My wife Amira is very cute. Can Sup Forums say some nice things to her?

My wife Amira is very cute. Can Sup Forums say some nice things to her?

Nice breeding.

This manga is extremely problematic. it's becoming more and more apparent that the author is going out of his way to make ownership of women as though it were a good or at least acceptable thing.

Every story Arc save one has said this, and even that is related to such.
1. Dispute over ownership of a women with claims of ownership being that of marriage verses blood.
2. Side story of relative facing the unacceptable possibility of being older and not married, and their efforts to get her a husband.
3. Story about even the remotest of connections of a man in a womans life, meaning ownership of that women. Despite the man being only related by marriage to a ex-mother in law,(which is a exceedingly slim connection) he was able to decide who she was to marry and not marry, she was still his property, because he was a man, and she was a women(aka a thing to be owned). Now this wasn't specifically romanticized, but it was treated as inevitable/natural, the MC Mr Smith giving no effort at all to try to help the women he had agreed to marry and presumably loved.
4. Twins so desperate to get married, they resorted to "tomboyish" (gasp!) pranky behavior in their effort to to get married. Literally trying to catch husbands. Well its resolved when their father sells them off to the sons of his friend.
5. Women can't be with her friend and help her financially unless she gets her husband to marry her as a second wife. She was lonely in her gilded cage after all, and the only option is for another women to be trapped in the cage too, even with the nicest of husbands. (author says, see, polygamy has a good side too, I say, just let her visit her friend and provide her money)

And finally the invasion arc, which isn't directly something that makes ownership of women sound good or natural, but it's very much part of arc 1 which is about ownership of a women.

You want to say that's only about historical accuracy? I say that's BS, clearly the authors pushing the subject. But even if it were just about historical accuracy, fine, let that part of history burn away and be forgotten. It's a past ugly part of human nature, well it exists nowadays too, but to a lesser degree.

They just don't make pasta like they used to.

The author is female you idiot .

I'm not sure when this takes place but women were literally considered property before Islam

NotCentral Asia?


Stopped reading right there.

Call not just a country but an entire timeline Barbaric via present day standards. This history has no relevance and we need a good book burning to remove all trace of it logic.

The story is enjoyable, but agenda shoe horning is like shouting out you please yourself with vegetables in a supermarket before returning a cart full of produce back onto the racks.



Bla bla bla wtf is feminist doing in Sup Forums much less in Sup Forums. Anime and manga aren't the best media in potraying women power but this is different. This manga based on historical facts ffs.

Is this some ebin new pasta?


We are doomed.


12 year olds can't post here

It's a copy pasta from Potato.

Reported OP for underage.

Shouldn't you be learning how to use a bow?

Which further proves that anons point

>But even if it were just about historical accuracy, fine, let that part of history burn away and be forgotten. It's a past ugly part of human nature.

I know this is pasta but how is someone out there this retarded.

Let's ignore the plight of those who came before and make an effort to erase it! Completely forget all of our mistakes! What could possibly go wrong?

as far as I know in old turkic tribes women were equals with men not meta

When's the translation for ch 62 coming out? I love this series

>ownership of women is bad
As opposed to the ownership of men (or rather, their wallets) we have today?


Authors a woman

i'v always thought she was very beautiful, the entire manga is like visual cocaine.

beautiful OP

New chapter when?

I recognize this one. The post itself may be pasta, but it came from an actual person who thinks like this. Thankfully Japan doesn't care about perpetually butthurt feminists from the west.

I like this post.

Forget the past.
So you shall suffer it again in the future. Tenfold.

its like pottery

Well, I've got to say that you earned this one.

I don't get why people complain about romanticism anyway. Sure, it's not a setting I would want to live in, but isn't it pretty remarkable that someone could take such a setting and make it seem comfy and inviting?

Even though I personally would never want to be a paternalistic sort of husband and look after my wife like a child, I still find all the women really cute and endearing and it's easy to cheer them on to get married and fulfill their goals.

That's a nice wife, here's a picture of my wives

The guy that wrote this I think is actually autistic.

Kaoru Mori is a woman. A very cute one, at that who loves maids.

anime when?

How often do they fuck?

They didn't consumate yet

As soon as he hits puberty you know it's gonna be 24/7.

>I don't get why people complain about romanticism anyway.
People will complain about anything and everything.

>Sure, it's not a setting I would want to live in, but isn't it pretty remarkable that someone could take such a setting and make it seem comfy and inviting?
I think this is what some writers try to achieve. They want to make a believable world you can escape to.

>Even though I personally would never want to be a paternalistic sort of husband and look after my wife like a child, I still find all the women really cute and endearing and it's easy to cheer them on to get married and fulfill their goals.
You've matured enough to want children.

The only mistake was not spreading this tradition everywhere.
Women are inferior to men.

Hopefully never.

RIP thread

This is my wife Pariya, she is very cute, but is very shy and tsundere, say somthing nice to her.

Yeah... sure...
They fuck like rabbits every nights.
At least from that chapter inwhich Amira started to see him like a true man.

new chapter fucking WHEN

She is not tsundere, just shy.

It's a long time... hope the group that was doing this didn't dropped it.


I think she's more just awkward.

What a beautiful cockroach

Tumblrinas are autistic

She's not turkish though

From her and her sibling's outfits, I'd say she's Kazakhstani

Why didn't I get a free older wife when I was twelve?

Can someone give me a quit rundown on Russia's invasion of the middle east turning this time? How fucked are these characters in the long run?

>and look after my wife like a child
Explain? Because what we have seen in the manga women tend to work as hard as their husbands. The only one who could fit in this category is the girl from the polygamy chapters.

I only know what I read on Wikipedia, but that region is fucked for the next 60 years or so, and it gets worse over time. Russia exercises more and more control, restricting religion and freedom, and I think there are a lot of slaughters interspersed throughout.

Name of manga? It seems interesting.

>you will never bang your athletic horse archer gf in her yurt while the cold wind howls across the steppe outside

Amira needs permission to speak to other men, to go to places like the fertility shrine, and to get defended when her family comes to take her back. As the man you're expected to be your wife's leader and protector and have the final say on things. I didn't mean in the sense of not sharing work because there are no (or at least very few) traditional cultures where the woman gets to take it easy.

Reverse google image search.


When that time comes all Amir can look forward to is to spend the rest of her life constantly pregnant

>to get defended when her family comes to take her back
Are you saying she could had defeated her entire family of well trained men all by herself? I am not Muslim, but I think the point was to show that Amira was one of her husband's clan members to lure her family back. Her father wanted her back at all cost.
And for the rest I think I got your point.

Karluk get off the Sup Forums. You aren't old enough to post here.

No, I just meant the idea of having to defend her from an oncoming army as some sort of political token bride is paternalistic and a pain in the ass. Although I do wonder how much say Karluk had in marrying her (it does seem that the men in the manga have the power to shop around, even taking political ties into account) considering he must have been around 11 when that happened. I do hope we get to see the events leading up to their marriage some day.

I like how even normies who hate /ss/ think their relationship is cute.

Which is all she really wants.

Ha, OP, I literally started reading this about 2 hours ago!

>Although I do wonder how much say Karluk had in marrying her (it does seem that the men in the manga have the power to shop around, even taking political ties into account) considering he must have been around 11 when that happened.
I would think he didn't have any say. I mean, he wouldn't even have been thinking about it. Amira's family had been shopping her around for a while, and the best they could do was marry her sandy vagina off to some mid-tier merchant townie's youngest son, who was below even the standard girls' marriage age; they are like barely second cousins at closest, probably not even that (Granny is from Amira's tribe, I'm pretty sure).

I think his grandma just lived in the same area that Amira's family is from.

>she came

I fucking love their clothes so fucking much.

She really ought to just take what she wants from her husband by force. Drag him kicking and screaming into manhood.

>a woman [...] who loves maids

That makes no sense.


You mean like massacres? Pogroms?

Pariya is better


Is this the steppe waifu=

>when you want to /ss/ but he wants to /k/

>5 years until he is at least 18
Poor Amir

nice bait, is this some Tumblr pasta, because Kaoru Mori is a woman

I'm going to marry shirin's tits!

Pariya is a SLUT

This breaks the Pariya.

matur malay. Min Amir yarata

>She spent an entire day hoping he would ask something lewd of her and he just asks her to teach him archery

Poor Amira.

worst arc

>Her disappointing face
She just want to cuddle with her cute shota to have cute kids.

Maybe so but them titties were bomb


>he just asks her to teach him archery
Her smile and optimism: gone

>tfw no Ainu or etc manga in similar style
Don't say Golden Kamui, it's not quite the same

How much suffering am I in for if I read this?

None. It's about cute stories with cute brides. Mr. Smith and the girl deserved it, his parents wouldn't had accepted her.

There's only one part so far that had some suffering. Other than that it's mostly comfy with a bit of a family fued.

However the Russians will inevitably invade and fuck shit up at some point in the future.

Like I said, see .

She's also apparently crazy about bunny girls

There's a bit but in mostly works out well in the end the real suffering is waiting for releases


Literally who?