What does Sup Forums think about sugar daddies/mommas? Are they bad? Every source on Google says they're good.
What does Sup Forums think about sugar daddies/mommas? Are they bad? Every source on Google says they're good
It's a consensual transaction between two parties, so what's wrong with it?
Child prostitution can be consensual.
Doesn't make it right.
That's the rational answer.
Sup Forums is flooded with moralist Puritans, so I'm certain they'll call this degenerate and blame it on feminism/Jews/both
Children cannot consent
Except we could argue whether or not kids understand the principle of consent and/or the consequences of their actions.
>Child prostitution can be consensual
Children can't consent, neck yourself pedo cunt
t. jewish degenerate
Who said sugar daddies and sugar babies involves pedophilia?
I thought it involved coeds at university that wanted financial help in exchange for some fucking?
Where's the pedophilia in that?
Why won't you just denounce child prostitution.
11 year olds can now, just ask the french court system.
its not usually pedophilia persay, but its still prostitution.
Whether prostitution is bad is up to you to decide, but I'd say its pretty cancerous to society and evidence would support that. The only argument in favor of it is "angry men who can't get laid might kill someone!" however thats mostly a strawman.
You picked the wrong flag lolbertarian.
What did he mean by this ?
>Every source on Google says they're good
These sick bastards instagram.com/shopangelicfever reported them to IG, sugar babies are degenerate.
Wait this means being in a relationship where one is rich and buys the other stuff to fill in the gap of an actual relationship so both can have their alone time yeah
>tfw no suger mumma with big milkers
Do you even English bro???
Is it just an easy way out? Is it for people who lack ambition and seek an easy life?
>you will never be a cute gigolo doted on by hot milfs
Oh McCain, you've done it again
I would say that if you look at the human race historically and the relationship between men and women you'd find that women seeking wealthy supportive men and men seeking beautiful impecunious women was pretty much standard, and that if you strictly imposed interdiction on such affairs you'd probably drive the human race into extinction.