Are you going to be a agelet?

Are you going to be a agelet?

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thanks for the link faggot


nice no link achmed

Nice link you fucking mongrel retard.

I hope so.

>All white countries
Yeah but white privilege and imperealism totally isn't a thing nah


a fucking leaf

where is the fucking link you faggot?

The exact same countries in the top 4 here

Oh wait.. lol it was NZ

>implying there is a difference

what the fuck did you just say to me?




Here's the link

I found it by googling in german,
fuck this OP.

Mass (BMI)
Exercise Level
Stress level
Life situation, i.e. single/married
Alcohol intake
Year of birth

Why do you think they have those jobs? Let me give you a hint : imperialism and plunder of resources

whatever malaysia

Asians and jews are white they are caucASIAN


Hey Obama

>asians are white

you cannot get more leafy

fuck you cheese nigger

>TFW amerifats aren't on the list

You're just jealous

eh, I'm just salty. This palace is actually a fucking trash heap.

I don't know, since you didn't reference the site.

>commas aren't decimals points

Go back to your own country if you hate "white privilege" so much you fucking chink insectoid.

Living is for Noobs anyways :D

Fuck that, I might be safe from criminals if I don't freeze to death... Brrrr


I'm half French and you can't say Chinese aren't white look at our skin it's lighter then most meds

How do I live to 72 as an alcoholic? I thought I was going to die at 30-40 maybe 50


Hans goes to the oven


Same, I am about to be 30 soon...

I submit to you, Wisconsin-kun...


Sure buddy Arizona is a shit hole

Yes, the males in my family have a very strong pattern of dying of a heart attack before reaching 60

how's the screenshot in english if the site is in german?

thats what I'm wondering


>Drinking alcohol max one glass a day
>Higher life expectancy than no alcohol at all

what the fuck

Fucking burger education

red stars = new zealand
white stars = aus

Welcome to the pointlessness of judging the living based on the statistics of the dead. The predictive ability becomes quite shit when the living adapt to the statistics in question.

Statistics can only measure past events and give trends, which can be extrapolated to the future ONLY IF all variables remain the same.
People who drink excess alcohol also tend to be physically inactive and have a poor diet. Having it as it's own little slider is a bit misleading.

People who say, have a beer or glass of wine for supper aren't really fucking their diet.

>majority white people
>hatred of immigrants
>anti-nationalism approaching cucked germany levels
>majority half/mixed races
>love of immigrants despite measured damage to economy
new zealand

kill yourself sub-human then go back to chin

look i did a lot of cocaine from 19-20. so much so i had a pass-out virtual stroke episode. i also have smoked weed chronically from 14 to 23, and cigarettes for 4 years which i quit.

i now smoke weed like once every 2 weeks and I work out. im hoping to push 70 since all my grandparents were heavy smokers that got to 80 and over, but im not countng my chickens. gotta work now since we can be out the door before expected my bruddas

at least you guys are allowed to have guns

people dying of cancer or in comas and shit like that aren't going to be drinking a lot, and even for more minor stuff you're not supposed to drink on most medications so someone with medical issues probably drinks a lot less
most healthy people drink in moderation occasionally, typically people who don't drink at all have a reason for it