Does anyone else feel totally disconnected from their generation?
Why am I supposed to be okay with this?
If I told certain friends what I thought of this they’d stop talking to me.
Does anyone else feel totally disconnected from their generation?
Why am I supposed to be okay with this?
If I told certain friends what I thought of this they’d stop talking to me.
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I feel connected to the disgruntled outcasts of the generation but disconnected to most of the rest.
tell them you soymaster
I go on rants to my parents about Trump and gun control who gives a shit
>Does anyone else feel totally disconnected from their generation?
Welcome, but remember, you're here forever.
Fuck, I think I am Lactatia intolerant.
What do you mean here forever?
I literally laughed out loud and woke up my whole house
Same desu, I used to think that Sup Forums was making me biased, but at least here I can see some semblance of the "truth". A lot of my friends are liberal or just don't care about what's going on around them. I don't ever reveal my power level, but even the smallest things I comment on get ignored. For fucks sake my best friend said "authoritarian communism" the other day... Like there's some other form of communism (I'm Russian, I live in the United States because communism failed). I assume you're a millennial op, so just know that you're not the only one out there, alot of normies are incredibly naive, they think this "progressive" direction will lead us somewhere, that everyone can someone how get along. They're afraid of confrontation, they don't want to hurt feelings, they want to post pictures of themselves "helping" on Facebook and Twitter so they can feel better about themselves. It's all fucked, I don't know where we as a society will go from here, but at the very least you can better yourself, lift heavy weights, run, stop eating fast food, stop smoking weed and ciggarettes, reduce alcohol intake, read every book you can find, study our enemies...try somehow to be happy in this fucked, mad world.
Shoot sum guns too
I'm almost 40 and I feel like this:
No, you are felling a disconnect from the electric jew, it's weird, I know.
Your generation, as are others, are waking up faster than before but it will take some time to reach everyone.
It's ok, everything is fine, your friend are in the same position as you and fear the same things, but fear no more because good times are ahead
I know plenty of people that would stop talking to me, but also plenty that would agree that shit is weird af. Once you get into the inherent degeneracy of the gay community, you might lose a few more people.
you will never again lose that feeling
holy fucking shit !
Tell them. I openly talk about this shit. A lot of my friends are learning the hard way.
I enjoyed that! Well done, user. Well done.
you will have kinship with older folk and in a few years young folk which might seem pathetic having 18 yo friens at like 30 but an entire generation is fucked what do you do
I dunno, tranned-out children appear to have a softening effect on niggers. Take a look at the nig in the picture. He’s clearly not the type of nigger who’ll rob you at a cash machine.
You get a little bit of good with the bad, yknow?
Reminds me of this for some reason
I too tried to criticize this with friends and got met with defensive behavior...this is a problem
What do we do about this...
Tell them. There’s no point in lying. Maybe you’ll be lucky and some of them are redpilled and just as you, are afraid of libcucks not talking to them after they say something.
Everyday we stray further from God.
Hi, I'm a professor adjunct from Berkeley doing some research on gender related themes as relates to the sociology of the "alt right"
Would pic related make it more comfortable for you?
A new inclusion of the letter D for Digisexuals.
This would include the sexbots, waifus, dakimakuras and MMO avatars that many male users of the Internet profess to love. "2D" if you will.
With the advancements in technology AI personhood is just around the corner so my department is researching the effects of Digisexual erasure and means to counter it for a more inclusive society.
if i cant talk openly about the reality of the world with somebody, then I am not around them long - or simply start manipulating them with what they want to hear to get what i want. not always the easiest in university. always start with a few prodding jabs at pop culture to see who takes the bait and agrees. helps if you have really good verbal skills and can wreck most people or divert their attention from a perceived injustice with lies. join me and become an Intelli-Chad
>If I told certain friends what I thought of this they’d stop talking to me.
Those don't sound like friends to me. Start trimming the fat from your life, you'll be better off for it.
nah I still identify myself as a millenial
Thats just the jews wanting to guilt trip and doing the divide conquer tactic but instead of a country they use a whole generation
Baby boomer were more degenerate as a whole and generation X were the definition of good goys
Reminder that every single society that fell due to their own incompetence under the stress of their own degeneracy was plagued with Transgenders and Pedophiles last.
It is a sign the current society is going to destroy itself sooner rather than later.
I'll see you all on the other side.
Hi, doc, I'll have the usual, cyanide on the rocks, stirred but not shaken
Man I wasn't expecting that, it was like a surprise attack.
Some girl recently asked me on a date, and I said yes, because I thought it was brave of her to ask, and she's thin and european. But the problem is she calls herself an intersections feminist and talks about that kind of stuff a lot. I don't even know what it means and now I have to go on a date with her, and hope I don't mention my desire for the continuation of my people. What happened?
I live in the former murder capital of the world Ciudad Juarez and despite the shithole i live in i thank God every day for allowing me to be born in an economic shithole like Mexico instead of a social and moral shithole like the United States
Please build the wall i'll pay for it
Damn dude. Stick around for a year and your life will be forever altered. Do yourself a favor and just forget about this place. Life is so much easier not knowing some things.
act like she's teasing you when she talksa bout feminist stuff - she just wants to sound impressive to you and appear as someone you should respect. play tongue in cheek with her banter and agree with it all with a sly look in your eye that says "sure, sure, but you're still my little slut wife"
works all the time she's just shit testing you to see if you'll flip and go all white-male-reeeee on her
Nobody i know would say anything positive about this shit
Dont worry about it, be honest and dont give a fuck she'll either fall in line or you're not losing anything.
Women are impressionable, if she likes you she will alter her views piece by piece until she aligns with you.
>If I told certain friends what I thought of this they’d stop talking to me.
Do it. We shouldn't be afraid to speak our mind especially now, at this point in time, as opposed to 8 years ago.
s-save us mex brah
I believe the wall would greatly reduce violence in Mexico by stopping the flow of drugs out and guns in.
Thanks for the advice guys. I'll make you proud
Get different friends? Every millennial friend I have thinks all this PC bullshit has gotten out of hand and that everything has gone bizarro.
Most normal people would think an 8-year-old boy who "transforms" into a drag queen is being sexually abused at home and should have CPS called on them.
But, CPS no longer protects kids, they take them, ruin families, and are immune to prosecution.
God help us
I hate my generation. Degenerates
Probably because most people dont have any families to watch the children from becoming a fruit loop candy
Some spoil the kids with free housing and free tor sites.
Communities tries to push agenda into the millenial so much theybhave forgotten to show the sons and daughters about take it easy. the american point of view..
thats all i can see from this pic.
Such devastating...
Also. Does major cities have major impacta on this pic?.
>absolute autist in HS
>omae wa mou tier shit in the middle of class level autist
>discover Sup Forums
>nearly got kicked out of school for going on autistic rants at every opportunity about the jews, niggers, spics, chinks, etc.
>mfw they couldn't because I was smart enough not to interrupt class
>this was before the "xd anti bullying!" thing really began
>I'd have been fucked otherwise
>entire student body hates me
>literally fucking everyone
>at this point I'm unironically openly racist
>sjwism was just beginning to start
>also a big fucker
>6' 200 lbs in sophomore year, no one fucked with me
>not to my face
>they did everything they could to screw me over, steal my shit, break something of mine, etc.
>got to the point where I was completely dissociated from the student body
>I felt transcended
>no more social bullshit, no more catering to faggots
>fucking bliss
>now, years after HS, still feel completely disconnected from society
>might be a delusion, might just think that, but fuck if it ain't a hell of a ride.
moral to the story: I fuck dolphins.
So your friends are all pedos?