>sue for discrimination against conservative white males
>clearly Jewish appearance
>everyone laps it up and pushes it in MSM to drive hatred towards white men even more
Why is no one point out he’s not even fucking white?
Why is no one meme-spamming that he’s not even white on normie places like Twitter?
This place is fucking doomed
Other urls found in this thread:
P.S. every photo of him in MSM is airbrushed so he’s paler. Can anyone help me find the originals?
pro-tip: in the real world, jews are white
Looks like a Nazi to me
Also pic related you fuckwits
>ethnicity: white for convenience
Forgot pic, I’m the fuckwit
S-seig heil...pls don’t bully for being white goy....
Why don’t we change that.
They claim whiteness for convenience. A nigger with blue eyes is still a nigger, like Rihanna.
Just because some of these kikes have blue eyes doesn’t mean they can hide their hook noses, fat lips, and week chins.
so? this lawsuit still works in our favor
Bumping because of constant shill invasion on this godforsaken board
>everyone laps it up and MSM pushes hatred towards white men even more
>everyone laps it up and pushes it in MSM to drive hatred towards white men even more
what would you say to a normie to convince him that this person isn't white?
It does not follow, what is he doing that would drive more hatred towards whites?
Literally turn on NPR at any time
Btw normies unironically listen to NPR en masse to feel smart. All normies. It’s cancer.
Becuase if he wins and all the fascist-tier shit in those court documents get out liberals are going to hate white men even more, like how they hate us more than ever for voting Trump in.
They mention how horrible and white he is nonstop now
The person who fired him was a black female tho
He has white skin and very light blue eyes. He's probably whiter than 90% of the people on Sup Forums.
I've only seen sympathy for this guy so far. Also I think he's just a big-nosed Italian.
My jewdar failed me the other day when I met and old guy, music producer from LA, with a nasally voice, who was a manlet dbag but also an awesome, fun person, and I asked if he was Jewish, and he said no, he was Italian.
In reality, there is no "white race". There are many white races. There is no "black race" or "Asian race", there are many black and Asian races. Even Jews are made up of multiple races that are just grouped together for convenience.
In short, race is too complicated for normies.
When you nose is that large and hooked can you still eat pussy?
The problem isn't Jews or whites, it's the sodomite oligarchy. Fags control and push the poz into every industry. Marx, Hitler, and Stalin called out their destructive behavior.
why would i listen to that shit? can you give a quick rundown?
i don't get. how? the guy's right
That is from everpedia and there is no source for the claim that he is Jewish. Can you find a source?
Ok? So because they're giving a little bit of push against him you're going all in to not only undermine his credibility, but to also somehow thwart the media? You can say he's fucking Jewish all you want, if NPR is going to push he's white then the retard perception is going to be he's white. Your plan makes zero fucking sense in the context that this constant anti-white media rhetoric actually wakes up white identity.
the more hate whites get from liberals, the more whites get redpilled
this is literally a good thing
I wouldn't. There are white Jews, black Jews, and MENA Jews. A special class of "white" is what they are, i think
Jews aren't white.
That's all you have to say.
If they question you then you can redpill them on the holohoax
if he act like one of us i dont have problem defending him,yeaa is not the norm but when it isnt we shouldnt act like apes
you'll just come off as a racist/anti-semitic retard, convincing no one
I have a jew nose and constantly get asked if I am jewish. I'm just german-irish with like 1/24 italian.
Noses differ you fucking decent person who is also white and makes mistakes
>all jews are in on some grand scheme to undermine all whites
This is how you spot a shill.
Wow look at that nose. That is a strong Jew nose.
damore -- isnt it italian? ie "Da-Mohr-Ray"
We often pass for Italian or Greek.
Jew here and I don't think he is Jewish. There are different shapes for big noses. The crook he has in his beak doesn't look Jewy. He looks possibly Anglo or Iberian to me.
Is he Jewish? Or are you one of those dumb fucks that thought the actor who played Kylo Ren is Jewish too?
>passes for med
Unsurprising. I'm Anglo and am often mistaken for German or Scandinavian, despite being overwhelmingly British by blood. Yeah he doesn't really look Jewy. Not beetle browed enough. He looks very much like a geeky white northern Italian to me.
Just say Jesus isn't white. Most christians learned about blue-eyed Jesus and then later learned it was whitewashing.
t Schlomo Shekelberg
Gareth Southgate
In the real world, they even admit they aren't.
>"Ashkenazi Jews are not white – Response to Haaretz article"
>Jews are white
Only when convenient to them shlomo
Jesus had blue eyes and red hair, like any Phoenician.
Whites can have big noses too they are just shaped differently than a kike nose.
He looks Roman. Like Trajan from Civilization VI