I've been using Sup Forums for 10 years and Sup Forums since early 2013. I'm tired of living in a society that doesn't respect our Christian culture and is constantly trying to lace satanism into our daily lives through various means. If you would like to help make a difference in our world, you need to dedicate your life to Jesus Christ. We need righteous, zealous, devout and fanatical Christians who are willing to submit their lives fully to Jesus Christ if we are to have a Christian restoration in America and the western world. We will begin to see the results collectively when we each have dedicated our hearts, minds and souls to our savior.
If you would like to read/download/print my manifesto, please visit >WWW.PROJECTLIFEGUARD.NET
Huh, where in the bible does it say to use suggestive / pornographic images to recruit faithful?
Xavier Hughes
>CHRISTIAN >posts pornographic drawings
Cooper Jackson
Don't be a D&C shill, user.
Matthew 10:42
Eli Lewis
You need to be a famous philosopher already for a manifesto to mean anything faggot.
Austin Nguyen
>Divide and conquer That's Protestantism in a nutshell. Dear god we may have a shitty pope but at least we don't have people proclaiming themselves to be the true mouthpiece of god every other Sunday.
Adrian Scott
How about you fuck off you jew loving faggot, SAGE
Lucas Martin
We need to ban any pornography that has a human in it.
2D is a perfect outlet for a capitalist society. It's ethically more sound as your daughter isn't getting BLACKED.
Hunter Price
Why does it have porn in it?
Christian Long
Pretty sure that's not shadman, might be someone else on his website tho.
Jeremiah Williams
Sure, because what the world needs now is more religious extremism.
Jaxson White
Ian Reed
Adam Diaz
>porn >christian >tripfagging I bet you're okay with kikes and fags too. Back to the Donald. Sage
Colton White
Ryder Young
>I'm tired of living in a society that doesn't respect our Christian culture >posts sinful anime pictures
Alexander Parker
I support this entirely. Or at least I would if it had naked men.
Joshua Gomez
Remove the anime whores from your "christian manifesto" and I'll read it. Until then you're just a jesus hating kike trying to discredit christianity.
Andrew Sullivan
Do you even read?
Kayden Sullivan
>Christian Manifesto >Justifying Lust against whatever object. Lust is a sin user.
Justin Sanders
>"boo hoo worship my middle eastern sky daddy" Holy shit, when is the Antichrist coming back so you jew cucks can fuck off.
Liam Harris
you're either a kike shill or an autismo weeb who should lurk more and sort yourself out before posting this bullshit either way sage
Lucas Wood
I have high functioning autism and a love for the field of ethics and Jesus Christ.
We're going to fix our western civilization and Christian culture.
Wyatt Gomez
fix it before telling other people to jerk off to cartoons you stupid fuck
Gabriel Hughes
btw I hope you aren't christopher langan
Evan Rodriguez
Why do you think I wrote a book? How do you expect me, you or anyone to fix it without first making people aware of the issue and alternatives?
Nathaniel Russell
You're just here to LARP to feel better about your porn and video game addiction.
Jayden Campbell
Sweet, I read all sorts of manifestos. Right/left/ politics religious and everything in between.
Nathaniel Ortiz
I've been a Christian my entire life and have put over 5,000 hours into evangelical work, not counting online.
And yes, I struggle with a pornography addiction like many of my Millennial peers today, but that's why I'm trying to figure out a way for us to all live better lives. I've personally found ethical relief in /e/. Doesn't fuck with your head as much.
The restoration of Christian culture in America is going to be glorious. It all starts with the banning of any 3D pornography.
Evan Clark
Encouraging fanaticism among the materialist, greedy, gluttonous American populace will prove difficult. Zealousness is not to be discouraged, but what you must do is retake the secular life. The town church was once the center of our social and civic life. It was replaced by the shopping mall. No matter the religiosity of the average American, the church will need to retake its position as the method by which we connect with one another, socially, mentally, and spiritually.
Brandon Anderson
So your new year's resolution was to stop looking at 3D pedo porn.
And you failed.
Consider suicide.
Evan King
>white, or european at all
have fun worshipping your desert kike.
Nicholas Watson
Fuck you asshole, I'm not a SODOMITE FREAK who likes children.
Sebastian Cruz
bro make this in html instead of pdf so it comes up on search engines
Alexander Johnson
>manifesto >anime porn Dunno what I expected.
Jeremiah Bell
You've forced it on people for the past 2000 years.. well a little less...
You've taken the rest of the worlds old ways and forced your cross on us and your languages. we wear your names.
Go fuck off. Christianity has nothing to do with the bible either. NO where does Jesus say he was a christian. Nor does Levite Moses say he was a Jew. What was Abraham's faith?
Evan Nelson
I know who you are. And more importantly, so do you.
Make sure it's a sturdy rope.
Lincoln Sanders
I've been looking for more ways to make this easily viewable but I don't know how to privately and safety do that. How would I go about doing this?
I discuss anarchy for a bit around page 20 or 30.
Kevin Scott
Carson Sanchez
I do not fear those who can destroy the body. I fear He who can destroy souls. And He that destroys souls is a lover of my fine, righteous works.
>And He that destroys souls is a lover of my fine, righteous works. Pretty sure he doesn't appreciate your fantasies of violating young girls.
William Gray
I would suggest you stop lying.
>Definition of libel 1 a : a written statement in which a plaintiff in certain courts sets forth the cause of action or the relief sought b archaic : a handbill especially attacking or defaming someone 2 a : a written or oral defamatory statement or representation that conveys an unjustly unfavorable impression b (1) : a statement or representation published without just cause and tending to expose another to public contempt (2) : defamation of a person by written or representational means (3) : the publication of blasphemous, treasonable, seditious, or obscene writings or pictures (4) : the act, tort, or crime of publishing such a libel
>Sup Forums legal footnote All trademarks and copyrights on this page are owned by their respective parties. Images uploaded are the responsibility of the Poster. Comments are owned by the Poster.
Benjamin Cox
I would suggest you stop jerking off to small children in chokers.
Thomas Hill
Simpsons posting in 2018. Disgraceful desu. Also, anime is pure. doesn't mean you want to violate them. Christ-chan is a waifu not a 2dthot. Remember this. Or well, a waifu as far as 2d goes no? Both you and I need to find, or rather make real waifus though. Easier said than done but it remains true. Good luck user.
Robert Campbell
Says who?
Joseph Bell
>preaches Christianity >tripfag >posts pic of anime slut
Justin Gonzalez
>"I have an addiction endemic to the 21st century and specific to access to technology" Now sure how extreme/debilitating your addiction is, user, but rehabilitation is an option. Remove yourself from technology. Hike, fish, hunt, and reconnect with your soul and its connection to life. Learn what every healthy species feels by instinct. The societies we make for ourselves have a way of being naturally degenerative, so it becomes necessary to find respite from it in order to heal.
Hunter Watson
I know, I hate tripfags too but they were made for circumstances like this. If you contribute towards our Christian society and need a trip I would understand.
I'm going to find a local church in my area that I can agree with for the most part. If I can't find a wife, I might join the military. And not the pussy faggot Air Force either.
Nolan Gray
I want to go to heaven for the gay orgy.
Robert Robinson
Please respect my Christian culture and stop mocking Jesus Christ.
Nolan Richardson
Thanks for taking the time to help out op. Don't let bullies get you down.
>porn pic >anime porn pic >americANO thinking he know about religion >Manifiesto attention whoring
Gavin Thomas
Respect Christ ya bastards.
Robert Perez
Bentley Gomez
>gay >posts girl
Brayden Young
I was being respectful.
Leo Allen
>WWW.PROJECTLIFEGUARD.NET wow I just browsed it and it is the most retarded thing I'd ever seen.
he mentions trump and ketchup immediately, total joke post
Logan Russell
Come on, we know what you heathens are into.
Oliver Brooks
Dude, I'm reading it, and you're autistic. Here's a tip: try to talk about one thing at a time. Reading this thing is like listening to a 10 year old talk about videogames. Other than that, breddy gud.
6.5/10 IGN, would autism again
Nicholas Clark
So how is this any different than the churches using sexually desirable women to recruit converts? Same shit only catering to 2d purists...
Hunter Rivera
Ethan Cook
Friar Doughnut we played CS:GO together a few days ago, why didnt you add me bro, my name was Dustin
Liam Gonzalez
>christian you faggots are so stupid you worship a kike god.
Mason Wood
>Christian culture stealing, apropriating and manipulating other's cultures to infiltrate your mental poison to dominate that culture, sounds jewish to me. and you demand respect? the only thing you get from me is the verry same chair you gave to people who thought differently or opposed your poisonous middle eastern cuckfest. gtfo with your foreign religion
Wyatt Turner
Cooper Wright
Nigger quit all porn, it is truly (((devil's))) work. I've noticed God started helping me right after I quit it. I actually see huge change in life, but it cannot be explained by "muh more energy" and stuff. The one thing that I prayed a long time ago became true. God is very much real and He loves you.
Owen Powell
Dylan Nguyen
Hunter Gonzalez
>a literal inbred
James Hernandez
>MEME FLAG Whats wrong, your country too shit for you to represent it?
Ryan Diaz
Fuck ropes, use firing squad. Instant completion, cost of $0.25 each patient.
Grayson Butler
>on Sup Forums >see the word "manifesto" in front of "I wrote a" oh boy
Colton Rodriguez
Although the Christian foundation is why we live in the utopian west as a critically thinking (#not all) affluent culture we no longer need the structural belief system of blind faith, this is why the cultural Marxism pushed by the progs and the-pseudo religious cult that is 3rd wave feminism so no we do not need to resurrect another set of figurative manacles for us to have a positive society.
Blake Evans
isn't that guy a Jew?
Nolan Hughes
the eternal christcuck
Camden Flores
who is more or less responsible for the death of millions of kikes, whats your point?
Noah Roberts
Brandon Clark
Fuck your antiracist cuck religion
Leo King
Christians are to be infinitely merciful and forgiving, and to leave all matters of justice to God who needs no assistance in the judgment of men. So you support state goons attacking people and threatening them with violence... why?
Brody Turner
What is the name of clothing OPs image is wearing?
Isaiah Adams
After reading this 'manifesto' all I can get from it is that it was written up by an absolute retard.
Firstly, the porn. This lowered my expectations. Then you try to justify it? You are just as worse as any thot trying to justify her own behaviour
Not to mention, but you seem to just go on about jews and hitler throughout it.
Its not organized at all! No page numbers, no titles for new sections, nothing!
Sentence structure is also another thing, You write like some of 13 year old students, so much so that I was genuinely considering that its most likely true.
All in all, OP is a faggot.
Leo Torres
cucking yourself to a mid-tier kike god is pretty pathetic desu
Matthew Foster
looking forward to your killing spree, user. make him proud.
Henry Miller
Jesus never existed. That is the conclusion of researchers who have combed 126 texts written during or shortly after the time Jesus is supposed to have lived. The research concluded that there was no creditable mention of Jesus whatsoever. The known sources such as Josephus etc. that do have very vague mentions of a possible Jesus are now known to be Christian interpolations and are academic embarrassments when used to prove the historicity of the "Christ". Jesus, the messianic figure at the center of the world's largest religion, Christianity, was simply a fictional character. The story of Jesus bears a close resemblance to numerous other mythological stories of ancient gods who were born of virgin mothers and performed miracles. Man made Gods.
Hunter Smith
Keep up the good work Friar.
Gabriel Murphy
Do you? >14 “But she carried her prostitution still further. She saw men portrayed on a wall >16 As soon as she saw them, she lusted after them Ezekiel 23 In the eyes of God any pornography is an abomination, although if someone is addicted I can see it's usage in therapy.
Kevin Evans
have you already planned your killing spree?
Hunter Murphy
Jason Murphy
Why are you placing your faith in a bunch of people you don't know and haven't independently verified the work of?
Brody Myers
Bentley Johnson
>Jesus never existed. Bullshit. Even the Romans acknowledged his existence when he was killed. They didn't see him as anything special but wanted him spared so as to prevent him from being the next Socrates.
Carson Gomez
>posts degenerate pics in a christian thread REPENT, SINNER!
Juan Peterson
Sup Forums is a politics board for anime fans It isnt a Christian board
Jacob Parker
OP, may i suggest being less autistic with all this hentai crap? I get it, alright, but you if you're writing about pornography, you don't have to include porn into your manifesto.
Camden Long
look i'm not gonna read anything, but that's some nice oc you got.
Aiden Collins
>I wrote a christian manifesto we already have the bible you dickhead