How do we get the fair sex to stop being thots?

How do we get the fair sex to stop being thots?

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Now why would you want to do that?

Thots offer the maximum enjoyment in the easiest possible way.

Who stands on their own foot?

Slaves are easier and you get to lock em back in the barn when you're done.

Yoga pants even make fat chicks look good.

Tight communities is the only non-oppressive way. Thots will go protest on streets if they are legally made unable to be whores, but if they are controlled by their families, they won't be able to start protesting against it.

That's how all traditional values were upheld. Communities, not laws. A problem with modern fast capitalism is that families a splittered all over countries in search of jobs, studies, and so forth. There is no ''soil'' anymore. People used to die in the same house they were born in.

STOP being a degenerate manchild.

How Puritanical of you.

Women want attention from men. If women wear skin tight pants that make her ass look sexy then the men will pay attention to them. If women wear long dresses the men won't pay attention to them unless they are genetically beautiful. The problem is weak men, both for losing control of their women, and for giving more attention to the thots.

Don't. Just go 2D

These two

There is no way. Stop wasting time on them.

>guis pls help how do I make this banana start tasting like an apple

Uhm you can't sweetie. Not in today's world.

Most you can do is post memes on the internet honey

ah yes but i wouldnt know about that cause my grandparents were more about the murdering business

Social engineering. You need to portray tradition as the cool thing to do through media and other cultural avenues. If you try doing this you'll be attacked by bigger more influential media and pushed back to the fringes of modern society so good luck.

Mighty fine answers, anons. Have a (you).

>communities, not laws
finally, someone gets it

#MeTwice I mean #TimesToo.. fuck it just get in here

Collectively as a race, white men need to stop tolerating and being mesmerized by their slutty, nigger-influenced behavior. Women are a reflection of the men in society and vice versa. It's a balance.

Too many degenerate fucks on both sides pushed societal norms to the extremes and now you have our world today. We've lost all sight on what is important in favour of cheap thrills and destructive, escapist behaviour.

Men, on the whole, no longer want women who are traditional and modest. They want "dat ass" to twerk with pointless tattoos. They want easy women and emotionless sex. Why? Because of their degenerate nature being pushed by them.

Women mostly want "dat money" and "ballers" instead of mature men of stature. They want that hard lifestyle "bad boy" bullshit and then cry when they're left alone with a half monkey screaming in the crib. Fuck them.

What can we do to fix it? Wait out the storm and keep to our principles.

If you're male then be a good man with strong values and deportment. Be able to articulate yourself and opinions with simplicity and maturity. Dress well for your environment and surroundings, be cultured, and appreciate the finer things in life. Set goals, be financially smart, and be someone people can look up to at best and begrudgingly respect at worse.

If you're female than be traditional and modest. Dress appropriate to modern day standards while ensuring not to look like a back alley slut. Cultivate feminine friends and skill sets. Be able to make a house a home and understand the sacred role a woman holds in society. You can be strong, independent, and successful by being a wholesome woman with a family.

If both of these people stick together, the rest of the degenerate fucks will die out. The single mothers and their ape children will eventually become taboo once more and careless men will no longer become desirable. We canno't change the masses overnight, but we can stay true to our ideals.

I used to not mind yoga pants so much but now my little sister is 13 and has started to wear shit like this and it triggers tf outta me. This shit is so lewd, indecent, , immodest, and just straight up sexualizing it has to be put a stop to. Tight clothes in general. There's literally no reason they exist other than sexualization. I had never really thought about it like that until my sister came of age, but now even other girls I see doing that I automatically think less of them. Even so called "conservative" types dress like whores. We need a national dress NOW.

i love barefoot qts

Laws are expressions of communal norms and mores. There is no morality outside of the physical community, the immediate group. Laws are mechanisms of transcribing those norms trans-generationally, of ensuring that your grandchildren and their grandchildren will subscribe to the same mores as you. Communities are formed by the laws they found themselves upon.

1) Take away their rights.
2) Stop using phrases such as "fair sex".
3) Stop treating them like they have anything of value beyond their vaginas, when they have no value beyond their vaginas.
4) ???????
5) Women become feminine again.

I've literally seen 7 year old girls with yoga pants riding up their ass crack in supermarkets. It's a fucking travesty and an affront to decent civilization. Of course you can't say anything about or you will just become some creepy pedophile character. I guess one of the upsides to western civilization collapsing to Islam is these whores will get put in burkas where they belong.

I've totally been checking out your 13 year-old sister, too, user.

You need to calm down. Do you want all food to be illegal because you're fat? Of course not. It's retarded. If you have a problem with women looking sexy, it's because of your brain mentally raping them. Women aren't responsible for you wanting to fuck them. They shouldn't dress in burlap sacks just because anything less gives you a boner.

Nice one virgin

That is why we need blood and soil.

What to do when no communities exist? There is a lot of talk about communities, but they were destroyed by industrialization. People in cities do not even know their neighbours, and there is no use in connecting with them because people constantly move around.

Because we do not have communities anymore to make us upheld any values, we do not want any laws restricting us either. Prohibitive laws are constantly being attacked everywhere and books of law that once forbade miscegenation are now legalizing gay marriage. Laws are not enough to keep up morals.

Women should be banned from wearing shoes and be forced to have their feet cleaned by their husbands

That ship has sailed and isn't coming around for a couple generations at least.
Have you seen their role models for fuck sake?


>fair sex

You're part of the problem.


I only see thots in your pic

flaggot pls, that usage of 'fair' is ancient

predates feminism and leftard bullshit by a century or two at least

The main problem is actually female suffrage, when women are allowed to vote they choose matriarchy every time. It’s an instinctive reaction, they don’t even realize what they’re doing or why they want it to be like this, but it fundamentally comes down to biology (the same reason men prefer patriarchy). In order to understand why women with rights and power destroys civilization, you have to understand what female sexual strategy is and what matriarchy/patriarchy actually means.

At its core, matriarchy vs patriarchy is simply two different ways of organizing families based on lineage. Matriarchy follows the female line, patriarchy does the opposite. Why does this matter? Well for starters women, unlike men, view the opposite sex as expendable, interchangeable units that come in two basic varieties, alpha impregnators and beta providers. Women can get away with viewing men as expendable because one healthy chad can impregnate hundreds or even thousands of females. The only thing they have to make sure of is that there is a stable core of beta providers who will work to keep the tribe’s children fed. This paradox is resolved through the alpha fucks/beta bux strategy, girls spent their early years getting pounded by Chad and having many babies, then the husks get handed to the thirsty, sex-starved betas who’ll gladly provide for her many children. It all seems insane to us in today’s world, but keep in mind that most primitive matriarchies didn’t fully understand that sex=pregnancy. For example, for many years the aborigines in Australia refused to believe it. Since men didn’t realize what paternity is, they had no incentive to ensure that their specific genes were being passed along and were content to look after the tribe.
