Emma is at it again: #TimesUp

Emma Watson is at again.

Let's make this fun.

#TimesUp for refugees
#TimesUp for kikes
#TimesUp for feminists and niggers stealing bikes!

#TimesUp for pedos
#TimesUp for fags
#TimesUp for fake news, their coverage is SAD!

#TimesUp for "pride"
#TimesUp for subversion
#TimesUp for porn's role in sexual perversion

#TimesUp for false flags, mossad, and hajis
#TimesUp politicians and blackmail lobbies
#TimesUp for trannies and race-switching jews

And if you subvert facts, then #TimesUp for you!

start tweeting


#TimesUp for sjw's and campus safe spaces
#TimesUp for forced mixing with different races!
#TimesUp for mongrels that shift public opinion. NO, not the niggers! I mean the Juden.


what is this

Is this turning into an op? Cuz im in

my encouragement to take command of the incessant media kikery we endure by using the #TimesUp hashtag to control the narrative

#metoo #timestoo #kony2012 #stopwipeepo it's all from the same hot garbage factory

Yes, post with this hashtag and reply to #TimesUp posters with pic related, be creative

Pic related


>that adams apple on the "female" in the middle

damn son, wher'd ya find this

I guess she's sure her "audition tapes" aren't going to surface.

#TimesUp for muslims, mohammad fucked a pig!
#TimesUp for migrants, still trying to get in
#TimesUp for Newsweek, NPR, and Time
#TimesUp GPS Fusion who smears for a dime

#TimesUp for lefty who sighs and doubles down, their mental gymnastics furrow the brow!
#TimesUp for Shylock wants a pound of flesh
#TimesUp, shills with your festering stench!

>of sexual harassment

Utterly retarded.

>Was the client of the currently known most prolific sexual offender in Hollywood
>Kept mouth shut for literally years

>Hey guys we need to support wamen
Fuck her. She had options and willingly chose either cowardice, complicity or submission.

Though her support for Feminism does actually make a lot more sense now. Its not the world that was patriarchal and in need of changing... it was her own life, and she was projecting.

Not even survivors of brutal gang rape or gratuitous sexual violence.
Survivors of having their bums pinched or having their tits complimented. Survivors.
In the age of force equity, everyone's sob stories are valid and equal.
>Sorry genuine victims but get out of the fucking spotlight already.

they brought poop actor from the emoji movement with them to virtue signal

race is a social construct goy!!

i dunno she's just a stupid kid, who is doubling down because the judaic chaos around her

well said

the predation in hw prob goes so deep


This retarted movement will go away women don't have the intellectual or physical capacity to force anything other than conversation, no major social change will come of this and we all know it especially while we're around just do what men have done for time immemorial and let the holes yap and ignore them

if you don't pirate your movies, you're part of the problem

nice shoop
>almost looks human


She's so tiresome

I'd like to meet the man that was capable of molesting that, my dick retracts a bit just looking at her.

opportunistic parasite, just injects herself whenever she can.

Where was the speaking out when it wasn't safe and great PR?

Catchy af

Is this why Harry didn't want to be with her?

stick to minor red pills. They can't handle the jew shit right now

Is this pic unedited? What am I looking at here?

No, that was his homolust for Ron, which he suppressed and then channeled into a relationship with Ron's boring, annoying little sister.

what the fuck is that

Shut up, Rock Biter! The Nothing took your friends!

2018 is the year of the naming of the jew

looks like she got some abbo in her


#TimesUp for hubris "atheists"

same old jewish tricks, they never get tired of them

In my opinion I think molestation is what caused her to look like that, she might of never let it go and it came out through her face.


Does that mean shes going to out (((weinstein)))? Cause if not shes just virtue signalling

ginger men are irresistable so I can't blame him

>"and that's why we lost World War 2 Artax..."
>"Artax.. NO!!"

why black and not another color? is this more Jewish propaganda?

yea i dunno, can't win.. close my eyes, now i feel like a feminist enabler. this comes on the heels of feeling like a fag for enjoying a rainbow

dat scene makes me cry every time :(



Emma sold her soul as a child to the Pedos. Now she is an adult,and the Pedos wont touch her. Niether will the non pedos, after what she has done. Bitter Emma.


>Talk about sexual harassment...
Cool , can Emma explains why is she so silent about the muslim pedo rings of her homeland?.

#TimesUp Israel must be dealt with.

#TimesUp Israel is illegitimate.

#TimesUP Expose the zionist conspiracy.

>She had options and willingly chose either cowardice, complicity or submission.

to be fair to her, her parents pimped her out as a child, she's a victim

I think you mean quintessentially British pedo rings, racist.

>Burke grew up in Queens in a neighborhood that was composed of mostly boys that were a year or two older than her. She recalls that she used to play with them until one day they held her down and her shirt was torn. The mother of one of the boys told them to get off Burke, and then told Burke she needed to stop playing with the boys and be careful or something bad mght happen. Burke's mother's reaction told her she was at fault for what happened, and that the boys would get in trouble if she pursued action against them.

That's it apparently

stupidity can be very dangerous

You gotta get while the getting isn't boner-destroying, I guess.

So #metoo is about a woman(?) that wanted to get molested too?


This one is infinitely superior.