enough nuclear capacity to render most of the US and the planet completely lifeless for several generations.
Jack Barnes
Filtering your ID's now. Bye bye.
Jaxson Rodriguez
The army of a country with 1.37 Billion people looks stronger than one that had a population of 60 million. I would hope so.
Josiah Ross
>is pretty baller.
Noah Howard
Technological level matters, we could still beat China.
Austin Watson
>safezone. >Twitter block all round. >pink hat pulled over eyes Fanny
Carter Robinson
Jeremiah Perry
Technological state*
Anthony Murphy
>Korea We achieved our objective (preserving the Republic of Korea) and actually gained a little land. Victory, or if you want to be very specific technically stalemate. >Vietnam We actually won through the Paris Accords, North Vietnam attacked after the war when we weren't involved anymore. Stalemate. >Afghanistan Still going on, still winnable. >Iraq We assraped them in Gulf War 1
Caleb Cooper
>Afghanistan >Still going on, still winnable. >Not knowing your troops are just there to guard the poppy field to sell to your own American people and to serve Greater Israel
Caleb Thompson
China vs America They'd be all over you like cats on a fat girl. Most actual casualties would be from friendly fire on the American side and exploding receivers in the knock off tin weapons of the chinaman army. The rest would all be scratches that just need a bit of Savlon on. The average American can hold down four Chinese just by sitting on them. Equalising factor - Milwalki
Isaiah Ross
Vietnam is a lost, pal. If we have successfully sustained South Vietnam, China would be fucked right now. Instead, they are free to do as they fucking please in the South Seas.
Cameron Thompson
I'd hope so, I mean their stuff should be better than what the Germans had in the 1940s
Parker Bailey
Oh shit, they're ready for when we attack them from different direction with wooden sticks. Their strategy is not to deflect the blow or parry/counter it. Their strategy is to get really good at letting the blow hit them but not knock them unconscious!
We will have to revamp all of our military theory on stick to torso combat, which is basically 99% of what our armed forces are built around.
Zachary Bailey
>literally just shitposting like a retard >cries safezone like retard >no argument Go back to shilling on reddit kike
Robert Hughes
They have the same funny walk. Half cripple your troops by making them do unnatural scary walking.
Henry Richardson
China will be better for everyone. Its a return to the natural order of the world. When Aliens come to visit, their image of a human will be Han Chinese.