So much for being "superior to BakaBT"

So much for being "superior to BakaBT".
Torrentfags on suicide watch.
It's time for IRC fags to reign supreme again.

Other urls found in this thread:

I'd use IRC a lot more if speeds weren't so slow.

Just use better bots.

This is only a problem if you use the same username and password for everything.

You're not one of those people are you?

But isn't that BakaBT? I'm pretty sure that pink round thingy is a logo of BakaBT.

Fucking newfag. I bet you even wonder why Yotsuba's the mascot of Sup Forums.

Wow, staff PMs were leaked. Looks like Torrentfags are truly not anime & manga, fuck off.

>that pink round thingy is a logo of BakaBT
You're joking, right? Please tell me you're just pretending.

And which site is this supposed to be, OP?

Speaking of which, is bakabt ever coming back or are they truly dead? Any chances a new site will take it's place?

You thought neo-Sup Forums was a joke?

Then what site is this you worthless brain damaged retards?
You worthless pathetic autists could just reply with the real name but you worthless retards need to feel superior because you know how worthless you are.


Neither passwords nor emails were leaked (unless sent in pm text)

I'll spoonfeed you this time, so stop throwing a tantrum, okay? It's Nyaa.

It's animesuki

You don't even recognize what the icon is from. Hint: it has nothing to do with torrents and everything to do with anime. Stay mad and keep throwing a tantrum.

It's probably AnimeBytes. Only that site would spawn such retards who think they're so elite.

It's a site for people whose powerlevel is so low, even MAl and reddit laugh at them. You'd fit right in there.

>don't even know about an entry level anime
>cry about elitism and being superior
Now, you two are just way too much of a pleb.

>And which site is this supposed to be, OP?

Your good ol' Animebytes

I hope you catch a bullet you fucking terminal retard

Damn, Sup Forums, this is a new low.

>paying to pirate

Hahaha holy shit, burgers are so fucking retarded.


>there are now people on Sup Forums who actually think that's a BBT logo

The only worthless brain damaged retard is you

Your inferiority complex is showing.


Come on user, even a fucking Narutard would have watched enough anime to know not to spout the shit you just did. You're lower than a Narutard at this point, you're in no position to call others worthless.

kek imagine being this mad

include me in the screencap reddit

So only the staff got fucked and anyone else who PM'd important information. I still have nothing to worry about

No don't say IRC. Everytime you fucking miscreants had something as a sekrit club, they always miraculously die in the end. Don't take away IRC too.

I saw a new message and was scared. It was just a friend request accepted though.


entry level shit for normalfags isn't exactly a thing to feel superior about

That's the point, you idiot. There's isn't anything to feel superior or elitist about. Only the plebs are the one who think it's people being superior because their damn bar is set so damn low.

fug yes
maybe now they will open the register process again

Jesus Christ, Sup Forums is a fucking cesspool.

screencapped your faggotry
retard scum

Sekrit Club

Just by existing they remain superior to BakaBT. Especially now, they're private.

>still using torrents in fucking 2017


>not using irc
how does it feel to be this dumb

>not buying the BD
Anime goes downhill and it's your fault

Is there an irc with entire shows already bundled up?

>he isn't a part of the secret club

You can use the batch command.
/msg {botname} xdcc batch {packet number of first episode}-{packet number of last episode}
This will download all episodes.

Why when there's no benefit for it?

In all seriousness what is that pink thing?

The benefit of having almost every subbed anime in existence is one.

A filter for plebs who are new to anime.

Not if you already have other ways to get them.

Are you pretending to be retarded?

>he doesn't watch his anime on Japanese television

The benefit of having your info leaked

Huge VN catalog is one.

Even sad panda is laughing at you.


In all seriousness, are you just asking to initiate a 2nd round of mockery?

Sorry I'm not some private tracker using faggot

>giving people shit for not watching melodramatic romcom garbage

It's always good to have redundancies. The people acting smug about secret clubs are still retarded though.

How do we stop him?

we don't
we can't

I want to know what it is.


delet this

We join him.

You don't have to have watched it to know where it's from.

I want traitors to leave

It's a dango.

When anime is in ashes, then you all have his permission to die!

Do I even need an account on nyaa?
Is there some shit limited to registered users there?


This. It was spammed everywhere in its heyday. Like the Hare Hare Yukai dance. Or how there are probably more people who know the Aquarion OP than those who have actually watched it. It was kinda of hard to avoid at that time.

No, only if you plan on uploading torrents

Yes, there are extra stuff like sad panda.

>emails, users, passwords, ips, pms
literally nothing, unless it's a site linked to a bank account who the fuck cares when there is a leak

Oh, okay then, thanks mate.
>sad panda
How is that related to nyaa?
Sukebei nyaa works fine without account and I have sadpanda account.

>I started my rare Daiz collection already
fuck you Sup Forums

Emails and passwords were removed, I just ran a grep for mine. No IPs either.

>emails, users, passwords, ips, pms are literally nothing
>this is what retards believe

I haven't seen any proof that the IP, emails leak is actually real.

>user: Naruto6541
>password: LoliconLover88
>pm: pls gib nudes (0 replies)
>ip: somwhere in america
So much info! If you are not a retard you use a worthless email, a coded password and a worthless username that nobody is going to bother tracking down. When the leak is being done to an actual company like what happened with sony the other day then you should be scared of people with credit card numbers and real info. But this is just worthless data.

I haven't seen any proof that the leak actually contains anything except non sensitive data from cancerous Sup Forums shitposting.

Not him, but what the fuck is it, then? It looks like a Peep.

And then there's this retard.

How fucking new are you faggots that you can't even recognize something that's from a very popular anime?

It's a screenshot of animebytes. Honestly.

Didn't they have a leak years ago anyways? One that was a bigger deal than this?

Clannad was 10 years ago

>literally already been answered in this thread
Fucking retard. You fags really can't stop finding new depths to sink to.

There has been no leak other than the Cloudflare one which affected all Cloudflare sites and a warning that a dropbox leak could result in animebytes accounts being compromised when people didn't change their passwords.

This particular leak is a censored database dump from late 2015.

It's fucking nothing.

Thanks. Have a good day.



I knew that. I was asking purely about the partially melted peep.

They're adorable, your concerns are in the right place.