TRUMP DEPORTS 200K!! El Salvadorans!!!
TRUMP DEPORTS 200K!! El Salvadorans!!!
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Fun fact: that guy lived and went on to be the mayor of a small town.
Winning big league!
no he didnt his head practically came off
Not posting the gif
Post the gif
, I don't have it.
whelp, looks like i need to find a new landscaper.
tis just a scratch
The program started in fucking 2001 for an earthquake. Time for them to go home. Obviously just a NWO scam to flood the USA with migrants.
is he okay?
We like 57% now right?
So this is how the aristocracy deters dissedents eh - i will say, decapitation sure as fuck is frightening
The gif is pretty low key compared to a lot of the others. They just kind of go limp. Chainsaw is the way to go instead of being hacked up by a machete.
How can you say that?
This is their home :'(
of course. mexican health care is top notch
>ausfialia missing a chance at a perfectly good monty python joke
This is why you're called ausfalia
The funny thing is that the people we deport cause a lot of trouble in El Salvador. Their rampant gang violence increases in direct proportion to our deportations.
Fucking drumpf. They only had 17 fucking years to get citizenship. What the fuck? Why deport them to their messed up country?
>its americas fault for rampant crime in other countries
Wtf i hate America now
You shouldn't get sprayed with blood like that in the waiting room though, I would be pissed off if I was on the left.
15 more years!
here's hoping another earthquake rocks them right after hey land back home
and the US should care because....?
How can you "get citizenship" when you're illegal you dumbass? You can't even get residence permit
not anymore!
this the fuhrer blessed this shit
black night says both faggot
That is a Monty Python joke you dumb amerilard
It is yust a trik. Dayvi Kopefy
>Burn American flag in their country
>Cry when we deport their asses
>Pic related
>complain about third world murders going back to the third world
> "economy depends heavily on remittances from the U.S., with money from abroad making up about 17% of the country’s gross domestic product"
> Earth quake was in 2001
At least they got a point about their credit score being fucked. How did they get to be so much better before?
>Burn American flag in December
>Begs us for money on January
>Pic related
Who said I am scared? It would almost impossible that a chicano pussy do that to me. No really, murrican pussies, call me when I'll have to holocaust latinos of central america. Just after I burned all africans.
>My MBTI type is the same of this character
>Not posting the gif
How can you stand to look at any human being being tortured and murdered
>Yankee Go Home
I hope the irony isn't lost on my brothers.
1/5 of El Salvador economy is based on remittances.
Not their country, they should go home.
I'd look down on you if it wasn't a waste of time.