What denomination is she?
What denomination is she?
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Op is a fagootism
Catholic. I don't know much about denominations other than my own, but, as a protestant, I see a cross necklace as an idol. A golden calf.
The IG report can't be slid
You have one week left
what denomination are you?JW?
>not wearing a crucifix
Protestant scum.
Catholic, but middle ground enough for broad appeal.
This, I'm still don't like the idea of communion. Some bible readings, a thought for the day, and a sing song, along with a pray/reflection time is all I need.
Orthodox, she's obviously an icon
stop trying to divide us.
>he doesn't pray to Christ-chan every night before bed
Every sperm is sacred, every sperm is great, when you masturbate, God gets quite irrate. Enjoy living in sin.
ITT Catholic polytheists and their saints
>praying to christ-chan not christ
Call me a tiresome neckbeard but Monty Python was really good at poking fun at things.
Looks like a scientologist to me desu
>not wearing a cross just to piss liberals off
Christ-chan is more worthy of praise than Christ is.
t. heretic
I consider myself Protestant. I read the bible and go by it, but don't go to church. Simply following what's in the bible seems to work for me. I'm no jew, if that's what JW means.
No, you are a heretic against Christ-chan.
she looks hot like that.
>user are you trying to invite me to do sinfull unlawfull copulating with no intention of bearing offspring?
JW is Jehova's Witness, which gets cultier the closer you look at it. They got purple triangles for being supposed secret Jews in the Hitler camps.
we have christ chan and such
is there an orthodox chan and protestant chan?
I feel like I've seen them before but can't find em anymore
Not a sin if your protestant
Where as Christianity cherry picks the best books
Protestants cherry pick from parts from that book
She's ambiguous. The DEUS VULT shit is Catholic, but then again she doesn't wear a Crucifix but a plain cross which is more a Reformed thing.
Orthodox Chan would be Russian.
Protestant Chan would look like a normiee
>implying they care
(((they))) certainly care
They care about not pissing people off?
man i should just open up drawthreads again and crank out some designs
fug I miss the days when pol was actually producing designs and having fun with characters
>Protestant Chan would look like a normiee
hey is that mr popo from DBZ?
She is not wearing a crucifix you papist. Obviously Presbyterian.
clothes indicate based Puritan
I bet she's more of a tease than a thot.
Rubles. Most of them take rubles.
I did say "looks like"
>wearing a dead miniature kike on a stick
Idol worship if ever I saw it
Ha ha you're going to Hell! j/k, anime waifu-fags are worse than sodomites and even Satan has standards, you know.
>believes in hell when it isn't even a real location in the mythology