Explain why Israelis want Europe full of arabs
Look up what their messianic age is
>clash of cultures sows instant chaos amidst a refugee crisis
>population in fear is easier to control and surveil
>poverty rates rise
>"here, take these loans and follow our conditions"
Because Jews want to be the beautiful white masterrace and rule over brown town subhuman retarded cattle...give them credit cards and then turn them into economic slaves for shekels
Same reason why the Zionist were behind antisemitism.
Because one cow in Palestine is worth more than all the Jews of Europe.
Same reason why the Zionist made a deal with the Germans to drive the Jews out.
A. brings jews to israel they need since their economy is crashing.
b. revenge on the europeans who don't slavishly tow their party line in the UN
c. when euros eventually have to crack down on muslims in europe, makes their own treatment of them less egregious
d. it's talmudic revenge.
e. read dr. kevin macdonald
They want a mix of low IQ minions smart enough to work machines dumb enough to be happy with there lot. IQ is 2 high in europe for this to happen just yet, so flood it with low iq individuals who will breed lile crazy....bring the Iq down with each generation until there plan is complete. Next question?
Destroy land so it is easier to conquer
Also Saudi royals were Jews and LARP add Muslims to teach them to kill themselves for Jewish human sacrifice like 9/11 ritual killing
very limber, gentlemen, very supple, now, stretch
Don't forget decreasing the population of surrounding lands making them easier to conquer.
They want to Israel-ize Europe and make them more aligned to their state by hazing them with sacking kebabs.
so europe knows how it feels to be up to the neck in arabs
its literally in their religion
It gets them out of the middle east
Besides white genocide, they want use the muslims to menace diaspora jews into moving to palestine. They use the muslims, plus all the false flag terror attacks to scare the jews into fleeing.
>In the wake of recent terror attacks in Europe several of which targeted Jewish institutions some politicians and religious leaders have predicted an exodus of Jewish people from the continent. In some ways, the numbers stack up. Last year, a record 8,000 Jews arrived in Israel from France — with another 15,000 coming from Eastern Europe.
#MeTwice I mean #TimesToo.. fuck it just get in here:
Mossiach ain't coming home, your religion is a daddy issue complex that inspires revolt and destructive tendencies
While the EU is worrying about what all the sand niggers are up to over here, (((they))) are stealing more land over there.
Basically jews are prolific comedians, the deepest layer of the jew is pure lulz.
revenge ,and a weaker europea and america is much easier to infiltrate and subvert
>Explain why Israelis want Europe full of arabs
No you stupid kiwi. You got it the other way around. Israelis want Greater Israel - their equivalent of the lebensraum (see pic). They can't fucking go to war with other countries cause they don't have the numbers. Also, they can't get U.S. to go to war with countries in ME because it would be so fucking obvious that everyone will genocide the Jews, or go to war with Greater Israel for the next millennia.
The whole refugee crisis is Israel's way of displacing people from the middle east and peacefully resettling them in the west. It just so happens that you can't send Arabs to Asia cause they don't want to go there. You can't send Arabs to Africa, cause no one wants to go there. The only viable choices are North America, Europe, Australia, and South America.
No Arab cares about South America, and if Hillary had gotten elected, U.S. and Canada would be taking in Arabs.
Learn to think you fucking kiwi. Just cause you have a kiwi sized brain doesn't mean you don't have to use it. No wonder your women have 20 sexual partners on an average. Fucking kiwi brain.
Because they want a race of dumb ridiculously mixed race mutts to rule and lord over like cattle.
It's just a gimmick governments have come up with. Instead of solving problems in their society, they just continuously ethnically cleans the populations. It's arabs now. It could be some other group tomorrow.
Why shouldn't they? They hate Europeans and they hate Arabs, it's a win/win
They need the Snake to fully encircle Europe. Then the messiah will rule over all.
Kikes are just absolutely evil and fucked in the head. They will do literally anything to further this goal. They are so close it's making them ravenous and very clumsy
Israelis may or may not want the destruction of European culture.
Globalists Jews CERTAINLY want it.
Because they want all jews out of Europe.
Treat Jewish shill threads appropriately
>Explain why Israelis want Europe full of arabs
Here, I'll let them tell you yourself.
And another....
Europe’s top rabbi calls for solidarity with Muslims
>pic unrelated
It's what globalists ashkenazi want.
You see, Globalists have discovered that they have a problem.
Christians are waiting for Revelation to come true. A big war fighting against an Anti-Christ who leads the entire world.
Well, that means there are a lot of Christians preparing for this end of the war scenario and doing everything in their power to stop Globalization, because it is what they Anti-Christ has power over.
Christians have become an obstacle to their plans. American Christians are a real problem for them, because American Christians have guns. There is no limit that they will not go to in trying to get guns out of the hands of American Christians who's religion is preparing to fight the greatest holy war of all time against the Anti-Christ's globalized world.
But, Muslims...their religion is globalization. Their believe they have to make every nation come under the control of Islam and then the world will have peace.
One religion stands against Globalization.
One religion stands for Globalization.
You are a globalist.
Which one do you support? Which one do you try to take out?
>Because they want a race of dumb ridiculously mixed race mutts to rule and lord over like cattle.
Wait a second...
>>Jews consider non-Jews to be like cattle
>>Jews want to bring back ritual animal sacrifice when they complete the third temple
>>Jews actually believe they are as different from non-Jews as a non-Jew is from a grasshopper
Uhh.......are Jews planing on going back to Moloch worship after they conquer the world?
>pic unrelated but still jewy
Jews want to bring about the end days. Most of them will be killed fulfilling this biblical prophecy however.