Once this piece of SJW garbage hits 49% it automatically goes rotten.
Do it
Would (((they))) let it happen?
It won’t go to 49% it froze at 50
Just being at 50% is enough to make people rage, but honestly it deserves the hate it gets.s
I wonder (((why)))
When The force awakens came out I was wtf is this shit... I then said to myself: If the next star wars movie is just as bad then I'll stop watching
and here we are in the present and I'm fucking dine with the series. They ruined it
It's being held up by leftist shillbots. If enough people go on and give it the -1 star that it deserves, it will at least give precedent for someone to expose them in the future.
Taking pictures of this thread to send to rotten tomatoes and buzfeed so that they can reset or even possibly adjust the scores to alleviate your toxic hate!
That's pretty genuine. Why do you want to silence people from expressing their opinion?
soon you will became
The movie is legitimately bad faggot... everyone I've talked to hated it. The story arc is literally non existent.
We don't false flag here schlomo
The most idiotic part is Transformers-tier bad
Supposedly, there's some comic series that was supposed to be read before the movie, but only complete fucking nerds would like something so anime tier.
Snoke was never fucking explained in the movie, which was the most confusing part. Who the fuck was that meltface?
The meme flag isn't fooling anyone Shlomo. At least rename the damn picture.
False flag implies that someone is lying. It's pretty much a universal certainty that this movie is garbage and rotten tomatoes froze the ((tomatoemeter)))
tell them I called them all nigger faggots
The problem is we're trying to manipulate the score even though soyboys, nigs, and tons of women really enjoyed this. We should know what people actually thought, that way we know where the wests opinion on communist propaganda
>that time it hit 56% and Sup Forums was convinced it was a Soros demoralization attempt
>manipulate the score
>score sitting at exactly 50% for 3 weeks
Fair point
>Snoke was never fucking explained in the movie, which was the most confusing part
The main villain of the trilogy seems to have always been kylo Ren. That's why snoke didn't get much development.
Besides, Palpatine didn't get much development in ESB and RotJ and people sperg the fuck over him
I agree... even my left-ish college classmates thought it was wafer thin feminist propaganda. This score is probably pretty accurate minus them freezing it.
Put me in the screenshot.
Remember what they did to Mark
Kill it
Kill it now
>When The force awakens came out I was wtf is this shit... I then said to myself: If the next star wars movie is just as bad then I'll stop watching
>and here we are in the present and I'm fucking dine with the series. They ruined it
Dude, I was done when I saw an ugly unfit manlet nigger named Boyega in the first frame of the first trailer.
You all said it would get a rotten tomato
Why is it still a bucket?
It's been written
When will faggets stop posting screencaps with no links?
>Benson, who is the Vice President of Communications at Fandango, the parent company of Rotten Tomatoes, told me that Fandango and Rotten Tomatoes are fully confident in the ratings and scores for the Star Wars picture. She assured me that Rotten Tomatoes has gone to great lengths to verify their ratings' accuracy and authenticity.
>“We have several teams of security, network, and social database experts who constantly monitor reviews and ratings to ensure that they are genuine,” Benson said. “They haven’t seen anything unusual with The Last Jedi, except that there has been an uptick in the number of written user reviews submitted. Aside from that, everything is normal and we don’t see any unusual activity. We looked at The Last Jedi compared to other blockbusters and it has been consistent with those past films.”
>One widely circulated story about an anonymous individual who runs the Facebook page “Down With Disney’s Treatment of Franchises and its Fanboys” claims that this person created bots to manipulate the Rotten Tomatoes score. But Benson and other company reps I spoke to dismissed such claims as nonsense. Although anyone can post whatever they want on the site in the effort to drive ratings either up or down, Rotten Tomatoes has nearly two decades experience at identifying and controlling for such efforts to push the scores in one direction or another.
It was literally 50% when I posted this thread. Just like it's been for weeks.
Wow positive ratings have really gotten small.
If it wasn't being astroturfed it would be in the low 30's
This is what happens when you take the bluepill
click on your previous image.
It hit 49% but still is fresh
Well that's (((interesting)))
I did my part.
It doesn't even matter, the libs can say something is amazing and great all the want and it will end up forgotten and irrelevant like eminem's life changing best freestyle of all time from literally 3 months ago that you didn't even remember happened.
>when even the eternal t*rk can make a better star wars movie than you
Then you know what you must do then.
It's beyond their control now. They don't have control anymore. They don't have control of their own golems. They don't have control of their opposition (as their attempts of controlling the opposition keeps failing). Their control over the systems they've created to control the goyim is also weakening. They cannot do anything about any attempt to tank Jew Wars and further degradation of their once trusty control pillar: (((Hollywood))). It's over.
Remember when he tried to rhyme the word orange
Audience scores don't count you moron. You can bot those.
Fuck Mark. Now he understands the kind of ((("""people"""))) he's been backing all this time. The kind that will throw him under the bus if it suits their agenda, regardless of the many years of service he's provided to them. Too bad he's got nowhere to go now because race traitors get the rope. He is alone. The only thing he could do now is get revenge on the ones who betrayed him, even if it destroys him. To redeem himself for being such a traitor.
Screenshot me saying NIGGER and also STAR WARS IS HORSESHIT and SUCK MY VEINY COCK.
no I just remember awfully hot coffee pot cuz it was heavily memed
Audience scores dont' drive what is fresh or rotten, only professional reviews.
Are you saying the 90% score is more reliable? Because you aren’t fooling anyone
I just checked out the rottentomatoes page and apparently a 2/5 (40%) is a fresh? I wonder how many other reviews are incorrectly marked as fresh.
Because they're probably looking at who links to the page and since people keep getting linked from shitty alt-right havens like Sup Forums and Sup Forums, they're justified in freezing it.
Is it normal for cuck wars to be "certified fresh" with 90% and 8.1 average rating, is it just something that's granted and can only be revoked?