The patriarchy is real and it shows in bitcoin's OBVIOUS sexisim!
The patriarchy is real and it shows in bitcoin's OBVIOUS sexisim!
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Men take the risks need to build civilization.
Women sit around waiting to get fucked by rich dudes.
Weird how no one cared about the bitcoin gender divide when it wasn't worth shit. Really gets my noggin joggin.
Iceland just passed a law - all men must give half their bitcoin to then nearest woman.
Because equity.
>bitcoin is worthless
>"stop wasting my money on farming this stupid fad"
>bitcoin is worth thousands
Some bloke should really release a crypto that's gender exclusive.
>men are attracted to bubbles
>therefore bitcoin is a bubble
>or women are just too late to the party
Great penmanship
>when and if it becomes less risky
Women want all the reward without taking any of the risk. Typical. Then they bitch about wage disparity.
>When and if it becomes less risky.
So, when it becomes so "safe" that you can't make gains anymore.
Then they should just stick to money market deposit account.
I really don't get it.
Why would this be a "bad sign"? Because not every social group in society acts the same way?
Surely you jest
Why are you reading shitty leaf fake news?
>knew about bitcoin all along, since the beginning
>had no money to invest
It means it's something (((they))) can't easily control.
A man invests his bitcoin, a woman would just dunk it in charity hoops wherever she walks.
BitCoin is available to everyone. Including cunts.
bitcoin is a heist, of course the girls stay away
>Money for me! Nothing for thee
Women dismissed it as stupid initially in 2006, men invested into it over the decade and they're complaining about it now.
>less risky.
Oh shit lads, there be a storm a brewin.
>bitcoin evens out at an inflated price
>womminz invest
>bitcoin tanks because tulips
>roasties go apeshit at the patriarchy
The biggest risk women take is a game of bingo.
Also has anyone else started to instantly dismiss stories where the headlines contains the phrase "experts say"?
>knew about it all along
>every avenue to investment was either a scam, required you to link a US bank account and have a US ID, or the same with a yuro ID
Even now, buying bitcoin or any altcoin is a fucking nightmare.
Independant sellers all have (understandably) high minimum purchases, because the transaction fee is retired.
All the agencies that let you buy any form of altcoin without needing to go through bitcoin require verification, but as far as I can tell, all the NZ and AUS ones have literally closed down verification for the next month or two because there are too many people trying to get into the ponzi scheme.
All I want is some musicoin.
>((( experts)))
oh no, not RISK!!!
Meryl Streep did a speech on it at the Golden Globes, Fucking Hollywoods.
The only way ford is mass redistribution and split the wealth 50/50 between the sexes
Im so fucking sick of all of this bullshit.
All of my friends are getting tired with too.
Shit is gonna tip back the other way soon, it's gone too far.
true if you have the money to trow away then invest in high risk and reward, if you dont.
stick with the banks.
same managed to lose an great oportunity
oh boy let's all pay attention to invisible currency
where an autistic few can trade goods and wares amongst each other
OP is having a LAUGH with this meme. imagine paying prostitutes with invisible money
i an quite sure that is exactly what will happen as soo as the quantun computers become mainstream.
The funny thing is even if something like that were to happen, retard women would wind up losing it all, likely to jews. Really, every tax dollar put into the hands of a woman or nigger will ultimately wind up in the pocket of a jew because they're so goddamn stupid and terrible at making decisions.
>Women will get more involved in the cryptocurrency world when — and if — it becomes less risky
Translation: Women will never get into cryptocurrency
So white men should have 60% of their incomes taxed and redistributed back to themselves?
Sounds perfectly logical iyamamajam
Iv been getting into crypto over past few months and the article is kind of right.
It is 95% males involved.
>and when it gets easier to do
>a LOT easier
They'll respond to our orders on the telephone
>Risk is sexist
Poe's law is now in effect
Fuck Bitcoin.
Get into Etherum, it is rising in value every day.
Ah, you appear to have missed the implication that radiates from her hashtags, an implication so dire and apocalyptically retarded that it pains me to the heart, to the bone, to the soul, just to utter it.
She believes that the people who have done nothing, constructed nothing, achieved nothing and shouldn't have to do, construct or achieve anything, are the people who are responsible for all things that have been done, constructed and achieved.
Wait, does that mean crypto = gaysex?
I was getting a stiffy over litecoin but I still have no money anyway
At least the comments seem to realize it's a bullshit article
>woman shuts down body shamer with just four words
give me more food
>Some bloke should really release a crypto that's gender exclusive.
Japan to the rescue.
Use coinbase if you want to invest in Ethereum. Take my advice and do it while you still can.
it's tumblr
a place for the mentally ill female
Same shit with a different label
Okay now that's fucking mint
Yeah, but that's okay.
Better there than irl
ETH is too high atm I think
If you're wanting to make bank, sure.
I'd wait until bitcoin makes its mind up and invest in that, secure some assets, then leverage any profits to speculate on ETH and other crypto.
Gotta make sure you limit your liabilities.
One could argue that a good 85% of all that has been achieved in the west was done because of one of two motivations: getting to pussy or getting away from niggers. So you see user, they really are responsible for it all and they should get more than half.
>Weird how no one cared about the bitcoin gender divide when it wasn't worth shit.
Actually they did, all the anti-Bitcoin groups like came from SJW circlejerks for a reason.
do you have anything to back up that claim
Ethereum's top brass are bugmen
That's what you think normie
Anywho. I have a hypnosis: The Jew is driving normies into crypto in order to make us all rich so that they can seduce us at rich people parties with underage prostitutes. crafty fuckers.
jesus fucking christ. Can we just genocide all "journalists" already
So really we are slave to the female.
That's sexism.
Promasculation when?
bahaha, it is not even properly mainstream yet.
My friends dad runs a pub up in the fucking bush of Australia and says EVERYONE is talking about cryptocurrency.
Not a person i know hasn't brought it up, don't miss the free money train my friend...
>women don't understand money
Who knew? In other news, water is wet.
just cause they don't understand doesn't make it okay to withhold it from them
stop being sexist
Fuck them
They want to drive men from the work place, then they will find other ways to make money.
>build civilization
>from made up non tangible bullshit
you will be broke with digital poker chips
I've never met a single woman who has invested in anything other than skincare.
america grew by 900% because of steel bridges, exclusively. Women are useless.
and thats sexist, amiright
everyone needs to know his strength.
and that isn't sexist*
Unlike sexism, Bitcoin is real.
>Women dismissed it as stupid initially in 2006
it was released in 2009
If you want to greatly increase the value of crypto currency start a #NoBitCoin4Her campaign celebrating the exclusion of women. In short order there will be thousands of articles denouncing it and team lady parts will rush in on a buying spree.
They have been saying that for years.
Enjoy being a poor pleb.
and then when it happens, you really can't say nobody warned you. It was clear as day.
god damn thats smart
>he says for the 16846876546846 time
go EARN it yourself.
I think of a man, and i take away reason and accountability.
I remember when Doge coin launched too, people were on here talking about it
This would actually work.
The crash to follow that would be even more hilarious after the Vagina pump.
Women would demand prosecutions and bailouts.
>when and if it becomes less risky
Jesus fucking christ, women are fucking useless.
>hand me shit
YES, that is exactly what makes it okay to protect yourself, to protect your money from gold digging grave digging soulless whore cunts like you.
can we please make this happen
I imagine prostitutes would prefer Bitcoin over gift cards.
the joke/point is duping them with the fad user
>Meryl Streep did a speech
You're fucking kidding me. That can't be real.
BASED Pimp playa.
"Can't buy weed and pussy with BitCoins"
Well one 1 out of 2 aint bad
If that's real then BitCoin will moon and crash horrendously all within one year,
Bitches be trippin.
>The patriarchy is real
did you know that jewish society was a patriarchal caste society?
your position in society is inherited from your father
If it's crypto currency, and they can't say for sure who owns what. How can they conclude it's sexist.
You're alright Worst Korea
>How can they conclude it's sexist
Most feminist assertions aren't backed up by facts. It simply feels true 'cuz women perceive oppression everywhere all the time. They even find it in women-only conferences, i.e. intersectionality was created to express this.
>"I"m being oppressed" and all the men are commenting in support or to ridicule. Ergo, "I'm being oppressed" really means "I want attention. Gimme gimme."
The only women with Bitcoin are hoes on Backpage
I'm diamonds.
>unit of currency exclusively for men
i need to learn how to bitcoin
>Men take the risks need to build civilization.
>Women wait until something is established then parasitically insert themselves once the hard, risky work has been done in order to divvy up the spoils
You can fractionate the memes of oppression and distress by race, gender identity, religion, etc.