What was meant by this?

What was meant by this?

niggers being niggers

if they don't act like monkeys, they wont get called it

The difference is, white people don't care.

Uh. idk, why don't you use your fucking noodle there brainlet.

That's kinda clever

They call us cracker because of the whips we used to crack over their backs


Not offended in the slightest.

I best millions of white kids would wear this shirts ironically unironically.

Yet that little white girl has a job and has people giving her attention, both things that niggers want. Laugh all you want, but even our young are better than the "coolest monkeys in the jungle".
Stay mad nig-boi.

coolest monkey in the jungle

saltiest cracker in the box is clever. this is niggertier

>Niggers think this is some kind of own

The whites are at it again. This item requires a more diverse message that include minorities like blacks, women and refugees. We all accept evolution, maybe we should have the slogan "coolest monkey in the jungle"

is this the account that made it? From the other thread


That niggers are petty, bitter “people”

They're white women?

I'd wear it desu

B-b-but muh white fragility?

I don't see a problem

In my country "cracker" means really fit bird.
>Phoa! Look at her she's a cracker.
It's a compliment. You burgers should start using it tbqhfamalan.


How about some whine with your cracks asswipe

I’d buy it

Potatonigger stfu

Niggers not being able to handle the truth.

I think it was trying to offend white people but it was actually pretty fucking funny.



This looks like a business we should support; because they also give zero fucks.