>PDFs & PNGs for printing here (new website address! old address redirects) mybordersmychoice.wixsite.com/posters
Posters go up Jan 21 at night on campuses around the world. Until then the objective is to promote MBMC online to maximize printed posters & feet on the ground.
reminder to follow the anti-shill guidelines, especially the one about not using the "brown hand" version shills are pushing to ruin optics DO NOT USE THE BROWN HAND VERSION >DO NOT USE THE BROWN HAND VERSION DO NOT USE THE BROWN HAND VERSION >DO NOT USE THE BROWN HAND VERSION DO NOT USE THE BROWN HAND VERSION >DO NOT USE THE BROWN HAND VERSION
Hunter Brown
Nolan Collins
new promo pic showing most countries
Ryan Walker
Luke Cruz
Christian Miller
Thanks dude, plz keep reminding it. Leftist twats cant do shit, and they just want people not to open their eyes, which is really patethic as those hypocrites claim to be "against the system".
Eli Ross
Austin Ramirez
thanks for the bump, no problem I will keep blocking their sabotage attempts forever (just like I did before when running so many IOTBW generals)
>The blue eyes and blonde eyebrows could be a problem only for countries where that is accurate (Spain, Med countries, far Eastern Europe etc have brown eyes & brown hair)
the blue eyes / blonde hair might be another thing for the media to unreasonably freak out over, which will only make them look more ridiculous
Isaiah Diaz
>the blue eyes / blonde hair might be another thing for the media to unreasonably freak out over, which will only make them look more ridiculous Fair enough, but I think it would dilute the message and possibly scare off the normies if CNN mentions aryan supremacy.
Asher Sanchez
I'm shilling for this in other threads you go do the same since you can't bump yourself pro tip,create a thread with other ip (phone)and bump with computer or the other way round. It's what I've seen others do...
Carter Taylor
kek relevant digits
>if CNN mentions aryan supremacy. this will only make them look ridiculous and laughable, if the mere presence of blonde hair and blue eyes automatically means "Aryan supremacy" then every movie, book, show, ad, picture and person that has those features, including little girls with blonde hair & blue eyes, are automatically associated with "Aryan supremacy"
honestly I hope they say something that ridiculous, that would make the redpill for normies about how crazy the left is even better
Fuck this faggot leaf spamming this imbecillic purposeless thread everywhere.
Sage, rakes, and b&s be upon you for your shitty thread, reddit nigger. kys
Asher Robinson
stay scared shill it helps the campaign
Carson Sullivan
Doing community work and irl actions will take neckbeards out of the basements and will make normies put words into actions plus it can be fun. Don't do stupid things.
Brandon Wilson
This is a cheap immitation of IOTBW and nobody wants to join you, spamfag. I'm not saying the sentiment is without merit, but spamming it everywhere is antithetical to how memes organically grow here. Begone, interloper.
bring back visible sage
Kayden Harris
Bump. Can a get a bump please?
Aiden Hernandez
I am contributing nothing whilst leading the thread to autosage by increasing the post count.
Levi Cooper
>This is a cheap immitation of IOTBW
No it's not, and I would know because I was heavily involved in IOTBW (I ran most of the IOTBW generals on here before Halloween), and I know the main guys behind IOTBW including the guys who ran the official discord:
here is proof: archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/153788814/#q153792634
the IOTBW guys are 100% behind this new op and they are using the same discord as IOTBW to now run MBMC:
discord gg 7aCCgeJ
MBMC is fundamentally different than IOTBW in two ways:
1. The message is completely different - and stronger. "It's Okay To Be White" simply means it's okay for whites to exist. "My borders, my choice, no means no" is just a feminist-triggering way of saying "no trespassing on my property". Asserting ownership & property rights over property to deny others entry is STRONGER than just saying it's okay to exist.
2. MBMC is testing out the new idea of directly stealing slogans from the other side - IOTBW did not do this. Very interested in how they react to this, what effect it might have on their minds.
Austin Morgan
Unfortunately the Sup Forums we grew and love is long but gone,we have 3 threads about nigger cock,about drumpf btfo ,how will pol ever recover and shit like that,they do spam and go unchecked while this is in the best genuine interest of lulz,goals and butthurt,it's not even new,before Christmas or so it was already being discussed. Sorry you came here with links instead of lurking but if you're so blatantly opposed to this,I'm sure there are many threads more deserving of being called for being obvious shit.
Isaiah Jones
I'll put some up when I go back to New Zealand next week
Angel Fisher
>I ran most of the IOTBW generals on here before Halloween and blahblah OK, buddy.
>hurr I'm a faggot OK, buddy.
I don't even care that this is a thing or that it's popular, what I don't like is faglords spamming it in other threads. You're not one of us. kys
posting sans bumping
Dominic Campbell
It really won’t. It’s not as clean as IOTBW because it can just easily be twisted into
> my borders my choice > no means no > NO BORDERS!!
And as soon as you make the argument they will just say ‘they’re my borders too’. It doesn’t make your opponents look racist, or require them to jump through any mental hoops to argue it or dismiss it. They will just dismiss it as ‘racist’.
So it will go nowhere and likely backfire. Plus the hashtag and text is plastered all over this site so thread so they will see that it is just one Canadian trying to push it.
I’m all for trolling people with posters and shit, but I think this particular one needs a lot more thought put into it before pulling the trigger.
I think a fresh round of IOTBW would be much more effective.
the counter-arguments are very easy, discussed here (all have already been field tested, no rebuttals):
"You don't own the country" Yes, we the citizens do own the country. We pay for it through taxes. All public property & infrastructure collectively belongs to us, paid for by our taxes. This ownership gives us rights, including the right to prevent people from entering our property without consent. This is why borders and immigration laws exist.
"The government owns the country, not you" We are the government (unless this is a dictatorship). The government represents us & serves us. If the government owns the country, we own the country.
"But I give consent for immigration!" Well I don't. You don't have exclusive property rights to the country, it's owned by all of us. You can't force something on me without my consent just because you want it (this is why rape is wrong). So if you want these migrants, YOU can house them, YOU can pay for them and YOU can take responsibility for your guests' actions. You have NO RIGHT to subject me to them without my consent, and you have NO RIGHT to use my hard earned money to pay for them. OR (give stats for the particular country) The majority of the population does not want immigration. This is a democracy. Too bad.
"But Hillary won the popular vote!" America is not a direct democracy like ancient Athens. Trump was elected and he is your President.
"A country has more people in it than a body so this is a bad analogy!" Ever heard of property having more than one owner? Does this suddenly annihilate all property rights of the owners? Of course not.
Noah Miller
"But we're a nation of immigrants!" This is not an argument. This does not logically justify allowing more immigration without citizen consent, it's a non-sequitur. If you're implying that we shouldn't have borders or immigration laws at all, then you have just revealed a much more extreme position that will be deeply unpopular with the public. Eliminating borders & rule of law would destroy the country by allowing unchecked invasions & plundering of resources.
Oliver Stewart
thanks user, many feet will be on the ground on Jan 21 across many many countries
Isaiah Hughes
Why don't you go dump gay shit in one of the other garbage threads? Enjoy your ban.
Mason Anderson
>the counter-semitism is very easy just use sage, amigos
Landon Harris
Wyatt White
faggot niggerdom has arrived
syrupniggers delete your thread and kys
James Lewis
Matthew Allen
Aiden Cooper
Jace Bennett
Justin Johnson
Do Canadians allow cat fellatio? My understanding is they allow dog dicksucking.
Jacob Lopez
Ryan Walker
Lucas Gutierrez
anybody doubting the value of this poster campaign just needs to look at how much it terrifies the shills on here
Isaac Gray
reminder to follow the anti-shill guidelines, especially the one about not using the "brown hand" version shills are pushing to ruin optics DO NOT USE THE BROWN HAND VERSION >DO NOT USE THE BROWN HAND VERSION DO NOT USE THE BROWN HAND VERSION >DO NOT USE THE BROWN HAND VERSION DO NOT USE THE BROWN HAND VERSION >DO NOT USE THE BROWN HAND VERSION
Robert White
>terrifies the shills More like annoys the users in other threads.
Jack Edwards
reminder that shills are so scared of this op that they threatened to false flag it with RAZORBLADES behind their posters, to cut up the hands of whoever tries to remove them
Oliver Peterson
>brown hand
Nathaniel Gonzalez
reminder to follow the anti-shill guidelines, especially the one about not using the "brown hand" version shills are pushing to ruin optics DO NOT USE THE BROWN HAND VERSION >DO NOT USE THE BROWN HAND VERSION DO NOT USE THE BROWN HAND VERSION >DO NOT USE THE BROWN HAND VERSION DO NOT USE THE BROWN HAND VERSION >DO NOT USE THE BROWN HAND VERSION DO NOT USE THE BROWN HAND VERSION
Benjamin Edwards
faggot nigger
Nathaniel Hall
Easton Martin
bump for godspeed
Blake Allen
Henry Bailey
thanks user
Justin Johnson
Jace Roberts
Joseph Kelly
Michael Jackson
Grayson Flores
have a bump
Zachary Murphy
It's kinda rainy where I am, not very good for putting stuff up right now.