>shaved head
>order from McDonald's with a bunch of niggers working there
>get home to this
haha epic, good one niggers
>shaved head
>order from McDonald's with a bunch of niggers working there
>get home to this
haha epic, good one niggers
Other urls found in this thread:
>order from McDonald's with Kangz working
you deserved it user
so basicly macdonalds framed you, file a complain get milions.
Her name was Shanell Rivers
At least you didn't consume some aids spit or something
>eating mcdonalds
fucking pleb baka shiggy
the fillet o fish is the only reason I go there
if you want to eat mcdonalds its more frugal and efficient to just kill yourself instead of going through the hassle of looking over the menu, giving your order to rude niggers, waiting, then paying for food that's probably been fucked with.
>cheap fish
>deep fried
>on white bun
>with lettuce and a mayo sauce
fucking disgusting desu
honestly, i stopped visiting my nearest mcdonalds 'cause of this.
ordering is always an ordeal. long wait, pissed off customers with wrong orders, your own simple order likely being wrong, etc.
plus, niggers tamper with food. don't want to eat HIV cum in my burger,
>not home-cooking your own meals
>with lettuce and a mayo sauce
This. I guarantee you've consumed various nigger bodily fluids if you make a habit of it
I'll the McNigger
It's tartar sauce you fucking degenerate
>eating at generic fast food shite #894859489
>not cooking your own meals
>not at least getting some higher class takeaway food from a non chain store
>not at the VERY VERY LEAST getting takeaway from a store where only whites or asians (proper asians, not sand niggers and poolords)
Sue them & get millions, this is America dipshit now is your chance
Why does anyone buy at McDonald's? I wonder how they stay in business but then I see regards like OP continue to give them money
exactly, I've ordered from places with mexicans working it all the time. get free extra fries or drinks all the time.
>shaved head
well there's your problem. How bout you stop balding, you racist cracker?
Isnt tartar just mayo and relish mixed together? You brits eat garbage. I feel bad for you.
I'm gay and a FAGGOT!!!!!
Now, it could have just been nigger incompetence rather than nigger malice. Toss up, I'd say.
dude I used to work with used to work at a mcdonalds and he said only cops and old women order the fish fillet and they'd always spit on it
> trusting nigs to make your food even once
>>order from McDonald's
Dude, you just hit the lotto.
Just get a good lawyer and enjoy your bucks.
Is this the Huwhite version of “Watcha doin’ Rabbi?”
I take my dates there because I'm a skinflint and the only thing I like is the bbq sauce that comes out of a tap.
yeah tartar sauce is mayo with a few other additives. at mcdonalds its nigger cum
Kat Timpf pls go
>eating mcshits when it's cheaper to make a proper hamburger at home
most people go for the convenience factor
I don't get it, isn't this the normal McDonalds food?
>Shave my head
>African-American gentlemen working at my favorite fast food restaurant mistakenly believe that because of my choice to accept premature balding, I am a vile racist
>They go out of their way to settle a centuries-long score with m
>I go home and open my cheesy McDubDub to find that I have been had
>Turn on my computer
>Go to my favorite nazi imageboard
>Call them a bunch of niggers
>My friends tell me to threaten to sue while complaining about jewery ruining the country
>What did I do to deserve such treatment from a bunch of niggers
nigger is a fun word to type and I won't stop
That picture triggers me. We nazis aren't about slavery, in fact, we mostly oppose it, as it can end turning our country into 56%land. We don't want to have anything to do with other races. They either go back to their shitholes or get fucked.
>order fast food
>not saving the receipt
>not checking your bag in the parking lot to make sure the subhumans behind the counter didn't fuck it up
>eating fast food at all
About six months ago I was driving out of state with some friends and they wanted to stop at taco bell for a lunch. There was a sheboon trainee working the register and it took them 20 fucking minutes to to ring up a order of 3 quesadillas, two tacos, and some shitty mexican pizza. They didn't even get the order right and we ended up with nine quesadillas for free just to get us out of there before the manager lost it. We ended up giving away the food to some random guy we saw walking down the street. The whole ordeal took about 35 minutes.
>not using company resources to cook your meals
That's why you always check your food before you leave
>order a burger with no onions and no mayo
>sit down at table and check my burger
>has mayo
>take a couple bites then go get a brand new full burger
Wtf is it? Looks like mayonnaise
>not getting back in line and checking it in front of the manager just to be sure
>maintaining eye contact
you guys are never gonna make it im done tryin to help yall
>Filet-O fish
Ah, a man of culture.
Luckily I live in a state with almost zero niggers.
>not eating in n out, which employs hardworking white kids and mexicans
you fucked up son
This, or chick-fil-a. I've never seen anything but whites working there.
why the fuck would you buy from McDonalds i don't buy food from any place that employs browns ..
That's part of the problem user.
#MeTwice I mean #TimesToo.. fuck it just get in here:
>local McDonald’s
>White crew
>local Jack in the Box
>Black crew
I hit the fuckin jackpot.
Chick-fil-a is based, waffle fries are my favorite treat.
cook your own food you lazy f*cks
Imagine living in a country where you have this problem.
Email them and they will give you a few vouchers for free food.
Mexicans really aren't that bad, at least compared to blacks. I'd be okay living in a society that had a bunch of hispanics around to work our menial labor jobs.
Basically what we have now, but with no blacks or muslims.
>things that never happened
>Actually eating in the current year. Uncultured Swines.
You're a girl with a shaved head?
What the hell even is that disgusting thing
>We don't want to have anything to do with other races.
Not true, we are also OK with trading, but that's purely economic.
No shit, nazism is about everything being weighed against "is it good for the people", nothing is good about evil and pedos, how does no one care anymore
could of been ALOT worse
>eating food prepared by dirty niggers
>exchanging money for nigger food
You might as well be complaining about how you got ripped off buying crack from some nog standing on a street corner.
Is it just me or is fucking with someones food the most taboo thing you can do.
good enough for trump good enough for me
Fuck fillet o fish
Arby's Kings Hawaiian deluxe FTW!!
What did you just fucking call me
Like seriously, I just buy the cheap big flats of ground beef when they are on sale at the grocery store, press it into burger patties and freeze it. It takes about as much time as driving to McShits. Press them nice and thin and they only take a few minutes to cook (about as much time as it takes to drive to McShits). Except you can put it on bakery fresh buns from the grocery store, put whatever the fuck you want on it etc. Fresh diced onions, whatever the fuck cheese I want, etc.
How is this missing the classic
It's missing the fried fish.
All niggers tamper with food at restaurants.
Don't ever eat at places that hire niggers or spics, or are owned by jews.
you went to a place that regularly fires people for being high on the job. A fast food job. You shouldn't be surprised when they fuck up.
You simply removed the burger, you fucking idiot. You can still see the imprint of where the burger melted the cheese.
>shaved head
desu m9 that likely has nothing to do with that slight against god you call a sandwich. fast food workers are retards anyway but now you're adding incompetent niggers to the mix.
kek --- as incidents escalate business will decine/go out of business. niggers fit for entry lvl food service jobs will have spit themselves out of any employment whatsoever.
Christ man just because he's from Georgia doesn't mean he's an stupid.
Obviously never been to the US
Fast food joints are either 100% niggers or spics
>eating at mcniggles into your adulthood
A 40 of malt on me for the niggers responsible.
You deserved it for being an adult that chooses to eat mcdonalds.
>letting them see your head
Why would anyone ever go inside a fast food place? 90% of the freak out vids on youtube happen in them.
How do people order from fast food restaurants without checking to make sure their order is correct before they go? You do realize the minimum wage workers preparing your food would be lucky to have an IQ above 80 and are most certainly the bottom barrel of society in terms of work ethic and motivation don't you?
You have to go back.
>1488 kill every nigger lol
>wait what why are they treating me so badly, wow I was right about niggers all along :(
lmao implying you need to actually do something for shitskins to attack.
yes these minimum wage workers @ H&M who have to clean this def 1488 all day.
Fast food is literally a jewish scam to destroy the family meal. good fuckin goyim itt
I like how it took up until this point in the thread for anyone to notice this and point it out instead of reeeeing about niggers. Don't get me wrong, Sup Forums, I'm still impressed that anyone here has a working brain. Congratulations.
>eating fast food ever
What the fuck is wrong with all of you? Aside from spit, semen, etc., the disgusting quality of the ingredients, and the inclusion of all kinds of non-food substances in the form of preservatives, actual plastic, etc., I guarantee you the meat at those places contains the flesh of some of the absurd number of children who go missing every year. How do you get the idea that it's a good idea to eat from a places like this, knowing what kind of world we live in - knowing what you should know from lurking Sup Forums for any amount of time? You're living in an utterly dark world, ruled by the most evil individuals who exist, and you're deciding to eat food from places that basically openly advertise that they're serving you poisonous, degraded slop. You should not be posting on Sup Forums if you're that asleep.
Because many millions of dollars in laboratory research have gone into making it able to hammer your food reward centers when you eat it
It's drugs.
What are you some kind of nazi who hates the free market?
we know
In the ethnostate the only legal way to eat will be getting hooked up to a nutrient IV while sitting in front of a giant flat screen TV playing military marches until you're satiated (with the marches, the nutrients are secondary since obviously Völkisch energy will be our primary energy source)
Asians hire niggers because they're cheap. You'd unironically be better off with sandniggers who hate regular niggers more than anything. Stay away from poo in loo food though obviously
Fast food is nigger food.
White people should never eat fast food.
If you eat fast food, you support the nig-nogs that are spitting in your food.