Not sex but gender.
What are the determinants of gender?
Other urls found in this thread:
gender only exists within language.
Jesus Christ that ass
Benis or bagina. 2 gendar
Sex and Gender are the same thing.
Fuck John Money and fuck the retarded social "sciences" that picked up on his work. You don't control the language - we do.
>Jesus Christ that ass
That ass does not belong to Jesus Christ.
Sex is when you fuck, gender is who’s fucking. The shape of you genitals determines your gender, and the shape of your genitals is determined by your sex chromosomes. You cannot “trans-gender” because it is impossible to change your chromosomes. There are some people with a mental disorder called gender dysphoria syndrome and these people, like most people with mental disorders, are being exploited by liberal politicians and corporatists.
gender is equatable to an opinion. as such, the only determining factor is the person's belief in what gender they are. with that said, there are also social norms in society that tell us what is and isn't acceptable or degenerate behavior. in the past, morality was a standard and not a choice because lack of morality leads to degeneracy (just look at today's society). unfortunately, there is a informational and biological campaign in action that starts with the dumbing down of education and extends to dividing the family unit with the goal to completely demoralize, degenerate, and ultimately enslave humanity through socialistic and communistic means that the people will beg for rather than fight against.
Gender identity is neurological in origin.
Foamy of you have a link to a random gender generator?
Do any of you have a link to a random gender generator?
Sex has two meanings. Gender has one (referring to nouns). When people appropriated the word it was properly called "sex roles" or "sex identity".
>Not sex but gender.
It's a psychological construct. It literally doesn't exist (except as a noun attribute).
>gender is equatable to an opinion. as such, the only determining factor is the person's belief in what gender they are.
If I, a white guy, believe I'm a 1930s negro jazz singer and my preferred pronouns are zip, zap and zopity-doo, such delusion does not posit a metaracial taxonomic atttribute.
Sweden is the glam of them all.
thank you for proving my point
What you can convince people of in public
The other thing
The Plant where tou are Manufactured Identifies your Gender. The Nameplate totooed on my butthole exhaust / optional lube intake port identifies my Gender as AH64 APACHE ATTACK HELICOPTER. You having issues with me attacking and destroying entire villages is a Cis Scum Micro Aggression. It is My Gender, and what I do. Pronouns are Wup Wup, Pew Pew, and Brrrrrrrrrrrrt.
Gender (as it has been bastardised) is a meta-(biological)sex attribute. The distinction between gender and sex is not ambiguous in Swedish (kön/grammatiskt kön) or German (geschlecht/genus).
How come there's no special attribute for Talcum X or Rachael Donezal?
I think sex is determined based on chromosomes
and gender is determined on whether or not you are mentally ill
>I think sex is determined based on chromosomes
>and gender is determined on whether or not you are mentally ill
How does the ass in this post compare to the one in OP’s pic?
>What are the determinants of gender?
> Not sex but gender.
A synonym is a word or phrase that means exactly or nearly the same as another word or phrase in the same language. Words that are synonyms are said to be synonymous, and the state of being a synonym is called synonymy. For example, the words begin, start, commence, and initiate are all synonyms of one another. Words are typically synonymous in one particular sense: for example, long and extended in the context long time or extended time are synonymous, but long cannot be used in the phrase extended family. Synonyms with the exact same meaning share a seme or denotational sememe, whereas those with inexactly similar meanings share a broader denotational or connotational sememe and thus overlap within a semantic field. The former are sometimes called cognitive synonyms and the latter, near-synonyms.
Gender is relative. Sex is not.
Imagine wiping it.
BALLS = yes
BALLS = no
pick 1
>Imagine wiping it.
Why? Wouldn’t it be like wiping any other ass?
There are no genders.
At this point I'm just sick of this shit - not even entertaining the subject is the proper tactic at this point.
What about clothes?
You're being obtuse.
What gender is "das Haus"?
What gender is Rue Paul?
What sex was Marlon Brando?
In the 20s, "gender" was a euphemism for "sex" to avoid using a word that denoted something that was taboo to mention directly and lost currency by the 60s. Now it's a repurposed word that conflates something essential with something arbitrary.
>not even entertaining the subject is the proper tactic at this point.
You just did.
Clothes determine your gender.
>Clothes determine your gender.
As the old saying goes, “Clothes make the man.”
>Coitus is the same thing as the categories that distinguish the French words "le cave" from "la cave".
Its not like that. This isnt something science can quantify but rather just something you are.
I just dismissed it. Summarily - four words.
>there are no genders
>not sex but gender
As far as OP is concerned here are two sexes only. End of story
well yes and no, there are two sexes but as far as gender goes its like a slider between male and female. Sometimes you end up in the middle and dont feel like either. So in that way there really are infinite genders.
>There are no genders.
Exactly. Gender is a psychosocial construct. Sex, otoh...
>As far as OP is concerned here are two sexes only.
As far as I’m concerned it is the body and ass of the baseball player in OP’s pic. It’s bizarre and plays against gender norms in several ways. It’s confusing in a sense, like fun hall mirrors.
whoever supports the dichotomy between sex and gender in a serious manner is a follower of the abuser John Money who pioneered sexual instabilities and led a kid to suicide. be proud
2 sexes
2 genders
2 scoops
>2 sexes
>2 genders
>2 scoops
Two scoops of what?
>2 sexes
>2 genders
>2 scoops
Ein volk
Ein Reich
Ein Führer
I languages where articles had gender it seemed pretty arbitrary to me. Ferinstance, should a tampon have a masculine gender or a feminine one?
>gender only exists within language.
Masculine, obviously. Think about it.
Any frogs or beaners want to let us know?