Post men worthy of F for respect

Post men worthy of F for respect.

Other urls found in this thread:

He fucked up so hard.




His mistakes are largely exaggerated by the same (((historians))) who claim Hitler was an Alien Vegan who would kill everyone who was not blonde and gassed 20 million jews with the power to instantly cremate them.

Do you honestly believe the history you are told by these people? Jews absolutely hated the Tzar for his traditional beliefs, you will never hear an honest account about him at this point.



Weakest dbz villain by fucking far. He just looked cool. His back story and connection to goku were also fucking stupid. Dbz should have stopped at the frieza saga.

Sorry for phone posting



How would russia be different if King george had granted asylum to the romanovs?


>Broly was the weakest
>not Radditz


Not going to post a pic for this one because there isn't one. But I'm not thinking of "great men" who were political leaders and orchestrated victories in war or economic competition. I'm thinking of the men that you don't read about, the hard working peasants for whom war was a distant rumor, who raised good sons and daughters and maybe lost some of those sons when the country went to war. All the same they soldiered on through whatever the fortunes of "great men" brought their way and still kept a sense of pride to be a part of their nation. Time is irrelevant here, these men lived in ancient times to an era not so removed from our own. Men who didn't read at all, much less read philosophy, but still practiced it unknowingly in their daily life.

Dont confuse the post for the man, he was incompetent to the point of treason and was a terrible combination of incompetence indecisiveness and stubbornness - the most dangerous traits for an autocracy.

His rule is a litany of mistakes and failures and the most redeeming trait he has was that he was not a Communist.

that's mums husbando

this is now mummy thread


I can't believe this hasn't been posted yet.

Fuck you all the way to hell

bodic da bodic da bodic daaa

Why do so many people here like him?


disagree or agree with his ideas
he was a soldier that cared for his people
and great strategist
and also an honorable mention for Porfirio Diaz

>How would russia be different if King george had granted asylum to the romanovs?

Spoiler alert - King George did not have that power it was up to the parliament. The last time British Monarch to refuse assent was in 1708 and even then was forced to give up.

Charles Martel

fucking hell shes so pretty, shes almost 40 ffs

how can you tell what a women will age like in their early 20s? healthy diet and lifestyle? family?

It was the beggining of the end for the west. Look into it. (((They))) literally massacred his familia.

kys faggot

>also pic related

begone thot

hear hear


This guy right here. God bless him.

EWWWWW not that one
>I meant pic related

You guys ever read the private journals/work of the founding fathers? So red-pilled, it’s beautiful. They’d be so sad how weak we’ve become, it actually makes me sad knowing these guys went through all the war and work just to have modern left flush it down the toilet. They would’ve lynched members of the swamp by now for treason.

They likely would've never been re-installed in power. However they didn't really deserve to be ritually murdered in a dingy basement by kikes either.

What really fucked Russia is what happened in between the Tzar's capture and the start of the civil war.
IE: Lenin using dirty politics, intimidation and mob violence to make sure that no democracy or republic talks would be heard, then plunged the country into civil war for his communism power bid.

Many Russians preferred a reform more like the French or Americans, but they were silenced through violence in typical commie fashion.





>incompetent Chad
>literally retarded
>sold millions of lives of russian soldiers for bakners shekels
>started war with gooks for no reason
>lost it
>lost his country to commies
>renounced the trone
>shot like a dog if a basement
He is worthy P for Piss on his grave.




What a cool fucking uniform. Too bad leather daddy faggots appropriated that shit.


almost seems like destiny the way he went after all he did

>plunged the country into civil war

Civil war in Russia started when western countries supported rebellion of anti-soviet forces and invaded Russia. Anti-soviet rebels was the same people who kick out Nicholas 2 from his throne.

Once again I must proclaim that I look enough like him that it's strange seeing his portrait.

I must contact Natalia, while she can still breed.

>Many Russians preferred a reform more like the French or Americans
Do you think that would have been possible given the Provisional Government's decision to continue the war?

>IE: Lenin using dirty politics, intimidation and mob violence to make sure that no democracy or republic talks would be heard, then plunged the country into civil war for his communism power bid.
Its deeper than that, remember they chimped out in July and were obliterated


The biggest possible F to him.

>Worthy of respect
>Worst head of state in all of WW1
>The only reason he was made a saint is because Communists executed him

F Mi general

Imagine what Mexico could've been like.



mum is a lovely lady

Fucker was a socialist. The Roosevelt's have as much blood on their hands as all the other kikes. Teddy here advocated for the US to get involved in the Great War. Don't pretend for one second that this "Man's man" is our guy




This here. One who cannot relate to the common man/the working man is not suited to lead, for the honest laborer is the true backbone of any nation. No country can survive if there are no people to work its fields or defend its borders.

Quick rundown?

Long live the Tsar.

The only leader in World War I and the Russian Civil War who was worth a shit

F second reich best reich

Had America gotten involved in WW1 sooner it certainly would have been a shorter and less bloody war.


>anti-Soviet rebels kicked Nicholas out and started the war
>its just a coincidence the Bolsheviks murdered the Tzar
is this the equivalent to Russian tin foil? You are on some next level propaganda with that m8.

>western countries supported rebellion
More like counter-rebellion. Though yes, that Battalion of Czechs ended up pushing commie shit in for awhile once the violence really kicked off. Too bad they couldn't hold Yekaterinburg, things could've went much differently.

weakling, mentally ill, bipolary cunt that should have never ruled. Dominated by his crazy wife and a bunch of wierdos. Totally unworthy of anyone's respect.

got his real picture here.

Oh if I could only have five minutes with his preserved mummy, the ways I would defile it then upload to youtube.


The more you read about them the sadder it gets. But I just can't stop reading about them, I just can't stop learning about them. There is a good fucking reason why our schools basically gloss over them, even in death they're too strong to control


if only he had a guide from the future and actually fucking listened to him, the world would be a better place

Dragon ball should've stopped at the first series

t. Jew

The only thing that would make Salazar's regime perfect would have been bring back Manuel II as King. Even if he was a powerless king. The blue/white Portuguese flag > commie red and green.

>t. Ancestors were exiled from Porto nobility

This man is the man to topple all men.

And had the United States not gotten involved then the United States would be even stronger, Germany wouldn't have fallen to the Jews, and Communism potentially could have been prevented on a large scale. Our involvement led to this world's downfall

>Arrive in Mexico
>arrive in times of wat
>instead of wanting to rule with an iron fist promote democracy and more free ideals
>people dont beleive me and populists try to potray me as evil
>they succeed
>get told constantly to leave my country
>tell my 10/10 qt wife to fuck off and stay with my country alone with no family
>get killed
>but at the end as time pases get remembered as a tragic hero instead of an evil king

>qt wife become crazy he didnt live the last moment with me and spends her life until death searching for me

He smelled of feces

you do know that the USA is a free mason project gone wrong dont you my ill-educated yank?

why do you think you've got those satanic stars in your flag and not crosses like norway or greece got?

The USA is a bigger marxist mess than the USSR was....amigo

For trying to make America great by issuing government backed currency. He knew the consequences of the game before it was cool.


Mexico my dude, you guys literally had the best chances of being a nation of respect had you kept that Hapsburg. He was literally the perfect good monarch.


This is a very underrated post. These "Kulaks" are the true engines of any successful society.

They're the NCOs of the world. They have a different type of knowledge / intelligence that any Harvard professor would hold in contempt.

This might be why the left despises Trump so much - although his IQ is amazing, in some ways he's the uber Kulak. His success came from specific knowledge, not theory.

Patton died in a (((car crash)))
>Be Patton
>One of the greatest generals of his generation
>Live constant tank battles
>Die in a (((car crash))) after finding the truth of what has transpired.
Truly a sad end. Had he lived I'm sure he would have ran for President and saved us from destruction

Let me tell you the chronology of events.

February 1917 - Februarist Rebels kicked out the Tzar and proclaim Republic. Western countries supports new government.

October 1917 - Commie (Octobrist) rebels kicked out February rebels and proclaim Soviet Republic. Western countries deny to recognize new government.

Summer 1918 - Western countries and Februarist Rebels started Civil War in Russia against Soviet Republic.



>Be so retarded you try to support democracy as a hated king instead of fucking off
>Be a tragic hero for being so stupid
If he was so noble he should have just left when it was apparent nobody wanted him to be king.

Not even Mexican, but just thinking about is painful. Like Hector said above, way too fucking soon.

I honestly dont want to talk about that
he was perfect

the more I read about him the more feels I get
>the cards his wife wrote him about looking for him and missing him

they fucking hurt
Am glad when I went to to Austria his grave is still there

He’s from my it’s 80% Asian...baka.

What the fuck are you on about? I just said that had we not gotten involved the world would be better. The US has only been controlled since the Federal Reserve Act, Presidents before Taft were strong advocates for no central bank.