ITT: Abilities that make zero sense
Did they reveal that he actually has a Sharingan that he's been hiding all this time yet?
I really would love it if Zoro actually has a working eye under that scar some how.
You should try to hold a sword with your teeth, i did
we already knew you were a sword swallower, no need to tell us
Pretty sure will get a lot more Zoro progression in the Wano arc, especially the story behind his eye. For all we know it might not be anything, or it might just be an asspull. Zoro is my favorite character (Zorofag I know) so I kind of want to see him in the Wano arc, doesn't mean I haven't been enjoying the big mom arc.
I'm pretty excited for Luffy VS Big Mom and what the results of it will be. There's still a lot that can happen in this arc, and we're just now reaching the climax of it. I'm sure we won't even get to the Wano arc for another like 6 months or some shit.
Nothing makes sense in One Piece.
A Zoro centric Wano arc would revitalize my love for this franchise.
I'm kind of burnt out from following it for ever.
Being this lewd...
I can smell your fedora from here
This by a mile.
> MC somehow unable to score with a literal semen demon
It is canon that he fucked all of them, even though he is a teacher.
Fuck you its cool. Fuck practicality. The show just makes it work. Not to mention zoro is probably one of the best characters in the series.
That's not asura
JoJo as a whole
never skip jaw and neck day
Lol its shit
>ITT: Abilities that make zoro sense
Of all the things to nitpick from Wan Piss, and you choose this one?
Sensible chuckle
Why does he need to ejaculate THAT much cum, Sup Forums??
Nen in general is just retarded. Togashi left it deliberately vague enough so that he could do whatever he wants with it, including shit like this.
Makes zero sense to me that someone with such drawing ability landed a job with animation network.
It'll be a hawk eye.
One Piece characters have had huge jaws since day one
Hey Sup Forums, wanna see my SPECIAL ABILITY??
One of Zoro's things has always been staying relatively normal despite being able to do monstrous shit. Whilst Luffy's stretching and transforming and Sanji's setting his leg on fire Zoro's just a dude who has a sword in his mouth. Aside from the Asura incident against Kaku (which never came up again) that hasn't changed. I'm pretty sure he's got a working eye under there, but I'm also sure it's just a normal eye and he only keeps it closed for the sake of training.
It's not cool, it's dumb looking.
Do it, i DARE you
Isn't that supposed to be Usopp?
Usopp's the normal guy who is unable to do monstrous shit.
Sengoku Youko and Hoshi no Samidare psychic skills are crazy and vague
looking pritty cool there chopper
It's just training. Rayleigh did the same.
He does have zombie tier endurance
And a nose with bones in it.
You don't?
Bullshit, someone post that pic of the fedoraman demonstrating this technic.
it's lag
All of the highlighted parts are cartilage you know.
Ahahha zoro would get raped against guts
Zoro is also the weakest swordsman of the big 3 if you look at Sasuke and ichigo
I tried
what hentai is this from?
Usopp's no longer a normalfag after the sniping he pulled off in Dressrossa.
Nami's arm LMAO