How do japanese people function in the early morning, specifically students

How do japanese people function in the early morning, specifically students.

I'm assuming school starts at 8am

Most anime depicts them being able to

>sleep a reasonable amount
>take a shower
>apply beauty products, and do their hair in a painstaking long way
>cook a well prepared homecook meal
>eat said meal
>still arrive on time for school if not early.

more like heating it up nigga

That kind of nasty...

They shower before they go to bed. It's also not hard to wake up at 6 a.m.

Successful people dont stay up till 3am watching anime ,never studying and then wonder why they ha e failed at life.

Japs get it drilled in them that education and maintaining yourself is most important.

Are they happy? Who knows but they on average are doing better financially then we are

Probably because the characters in the show are good students and wake up a few hours before they have to leave for school.

>still arrive on time for school if not early
From my experience 3 out of 5 students are chikoku chikoku.

Early to bed early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.

Remember that anons.

Most schools starts at 8:30.
Also, students' skipping of breakfast has been a social issue in Japan.

used to wake up 4 am for college

There are places where school doesnt start 8am?

I sleep from 5PM to 1AM.

Got the system beat.

For me it was 8 on Mondays 7 for the rest of the week.

Time moves slower during those scenes, duh.
You can start sleeping on 9pm to 11pm and still be able to wake up at 6am assuming your body clock isn't fucked. You got 1 hour for preparations, and 1 hour for travel time. You can always adjust those depending on how far you are from school. iirc, school usually ends on 4-6pm depending on the school/schedule.

But that a fucking lie! The japanese yen has depreciated against the american dollardoo!

>skipping of breakfast has been a social issue
How stupid, I never ate breakfirst for many years when I was still at school, look at where I am now.

Sitting in front of a PC, browsing mongolian moving picture murals.

It's always midmorning to noon levels of bright outside too. Growing up in Florida, even in the middle of summer the sun wasn't fully up until well after anime portrays people going to school. Add to that, Tokyo is roughly on the same latitude as central North Carolina.

>I'm assuming school starts at 8am
When the fuck does it start in your country, afternoon?

First bell rang at 0645 at my highschool, in seats no later than 0700.

Once you regularly eat breakfast you understand why you felt like such a lazy fuck all day before. Breakfast really is the most important meal of the day.

>starts at 8am
9am actually

Jeez anons you got it rough, for us it was 9:00 for registration, first class at 9:15

I work at a coffeeshop in the mornings at 5:00 am and I still make a point to shower and have breakfast every day before work. It's not that hard.

If girls at my school could do it I'm sure the japs do it fine too.

Yea but rice, miso soup, salad, and salted salmon is overkill, is it not?

Now that I think about it I've honestly never seen anime portray anyone showering in the morning. It's usually they wakeup, get dressed, eat breakfast, then get to school/work.
Could anybody give examples?

Rice is cooking while you take a shower, the rest takes like a minute to prepare.
Usually it's made by mom that's conveniently out of frame anyway.

Amagi brilliant park, sento took a bath but not a shower.

living it up

>Are they happy?
They're so happy they try to kill themselves every now and then.

i dont believe anyone would start that early where the fuck are you from

first class at 9am in the uk usually, finishing at 3pm

I only eat one big meal at night. Never had any problems, not a fatty. Don't get the hype with breakfast.

not op but us here, was normal

Not him but it's how it is here in the Philippines and I assume for a lot of other places in Asia.

You faggots seriously think that waking up in the morning, taking a shower and eating a breakfast is exclusively a Japanese thing? What?


8 am in Soviet Russia but the school is literally 2 minutes away from your commieblock so it was fine.

No that is not true, I need to wake up at 4 am to get to my part time job and it just makes me feel dead inside.

neets man

It shouldn't be that hard. I was still able to take a bath, eat breakfast, and get to school on time. First bell usually rang around 7am.

Was meant for

Showering in the morning is way better than showering at night

Don't nips usually only take a bath at night and skip showering in the morning?

Have you tried sleeping soon after getting home? and waking up in the middle of the night?

Ideally you should do both, but showering in the morning is pretty much a requirement.

Southern US, school started super early but final bell rang by 1330 usually home by 1430.

why would you shower at all?
fuck off norms

Another SEAfag here.

Just checked on a typical highschool website here and first period starts at 0645.

The idea is that parents can drop off their kids to school before going to work.

But since Japanese kids seem to go to school on their own, maybe their schools start later.

I tried doing that, but my parents just complain that it isn't normal to sleep during the day and that I should live as a human and not as some weird vampire.

Fuck your parents then. Better a vampire that's getting enough rest than a zombie that's getting barely any.

Waking up before 6 am is fuckin death, had to wake up 4 am for a job once and it was hell

I have class starts at 7 AM though.
Well I only drink coffee before taking class.

I never got this either. I see characters in anime doing all you listed. When I was in school all I had the time for was to take a five minute shower and then chug down coffee on the way to the bus.

Have you tried drinking the blood of virgins?

>You'll never get a second chance at life as a Japanese child with two responsible parents and a decent education that's completed before you turn 23.
>You'll always have to play catchup with people who weren't retarded and lazy loners in high school.
Japan's whole "depression" problem can't possibly be as bad as America's.

I'm a super normie corporate goon

Do people seriously do this?
I'd feel fucking disgusting if I just showered at night and not bathed in the morning and went outside.

But my biological clock already in the mess.

What do??

Jokes on you, I'm browsing Sup Forums at work!

Waking up for school is infinitely way easier than waking up for work.

School started at 8.40 for me. It also ended at 2.55 for some reason.

I don't get it

Nips sweat less than normal humans so I guess that's why they're fine with that.

I do it. Showering before bed is very relaxing and makes it easier for me to sleep. I don't feel sweaty at all in the morning so I'm fine without a morning shower.

Some American schools start at 9 AM, I went to a college prep high school and we started at 9:15.

It would've been pretty easy to handle getting up at 7 for breakfast+shower then getting to school on time if I wasn't staying up until 2-3 AM jerking off and listening to music.

Is that a stain

Sleeping for 13 hrs a night is an American thing. Most people Japan sleep like 6 hrs max.

Not yet.

>tfw you weren't retarded and lazy

In my second year at Sixth Form they changed the time table so lessons started at 8:25AM so school could finish at 2:30PM. Basically just got rid of morning and final registration and moved it to the middle of the day.

It's a puddle.

Does drinking my own blood count?

Well they just don't understand that.
I really need to move out.

That's bullshit, Japs sweat and stink like everybody else. I once sat behind a couple of Japanese tourists in the bus and I could clearly smell their pit stink.

>I wake up fresh, with more time and my bed is cleaner
I don't see the problem.

All of that is not only reasonable, but also the case in Western countries. The only difference is
>cook a well prepared homecooked meal
>eat said meal
But that stems from a misunderstanding of Japanese breakfast. A typical Nip breakfast will consist of
>Miso soup
>Some vegetables
This is incredibly easy to make though
>Rice is put in the ricecooker before you shower, is done when you've finished your shower
>Miso soup is microwaved for a few minutes
>Vegetables are eaten raw
>The fish was probably perpared the evening beforehand or bought ready-to-eat

That cuts out a lot of preparation time and makes the entire schedule feasable, if you get up between 6:30 and 7:00. Assuming the average human being needs 8 hours of sleep*, getting up at even 6am is perfectly viable if you go to bed at 10 pm, which is a very reasonable time for a high school student.

*Napoleon argued that only fools need 8 hours, women need 7 hours and men need only 6 hours.

What kind of high school starts at fucking 8, mine started at 6:50, and I had to get on the bus at 6:10 because it was an hour walk to school.

Don't sleep when you usually go to bed and stay up untill like 8 am to wake up decently early in the morning.

They typically wake up around 6 AM, I think, which is roughly sunrise.
It's pretty normal to get up at sunrise. Some westerners just find it weird because their sterile, barely functional family life had no structure growing up.

Same here, but I always make it a point to bathe in the morning. Maybe its just the climate here being hotter.

What do you mean by everybody else though? People sweat and stink at different rates.

>Napoleon argued that only fools need 8 hours, women need 7 hours and men need only 6 hours.
No wonder he is such a manlet.

>Napoleon argued that only fools need 8 hours, women need 7 hours and men need only 6 hours.



Force yourself to bed at a reasonable time and lay there until you fall asleep. Set an alarm to wake you up at a reasonable hour and get up no matter how tired you are. Then don't take any naps during the day.

Do this for a few days and your internal sleep clock will shift to the new cycle and you'll start feeling tired earlier for bed and have more energy during the more active part of the day.


What is this? /r9a/?

In highschool I took the bus a few times. Then I'd wake up at 4am and walk the mile to school. Take a nap on a bench until my friend showed up. Then we'd wait on the principal to show up and go in. Another friend would show up and we'd cross the street to smoke weed. Come back about 30 min before first bell and munch in the cafeteria.
Had to wake up at 4am for a job, was late 18 times in a month, only by a minute or two, but it got me fired.

Napoleon was actually average height for his time.

Here in Colombia I had to be at my seat at 7am, and some schools can go as early as 6:30am.

Napoleon also took like 2 hour long bathes which he probably napped during

Get a 9-5 job.

>missed my 9:30am class today
Props to anyone who likes classes before this time or have to.

first world country ones

In my case, classes usually started at 8:00 AM and ended at 4:30 PM on Monday-Tuesday and 3:00 PM the rest of the week (Wednesday to Friday)

This is just bullshit, being late is +5min at least, unless it's a meeting or something like that.

I grew up in a 130k median income town on long Island faggot, 6:50 a.m. start time. I guess Europoors just can't organize themselves.

Taking melatonin 30 min before bedtime for a few days will help quite a bit as well. The most important thing is sticking to the schedule for a few days.

Do japs change into their sport uniforms or do they wear that shit all day long?
I'm assuming normal people do the latter but Japs wear that slutty revealing clothes and are crazy fucks in general so changing clothes between indoor classes and sport activities doesn't sound too retarded for them.

He was far from a manlet at the time, which at about 172cm puts him at above average for a Frenchman at his time and even today only slightly below the average of France and America alike. If you weren't a moron and a memelord you'd know that the confusion stems from multiple sources such as
>Napoleon's height being measured in pre-Metric French inches, which are slightly longer than Imperial inches
>Napoleon being called "le petit Corporal" due to his exploits in Italy, which non-native French speakers may misinterpret due to not understanding that "petit" can be a term of endearment (a father can call his son "mon petit" even if said son is twice as tall as he is)
>Napoleon always being surrounded by his Old Guard, who had a minimum height of 180m (which, at the time, was huge). From a distance he looked like a manlet surrounded by normal men rather than a normal man surrounded by giants
Of course Coalition propaganda took this idea and ran with it.

>2 hour long bathes
Never heard of that, though I have heard that he took between-battle powernaps on his horse.

average = small
you absolute morons

if you have an average sized dick it's still a small fucking dick

I'm confused at what you're trying to say but of course they change into sports uniforms?