ITT: We pretend to be Blue Pilled Normies
Yo what's up bro? Wanna go down to the bar tonight with me? My sister Stacy wants to introduce me to her new boyfriend Jamal. They make a great couple. Diversity is our strength in 2018!
ITT: We pretend to be Blue Pilled Normies
Yo what's up bro? Wanna go down to the bar tonight with me? My sister Stacy wants to introduce me to her new boyfriend Jamal. They make a great couple. Diversity is our strength in 2018!
Dude, who died on walking dead last night?
Dude, who died on Game of Thrones last night?
Hey guys lets all go to the discotech and drink alot of alcohol and have unprotected coitus. Tomorrow we should head to the beach in my toyota camry for a day of fun.
I wish we had socialized medicine like in Canada. Justin Trudeau is such a good leader.
I forgot how socially out of touch Sup Forums is
It's pretty accurate though. Normies are a parody of themselves.
We don't want to associate with these people. Other than being degenerate they're just boring as fuck
Dude who got incest-raped to death on game of thrones and which orange cheeto got totally roasted on colbert the previous evening ?
You mean "Who DIDN'T die on Game of Thrones, know what I mean haha!!"
I finally found a good woman who's normal and she asked me a see a movie and i declined.
You don't have to be that smart but normies, partly because you can't just blab about all your intricate and autistic hobbies with people you hardly know, are boring as all fucking getout. They're cookie-cutter because they're social and so sacrifice their own individuality and quirks.
It's actually kinda sad really.
can you believe how high these taxes are? its a good thing we have such good schools
Ching ching CHONG it sure is great being Canadian and French isn't it kim lee? Want to go out for French Canadian noodle place later?
Remember that time you tagged me on that gif recipe and you said "we should totally make this" and we never made it?
Hey guys. All the other Monkeys are meeting at LkF lets go have a drink with Ms. Emma! She's so cool!
>Who saw SNL this week??? [Insert nobody actor name here] portraying a member of Drumpf's cabinet or Drumpf was Hi larious!
>Drumpf is so dumb, he's a bumbling idiot and I'm smarter than him, but he's also evil and dangerous and a threat to our very democracy
>If Drumpf loses, angry white men will commit violence and riot...Oops, Drumpf won, but now it looks like angry white men will commit violence anyway because it's "trump's america" and it's dark
"Wow that CBTS thread 532 was insane! Shit's going down bro!"
>They're cookie-cutter
I swear every fuckboy chads have that same short on the side messy on the top haircut and all the women just wear messy buns and sweatpants. Where did this shit come from?
Literally no normal person would say this
Have you heard lil pumps new song? it's fire bro!
This is painfully accurate.
jews are gods chosen people. palestinians just need to shut the fuck up
Did you see that maymay Karen posted on Facebook last night totally owning Drumpf? Shit was Hi larious!
>Where did this shit come from?
Juden, probably.
kek there any site thats funnier than 4chin?
Holy fuck, is Sup Forums really this delusional?
Normal people don't act like retarded leftists. Normal people get uncomfortable when you talk about politics regardless of whether or not you are right or left leaning.
>Hey man, want to head to the bar with me and some friends? This could be your chance to finally get laid. I'll be your wing-man.
>F-fuck off. I am not a virgin and second of all alcohol is degenerate. I'd rather stay home and read a book or listen to some classical music while sipping some red wine. Enjoy yourself while Rome is burning.
Later that night user browsed Sup Forums for 6 hours, jerked off into some random garment laying on his bedroom floor then fell asleep regretting not leaving his house.
Anyone notice that normie girls cannot stop talking about their boyfriends? Passing by girls on the street, overhearing their conversations in a coffee shop, "my boyfriend" is their most common phrase and seems to be the basis of every thought they share with others. They can't even say something about themselves without mentioning them - instead of "I like to cook pasta" they say "My boyfriend really likes my pasta."
Ooh how I miss the obamas, can't wait till oprah gets in
>The Amerimutt doesn't understand satire
And here I thought the Germans were humorless
Reddit of course XD
>Later that night user browsed Sup Forums for 6 hours, jerked off into some random garment laying on his bedroom floor then fell asleep regretting not leaving his house.
pretty accurate. is that supposed to be a portrayal of a negative lifestyle, though?
dude weed lol haha
I like literally can't stop watching vine compilations, even though they're the same 100 vines in a different order every time.
I browse and post on Sup Forums all the time bruh
The real redpill about bluepilled people:
They all fucking know most of it, they know blacks are less intelligent and cause more crime, they know muslims are a civilization stuck in time, they know the jews rule big chunks of the world.
They just don't say it on public, and when they see someone saying any of those things try to shut it down to maintain the status quo.
A lot of them were also educated by marxists, and sadly they do believe that crap till they become real adults with a stable job.
>Kills self from nihilistic void
They don't say it because they are either too weak willed to stand up for their beliefs
>Enjoy yourself while Rome is burning.
made me kek
Underrated double digits my nigga
Omg that guy killed himself? If only he had just talked to me, I would've totally been there for him.
You are socially out of touch. I know because I interact with normies all the time
Hahaha barstool sports is so funny. Can't wait to watch the next sports game. Got the new 2k game. It's so much better than last year's.
Clubbing is everything. It's totally not a Jewish psy op to keep us poor, childish and renting for life LMAO
Man, that Assad guy really has to go, he destroyed 47 hospitals this week!
Dude bannon is a fucking white supremacist, thank God he's gone!!
Ayo u holdin, William? We shud get fuuucked UP and head down to da spot tonite. I bet der gon be a TON of bitches at da spot. Ayo, we shud stop by da ATM n get some money for afterwurds n get some $1s for da strip club. Imma totally take sum bitch back n make her suck my dick! Shit's gon be cash!
Only normies hang around other normies
Did you hear about Harvey Weinstein and (insert Jewish entertainer) ? Wow it's unbelievable, I never would have guessed! Those poor women!
life is suffering
death is an eternal rest
which one sounds better?
Gucci gang? I saw it live last week. It was lil pump, and the weeknd. It was lit.
Lets grease up and wrestle midgets in the name of jewish communism.
I dont know what normal people do.
Because they want everyone to know they have a boyfriend. Duh.
You're right. I'm starting to lose my principles around them, I'm afraid to stand up for my ideas.
남북 합의하기 쉬운것부터,차근차근 해나갑시다~응원합니다~^^
Game of Thrones is good.
For most of them is not a problem pertinent to their life. They prefer to talk about bullshit than saying "racist facts" that they don't have any choice in changing.
I know I've hide my powerlevel a lot of times.
Most of them do believe in the gay propaganda though.
>he doesnt use social media
Dude! Check out this funny facebook video! No, no, trust me. It's about how men and women do something differently. But.. wait wait here's the kicker... It totally makes us look like jerks!
Lebron James is so hot!
Reddit spacing
Would bang every single girl in this photo
You might want to settle down on the Rock and Morty references. Alcoholism is a serious problem in society, and the use of it as a comedic object trivialises the hardship of suffered by many.
ha ha
+1 upvote!
Did all you guys see the new star wars movie? They are just so good! Almost as good as harry potter but way better than the big bang theory! Also the simpsons have only gotten better and better over the years. I sure hope drumpf doesnt kill us all with global warming!
Is this the second time you've going to Starbucks today? Haha! Just messing. While you're there, could you get me a latte?
people who dont think bernie can still be president are problematic and are creating a toxic environment for people of color
check out this tolerant POC LGBTFAG i found on reddiit, so progressive
Sneaky shill detected
normie here
normie there
You hear the packers lost 14-88 great game the defense of the SteelBirds was a little shotty but other than that the game was great! Can't believe their new offensive shooter LaJames and their defense Jamal, great kids, way better than my son who is getting a Stem degree.
Also you want to see Capeshit Thor 3? Invasion of the WakandunduNuffin? No? Well fine we'll take your little brother and everyone to see it without you.
Oh hey user, you want to go to RedChickenLonghornSteakhouse to eat shit we can buy and cook in the same amount of time it takes them you serve us? Also, we must remember to pay a ridiculous tip to some Thot who is a single mother and all her job entails is her getting our drinks and handing the order to the chef.
Sure, if you like bad special effects and long drawn out boring dialogue that normies eat up as being "Deep" and "Intricate"
>Football is only for normies
Nerd detected
Hey guys, I can't believe how racist some people are, let me give you an excellent example.
These racists keep saying blacks adespite being a minority commit most of the crime. I mean common, they can talk about this without having to use race to describe the issue. When they attach race its to mask their prejudices and attack people, can you believe that!?
>normie liberal conversations concerning race...
hahaha best one yet, hands down.
well played, gentlesir. and czeched
So have you decided on post-grad yet? I'm thinking of doing a part-time extension program.
omg XD
Oh my god. How have you NOT seen stranger things yet? Wait.. YOU DON'T HAVE A NETFLIX MEMBERSHIP? This is 2018, you know! Hey Sarah, Cody doesn't have a NETFLIX membership. Haha! Really? That's LITERALLY INSANE!
playing football is cool following sports is a waste of time
Personally I don't like watching a bunch of niggers running around throwing a pig skin while slapping eachother on the ass.
>3 hours and 12 minute football game
>11 minutes of actual football action
Stupid 56% nigger.
Dude, what Western city had an islamic bombing last night? bet they deserved it anyway hah.
literally copied from a post someone liked on fagbook
“Businesses don’t exist to enrich their employees”
Saw someone comment this on a friend’s status about wealth equality.
Well sir, maybe that’s so, but that wasn’t what was being asked. What was being asked for was a decent living wage. Not a fucking starvation wage. If you pay your employees a starvation wage, I won’t cry when you’re murdered.
It is, pretty much. The dedicated football fans who go to games every week are textbook normies.
1 Race, TEH HUMAN RACE! Checkmate bigots. FUcking god I just want to fucking murder alll White supremacists. They're so goddamn fucking intolerant! They just need to die!
Hey man wanna cover my shift tonight this girl is trying to come over
GEOTUSA does not approve
>Ew user is such a creep he doesn't even have a Facebook or twitter for me to stalk him on and to see if I'll get anything from talking to him
watching young peak ability males in their reproductive prime is equivocally homosexuality, or some pseudo worship of male virility that often one never gets to achieve due to appropriations of the epigentic lottery.
Sports are gay, and they're used to keep the bored plebs occupied with meaningless niggers
We said pretend desu
Oh no (Insert City here) was attacked by terrorists? Better put an overlay over my facebook profile picture to show my friends I care!
Thread should be called Sup Forums trying to LARP as normies
israel is based
Doing both is even cooler
Its actually about 40 minutes of game play. Thats what most youtube edits turn out to be
Reminder that the quarterbacks are white because you need a brain in that position
>stupid 56% nigger
>is American
Have you tried the new brewery down the street? You haven't? Oh my god. They have the BEST burger. Ya it's literally a cheeseburger with bacon, pulled pork, macaroni and cheese, and topped with a fried egg. It's like.. the best thing I've ever eaten.. Also, all their beers on tap are craft brewed locally. Oh wow. Sounds awesome!
>My sister Stacy wants to introduce me to her new boyfriend Jamal. They make a great couple. Diversity is our strength in 2018!
It's obvious that most Sup Forumstards never socialise.
Nobody ever says shit like this. Normal people simply don't care about race. They don't encourage diversity nor do they oppose it. They just don't give a fuck.
what's wrong with this?
go fuck yourself nigger