Choice to genocide Indians or Chinese?which one
Choice to genocide Indians or Chinese?which one
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Most mainland Chinese girls are fugly.
More babes in India.
Gas the chinks.
I love both ! Why do you make me choose . I’d have to say Chinese though
But it is hard to choose.
This is a tough one.... Maybe we ship all the indians to china and then get 2 birds with 1 stone? Chinese are racist as fuck anyway so they will kill off most of the indians anyway
Neither, I am not a child.
indians poop everywhere but chinese run over kids so Chinese
Indian Brahmins are Aryan.
Neither, most indians are awesome, they always said merry christmas to me this year. The only people that took offense to me saying merry christmas was 2 white cucks. Indians are always very kind to me and the women are flirty.
Chinese people in general aren't that bad.
why not both?
Doesn't matter as both will be exterminated before the RaHoWa ends.
Chinese are a far greater threat than low IQ Poos. They're like slant-eyed Jews.
One day the Chinese will rule the world, and they'll gas all the round-eyes out of jealousy of our superior eye-sight
>Half-whites are Aryan
This is what you sound like.
flipping a coin...
Whites are so stupid, no wonder those mud slime takes over their homelands, why would you throw away 2 obvious allies in the fight against the mud slime?
I like both but would exterminate both so hard to say. If only muslims were involved, I would gladly genocide those insolent pests.
>why not both?
It is hilarious you posted Hitler because this is what Hitler thought about the Chinese
Chinks. They pose a greater threat to us, in the long-term.
Because Muslims are easier to control owing to their being functionally retarded.
Here is Hitler bowing to a Chinese delegation
Why can't it be the sandniggers? But I'll order the Indian please.
Nice divide and conquer thread.
They're both utter inhuman dogshit. So how about both?
Poo is cuter but both get the rope
Lol, no. Chinese, Japanese > Koreans
Funny how these fat kids on pol are even more racist than their hero, Hitler, who had great respect for asians
Lol, tell that to the jews in Sweden
oooo this is a toughie, Sorry poos,when you gotta go you gotta go.
obviously the shitskins, cmon pol youre better than this
kek, soon my brother
>indians poop everywhere but chinese run over kids so Chinese
The chinks are even bigger streetshitters, the fact that they don't post as much as the pajeets makes a huge difference.
Also don't make me do a dump since i'm sleepy, just take my word for it.
I would say nuke the chinks but
>obviously the shitskins, cmon pol youre better than this
Indians are caucasians, they're genetically closer to white people than mongoloids. There's nothing wrong with indians u shity basterd
chinese genocide would help with overpopulation
It's a hard choice.
China are literal insect people who will kill dogs and cats in cruel ways and then stomp on a babies head.
Mainland China are literal barbarians.
But India are this disgusting pile of shit, who eat drink piss shit and dump bodies in the same water they bathe in. Shit on the streets and are the creepiest ugliest mother fuckers in the world, who breed at a rate that'd even make Rabbits shy.
I can't decide. Can we do both?
both are qt so neither
this the meme flag is a chink though poos need to fuck off back to their country
China. Think of all the lebensraum that'd get partitioned by Indians, Japanese, and Russians
That's true, the Nazis where in fact very "orientalist" in a sense and far from the unfair stereotype of dumb, racist boogie-men who hated and wanted to "genocide" anyone non-germanic that they have been portraited as.
I love brown girls so china's gotta go
disgusting, this thread is full of subhumans, wouldnt be suprised if you were all niggers
This is what he thought about India
All the Canadians are either chinks or pajeets.
rajinder please.
They do have that awesome Shaolin temple though.
And Chinese food is pretty top tier
ok zhang you are not Aryan or anything you think you are fuck off back to eating dogs
If Germany had been 30% chink in his time, he probably wouldn't have liked them much either
>posting a pulp writer
It all makes sense
Easy. China.
Poos are usually good people as well as hard workers.
How about genocide all humans since we're all fucking degenerate
Pic related.
Hmm gas robotic low empathy insects or actual aryan high empathy group, gee I wonder.
Both come from primitive/rural cultures to a degree, but indians are more comically backwards not the emotionless drones of china. Most indians wont even eat meat unless its produced humanely.
Also indian women are far more attractive.
Do these fucking chinks have no shame?
>big cheesy grin on his face
What a likeable man
>Indian has a pound and a half of makeup, not including fake eyelashes
>Chinese girl is pretty with only a minimum of makeup
As slide threads go, this one doesn't even have effort put into it.
indians are useless in all ways asians are pretty sweet
yeah but they stink so bad
Chinese obviously. Not even a choice.
They are the far greater threat and are absolutely hostile towards us. The will kill us off/colonize if they ever gain enough power so they have to die.
Jesus, that quote is fucking brutal.
he looks pretty cute desu
>Hitler like the Chinese so that means we should to gweil- uh i mean fellow white man!
Thanks Zhou. It's not like your chink ass isn't trying to colonize us and steal our tehcnology or anything.
Why would anyone genocide caucasoids instead of mongoloids?
That Indian babe is so hot. What a prize she would be. Just keep her washed and remind her there's no need to shit in he street anymore. I'm with the other user - gas the chinks.
they deserve to, they didnt make the mistake of bringing niggers into their country and then releasing them and giving them voting rights
(you), an intellectual.
Jeus christ chink we already told you to fuck of back to the rat infested street you were born in
Now this could work. Make trudeau cuck them into accepting millions of refugees in order to get a trade deal. We need our shitty western leaders to start with China like they do here
Start a war amongst them and let em kill each other.
The Jews
Neither. Why in the world would I willingly choose to become an asshole? I'm not immortal enough to make decisions like that anyway.
reminder that while asians do look like on the right of a picture, mudniggers dont look anything like one on the left.
Chinese, at least the Indians are somewhat close to being decent folks. The Chinese are turbojews on steroids.
Very rare. Had a hot indian chick respond to me on a dating site before, we talked on the phone first and she was so socially retarded/shallow I couldn't even move forward with it in good taste.
based flip bro
Indians are Aryan what do you think stupid shit
That's not China you fucking spic.
kek the fuhrer had no time for thots
Neither. I conquer their countries and spread my seed across half the world.
Indians. They're smelly and bad doctors.
Chinks make useful electronics.
Nuke the curry niggers.
indians are way hotter, i'd gas chinks.
Just gas the Muslims.
Without a doubt the Chinese
the answer is the Chinese, because in this scenario being able to nuke them implies I have autocratic power and thus have already purged the Jews and installed the American Aryan Regime, thus making the Chinese our next competition and most dangerous foe.
mainland inbred han Chinese.
then the other Asian nations can colonize and repopulate the decimated land; which is what the Nippon intended to do in WW2
we ought to keep their recipes though
How is Han Chinese "inbred" when they are so populous and spread out? Think before you speak you stupid negrito mongrel.
>Choice to genocide Indians or Chinese?which one
You just hate my penis, don't you?
Indian people won't try to eat my pet
I guess the Chinks, because Japs could make use of mainland China, but I really can't think of reason to keep the poos.
If it includes the Pakis, I change my vote.
Here here
Indians, every day i have to deal with these shit smelling collared shirt wearing fucks. They crash my rental boats 90% of the time I let them go out. The chinks on the other hand are some of my best regulars, and the girls are usually attractive, most curry girls are fat and ugly.
I dated an indian girl, she was cool. So I choose to genocide Chinese
Chinese, without any hesitation. Chinese are essentially the same as Jews.