I'm gonna try to keep this tread up one more day. If you'd like some high res scans, just ask. List inside. This is what they look like, and here's what I've done so far, imgur.com
Want some LD cover scans? 2: The Return of the Scanners
Other urls found in this thread:
What I have.
Also last thread:
Dragon Half, Villgust and Capricorn
Well, here's the other Dragon Half -
and Capricorn, Villgust still needs to be scanned, so please hold on.
I will pay you all of my money for those assuming they still have all the inserts.
Unfortunatly I didn't know they were supposed to come with inserts when I originally got them, so I didn't check for it when buying them. I've contemplated getting another set with the inserts but that hasn't happened. (Yet.)
Anything with Outlanders, please?
Villgust 1.
I've been trying to get Outlanders for a couple of months now, the last one that came up I was in a bid slap fight with someone over it and I eventually lost 'cause I couldn't justify ^$100 at the time on one LD that shouldn't be nearly this annoying to get.
You nigga where saying the other day that you where going to drop them but you never did.
You don't by chance have the ability to rip the Dragon Half LD, do you? It has some untranslated extras.
Man that takes me back.
The anime was one of the first to genuinely make me laugh.
Blacksmith Tony. . .
I don't have a capture card / device, and pointing a camera at a CRT's hardly a viable option. Plus I still need to swap the laser on my machine. (Not unwatchable by any means, but it suffers on certian CLVs and it doesn't do digital audio anymore.)
And Villgust 2. Came for the cat girl, left being very distracted by the elf guy on the 2nd LD cover being voiced by the same guy that voices Usopp.
Forgot pic.
Now I just need to combine the images
Already on it, 'ang on.
Do you have a hi-res version of this City Hunter cover?
That's unfortunate. How much is the equipment? If I recall, it's just an author interview or something, so it's not too big of a deal.
I love laserdiscs, the sleeves almost always had great boxart.
If it's not in , I can't help.
I haven't really looked into it, to shoot in the dark I'd guess $100-$200 for something really high quality.
Speaking of which, I've always wondered if someone ever tried to create an adapter/software for the MSX enabled VHD players, so they could 1:1 rip the records.
That's not as bad as I was expecting actually. I might even get one, if I felt there was a demand for more LD rips. I can't think of anything that hasn't been ripped.
Not so much rips from things that have never been ripped before, but higher quality rips using higher quality encode settings and better players is something that probably wouldn't be amiss.
I don't know anything about what constitutes high-quality hardware or settings, but I'm not sure how much of an improvement they'd be. LDs are still akin to VHS after all. Maybe in the future.
A significant jump up from VHS, a small step down from a average DVD, and a small to medium step up from a poorly mastered DVD. Unlike DVD, with LD it's really dependent on the player used that determines how good it looks. Plus watching a CRT with direct-from-disc video from a LD nearly always looks better than it's digitally ripped and viewed counterpart.
Small extra, the back of the obi & the stickers that came with the LDs.
Thanks man. I going to use it as a desktop background
For your 8K monitor, right?
Probably not. I'll likely scale it down a bit
I'd really like that Otaku no video cover scanned.
Not OP, but here you go.
Hey OP, could you also scans Dragon Half's backcovers? I see you've uploaded your stuff to imgur and I noticed some backcovers, so that's why I'm asking.
Can't find a better one.
I wasn't scanning backs initially 'cause I was holding out on being super thorough until I got a better scanner. For Dragon Half, I can, but it's really boring. Just a duplicate of the front with credit text. The inserts on the other hand... I'll still scan it if you really want it, just know it's just a bunch of text.
Sorry to hear that, bro.
Thanks a bunch!
Oh, I see. I thought it would have different art.
God damn I want a new Outlanders adaptation.
Damn, posted the one with the worse res. Here's a better one.
1982, now to wait three years.
will you update that album when you get new scans?
Normally I wouldn't get a OVA / series / whatever on LD that was released on Blu-ray, but something felt wonderfully meta about owning a OVA / documentary about being massive otaku on the definitive format for being a weeb of the highest caliber on.
Also thanks for this it is all very cool.
I understand where you are coming from.
Another extra, the Char shaped sticker that was on the plastic wrap of Otaku no Video 1982.
What equipment are you using to scan these?
A HP C6180, IE some piece of garbage all-in-one that I'm only using 'cause it's the only thing available. I'll most likely wind up rescanning the covers that didn't fair so well (probably most of them), and go through and scan everything thoroughly.
I appreciate it, thanks again!
Oh, okay. I was wondering how you were able to get larger items scanned like that. I had some album covers I was trying to scan and Kinkos won't let you scan copyrighted material on their big all-in-ones.
Here's what I've been doing,
Scan the cover four times, rotating it clockwise (or anti-clockwise, doesn't matter) each scan with some books to weigh it down a tad. (I also had to put some small strips of identically shaped/sized wood along the edge to account for the unscanned sides.)
Open the scans up in gimp, if you were stingant enough to keep things straight while scanning it should be as easy as aligning them with only .10 degree rotation off or so at most.
Erase the two edges that were hanging off of the edge with a soft brush so the edge fades from nothing into the not out of focus art.
Manually erase parts of the upper two layers in areas that aren't super sharp on top but are underneath.
Now you have a scan of a thing that's way too large for the scanner.
I wonder if they paid Roger Dean for the use of his fonts?
Seems more inspired by, because mid 80's style RPG / fantasy tropes.
Double bump.
Thanks OP
Triple bump.
Don't die on me yet.
Thanks anyway dude.
I forget Vampire Hunter OVAs having Gundam wing Charcter designer
Not yet you don't.
If it falls into the abyss this time, thank you, and good night.
OP, if you're still there, may I see the Morrigan cover of Vampire Hunter and the second and third LDs (in the third row from the top)?
For Morrigan, do you mean the box (the white one) or the actual LD cover (the one with the red background)?
White one, please. Thanks in advance!
Here's Luna Varga 1-2 (Plot, tomboy princess gets not godzilla stuck up her butt, that she gets to pilot as the brain.)
And 3-4. That box might be problematic though, it's a lot stiffer than a LD cover. Welp, let's see what happens.
This didn't turn out as good as the others, the rigidity of the box wouldn't let it get as close to the scan head. Plus side though, the art wraps around the back, so I'm gonna scan that now.
>the art wraps around the back
Neat. The quality looks great, in my opinion. You're doing God's work!
I wish you had Space Adventure Cobra and Dragon's Heaven. What LD player do you have by the way? I'm going to nipland soon and I want to bring back a player because fuck ebay niggers thinking their shit is worth diamonds.
I have a Pioneer CLD 92, the fancy version of the CLD 3070. (In japan it's the CLD 770) It's not the highest quality player out there, but it more than makes up for it in style. And the entire front pannel flips forward to reveal the disc tray, which I thought was the coolest feature ever put into a LD player, hence why I got that one.
Don't know anything about Space Adventure Cobra, but the mech design in Dragon's Heaven has definitely put it on a maybe list.
Anyone wants some specific covers? I've got a bunch of scans saved.
What sort of stuff do you have? Any Dirty Pair Flash?
Cobra is probably the nicest looking TV anime I have ever watched. The BD was fucking amazing so I'd imagine the LD would be slightly less comfy. It's a very fun show at that. Dragon's Heaven is okay, but check out more of Makoto Kobayashi's mecha design. He's pretty notorious for his signature organic design. There's some really neat redesigns of mobile suits from Gundam that he's done as well.
These are all amazing please make a rare and post a link for ddl
I do have some Dirty Pair scans, but Flash I could never find any decent scans.
If you like the scans, I'm sticking all of them there.
It would be great if some user with a scanner had those.
And the wrap around. I'm suprised that everything aligned as well as it did, shame 'bout the edges of the end though.
anyone care to ID a few?
2nd row middle two
3rd row far right (then 6 more volumes?)
>2nd row middle two
Dragon Century (AD 1990 & RC 297)
>3rd row far right (then 6 more volumes?)
Ko Century: 3 Beast-Knights (1-3 & II 1-4)
The ones with the red dragon is Dragon Century I believe. No idea about the other one.
Shit this brings back memories. It's too bad my stuff's in storage but the only crowning achievement (for me) was getting the Japanese Urusei Yatsura and Maison Ikkoku box sets.
Also the Animeigo UY box but fuck that thing was bulky.
I have 'The Dirty Pair's Big Payoff' boxset (9 discs + extras) in the post, and geeze the shipping. Granted there's other stuff in there, but still.
For me it's my brain going foggy on me and not remembering if I bought or rented stuff back then.
I know I also have the Tenchi Universe english set as well as KOR.
English set? I know there were sparce releases, and if there was a single series that managed to get a full release in the US, it'd probably be that one, but I didn't think a complete english language collection managed to be printed in the end.
Yeah back when Pioneer jumped into the anime scene with LD releases and touting the CAV vs CLV quality shtick.
I don't remember if it was ever completed (I think it was but foggy memory mind you) but I know I had to explain it carefully to my local shop on what to order (He kept thinking I wanted hentai)
Walking into a place to buy this stuff seems so weird, there's no way I'd've been be into LD in the 90's, not even accounting for the price, just because of how specific and obscure I get with what I want.
True and the number of titles was pretty small compared to the mainstream stuff and VHS.
>that artwork of totally not Lum