Racism aside. He looks good in that sweater.
Racism aside. He looks good in that sweater
Xe looks good. Xe.
Cool thread.
He looks aggrieved. He's probably thinking about the talk his dad had with him about how the police might shoot him if he shoots at them and how he won't ever get no justice.
>work even harder
but niggers don't work
coolest monkey in the jungle
there's literally nothing racist about this and I'm black.
The funny part is that that photo is shopped. Here's the original.
H&M is doing damage control.
The fast-fashion brand sparked a good deal of anger online with an ill-considered product shot on its UK site. The image uses a black child to sell a hoodie that says “coolest monkey in the jungle.”
H&M swiftly apologized, but the incident has provoked some understandable speculation over how a misstep of this sort even occurs. H&M is a Swedish brand, so it’s coming from a culture with a different racial history than places such as the United States—but it’s still a global company, operating in a world where racism is prevalent.
That's the story. And a real racist thinks that niggers are apes. So when they get offended, it means they believe it themselves.
He looks like he's steal my bike.
Well, if you call removing the KFC background "the original".
#MeTwice I mean #TimesToo.. fuck it just get in here:
Fuck off faggot
I'll put it this way, I'm racist as shit, but yeah, he looks like a pretty well dress niglet, he pulls it off.
I was about to argue with you, but then I realized you were right.
Ahh my home town durban
May be a slide thread however I agree he does actually look pretty good in the sweater.
>implying all niggers dont have an impecable fashion sense