MUST WATCH. H&M Protester destroys property LINK IN COMMENT
Do black people honestly believe this clothing store hates black people? Or are they using this as an excuse to chimp out.
Negroids show their true selves. They are simply incompatible with civilization.
Fuck off, Michael.
Niggers wrecking things. Film at 11. Local man finds potatoe chip in his couch.
Excuse. It's always an excuse
niggers lack pic related
its like how people think its okay to loot freely after the police have all evacuated the city, the company was outed as racist so now they lost all protection from society
Bunch of brain dead niggers. Texas is infested with them. Cant wait to move north in 8 yrs
I just want to know
>H&M Supposedly racist by calling them monkeys
>Acts like monkeys in H&M
>Their point proven
>see offensive shirt
>destroy property
What the fuck is wrong with niggers
>"Black people are not monkeys!"
>chimps out
This is why they can't be in our nations really.
Niggers tear something up?! NO WAY!
I was expecting them to go talk to H7M managers or something.
>Destroys property
Ironically is cops shot blacks at the higher rate it would be convenient for activists. Unfortunately that leaves them with a quandary.
What to loot next.
not a happening. every single black man in america does something similar to this at least once a week.
Let's protest by acting like apes.
so basically he's chimping out to protest for being called a monkey? are we on the same page here?
Another nigger being a nigger in H&M
>called a monkey
>proceed to act like a monkey
hahaha niggers
read the comments, no one is supporting this man for going up to minimum wage employees about something that happened on the UK version of the h&m website.
h&m clothes have always sucked though, glad people are coming around to not liking them
more better
I can see your nose from here you filthy kike.
Every chimpout should be documented, discussed and presented to normies, day in and day out until they finally recognize the pattern of behavior all niggers have in common
So to combat racism and prove to the world they deserve equal recognition. Niggers decide to destroy private property.
And nigs and white cucks alike wonder why people hate black people so much......
No user, it is a lot more complex than that.
This is a nuanced social critic and structural racism perpetuated by consumerist dogma
Guys, pack it up. They stopped racism. It's over for us.
Today's top story:
Racism ended forever within local department store thanks to lone black scholar.
>"Dey call us monkeys!"
>Proceeds to act like a savage
This is why we need to elect Oprah.
All racism will end when we finally have a real black WOMAN in the whitehouse
Another nigger looking for an excuse to be violent.
its a literal chimp out
fucking amazing.
Doesn't a minute pass if 60 seconds go by anywhere on earth
best part? H&M are full of libs and their CEO is a literal lib dipshit. let it rain on these faggots
not the point. Please keep up user
>Monkey See
>Monkey Do
Why are black boys so diseased?
>Add a Kid
ye like its a choice
>acting like an animal will stop racism
i wonder who the establishment democrats are going to replace her with like they did with bernie sanders
Everyone but me gotta learn
It's always like that.
>This manager thinks I'm going to steal something because I'm black. So I'm going to show him by stealing. Every single time.
That showed me...
Love the
If you people would stop being racist and help out the black community then maybe they wouldn't act that way.
yup flag checks out, return to rebbit
Kids are little monkeys, this is known... but the modeling agency’s, and the photographer has a diversity quota they much adhere too.
Chimp out ensues, this is now Trumps new favorite channel...
You must live in the metroplex. Here in West Texas we hardly have any niggers but it's crawling with Mexicans
Thanks for that... kek.
Suuure even tho everyone but me gotta learn
you make blacks seem helpless, incapable of exercising community in their community. should we study them perhaps?
Every store hates those thieving apes.
What's the context? What did white people do that forced this future doctor/engineer/president to bravely act out in this manner?
>a preppy clothing store accidentally starts Helter Skelter
Only in Weimerica.
all the videos of nigs saying fuck h&m im a king
why are they like this
What a joke to the human race.
>Shirt says monkey on it.
>Niggers get offended.
>Niggers prove everyone wrong by acting like monkeys.
>Video tape the entire event to make an arrest quick and painless.
No wonder they're only good at sports and making music.
They are solely here for everyone's entertainment.
I would prefer this wasn't the case, but day after day it's the same show and dance.
many a tax dollar goes toward 'helping' black people. Has been that way for a few decades now, and it has only gotten worse. And no, it's not because of racism.
First comment:
>Was this on Trump's Gorilla Channel?
H&M makes "coolest monkey in the jungle shirt"
pic related
yeah but why the
im a king videos
That’s the first thing I thought too. Does he REALLY, actually think that H&M put out that shirt as an effort to push racism? You’d have to be legit low IQ to believe that. Always avoid groids, I guess.
>Protesting a monkey shirt
>Runs around knocking shit down like a chimp who's been prodded at and pissed off
because of black women?
cuz dey waz kangs, nigga.
>Monkey in the urban jungle
>walk into H&M
>knock 2 things over
yeah that'll show em
I'm sure the kid's parents would be in the room when the pics were taken.
This is why I respect blacks, they stand up for their race and don't fucking care what anybody else thinks. They just go ahead and fight.
im lmaoing at niggers lives RN sempai
you can not reason with them can you
Id respect them if they would stand up for REAL problems - not for shit like this or the black kid who robbed a store and got shot - like their high homicide rate inside their community and the ghetto culture which is actually keeping them down.
Sorry, parent.
fuck u nigga im da king nigga
I really don't get why people are acting as if it was actually intended as racist
It's clearly just some cute retarded text like what's normal for kids
Yeah, they're retards but they're winning the culture war because on every front they stand up violently to anyone who mocks them. We used to be like that you know. The difference was, Europeans weren't retards and actually managed to build wonderful things too. We need to bring that spirit of fighting back.
The comments fucking got me
theres your problem.