Dude's really taking a beating. Where did all these leftist faggots come from just to attack him all of a sudden?
James Damore / Google
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the internet
>A jew is suing jews in jewfornia.
sage this gay ass thread and this jew faggot and his crusade against other jews. No one cares
the nose knows
>t. Google employee screenshotted in the filed lawsuit
It's unfortunate we can't accelerate the timeline so Google is left with only black coders and no whites or Asians and then everyone can see what will happen
>It's unfortunate we can't accelerate the timeline so Google is blacked
google loves this kind of pr you brainlet
From the lawsuit:
"I'm crashing at the office tonight because my wife is having her boyfriend over and I wanted to give them the house" - Google employee to colleague.
>if theyre blacked, you win
please dear god let this really be in the lawsuit
The PR where their managers using ANTIFA symbols in internal company communications? Is used as evidence in a class action lawsuit?
Its not. But the lawsuit is full of screenshots of nu males acting like beta cucks fighting evil nazis in their midsts in the evidence portion.
> pic related
Last paragraph in image.
he could beat someone up with that 999nose000
Is anyone actually surprised by literal cuckoldry?
Oh wow i missed this. Fucking lol.
Who else think Damore works for the fed? The whole things feels like a setup used for busting the mob back in the days
I'm pretty sure this is really bad PR. Not even in the ironic "there's no such thing as bad publicity" kind of way. Google runs a brand based on trust and they must keep it as spotless as possible. Things like this can cause irreparable damage. If I was Microsoft I'd be throwing a party.
that really doesn't make sense seeing how the government relies heavily on Google.
the government got factions too
I am unironically thinking of switchingto Bing tbqh.
shit i hope he makes over a billion in punitive then uses the money to compete with them in some way.
All male company that ends up putting google out of business?
censoring the name makes you a gay faggot
White people need to shut up and listen.
They are bots run by google. Google is a maoist pile of shit run by trannies.
Hidalgo's email address and phone number were included on a screenshot in the suit.
just for the lulz
whoa, easy there kek, take it up with damore's lawyers, or better yet you download the file and take screenshots you lazy sod
White people boo!
the memes write themselves
Oh man, /leftypol/ is eternally btfo right now. Wonder how they feel knowing that their position scares the capitalists so much that the richest corporation in the history of the world openly supports them?
solid press conference today
This is true. I actually HATE bing from a technical standpoint, but I'm switching to Bing.
You know, I used to want to work at Google because it's considered very prestigious for someone who works in software engineering like me.
Now I'm not so sure putting Google on your resume is worth all this.
What a toxic work environment. Those poor brainwashed slaves at Google Cult™.
You don't want to take part in Google struggle sessions to change your bourgeois false consciousness?
i switched to DDG when the story first broke.
Cat ears and blue/purple hair is required to get hired at google now? Trannies too?
Nor am I interested in healing my "toxic whiteness", whatever that means.
Yeah, you hear that Justin? Well? DO YOU JUSTIN??
Malcolm Rowe: The Lowest Difficulty Setting There Is
>that second post
>sue someone for ideas.
it's like womyn are complete shit and want to hide that fact.
easy money... just go with the flow
From the outside, I get the impression that people in computer programming are way more degenerate than normal people. Is this true?
Go look at Sup Forums and see how many daily programming threads are started with crossdressing images
In short: yes.
yes. very.
what's below being a beta male?
that's the role of a male who has NEVER been laid. (and who white knight's thinking that'll work)
He's making a racism lawsuit for racism against whites. This case needs our support, even if he is a kike. If the enemy wants to win a fight for us, well, let them.
are jew noses proportional to powerlevel?
If so he has a good chance of winning the case
Imagine the dopamine hit these cuck SJWs get when they see a fat check for their virtue signalling efforts
Omegas Males
can tell Kim Burchett is a tranny just from that pic
He is Italian.
Ia he secretly redpilled or wat
At least your very own Sup Forums founder is being a good goy at Google.
>Even if he's a kike
You know why you morons keep losing? It's because of shit like this. Not worried at all, bring it on losers.
He’s Italian, not Jewish.
Donation amounts are surprising
Oh he's changed for the better. No matter about it.
Holy fucking shit. They think moot is a racist???
Damore is a crybaby who makes conservatives look like sjw's. If he didn't like his work environment then he should have gotten a different job. Crying about discrimination is a tactic of the left. Not to mention (((he))) has the biggest nose I've ever seen.
i am literally a full blooded jew that is acting in the interests of all whites on this board, red-pilling fellow jews on the fact that we are being purposely strayed towards satan and away from the jewish god by talmudic fuckheads to eliminate our white competition, and that inherently this goes against a good god and that we should work together as jews to stop the other jews and return power to white males who have contributed so much to the world. Also consider myself a white that at some point had a jewish great great grandmother and we kept the title.
Literally came here enveloped in hatred for my people but was wise enough to realize there was truth to it and devoted myself solely to enlightenment of the reality of the situation, and am now working against my own people for all of your people
Press R to pay respex
>Hhhhhow can a Jew act on principle!? IT DOESNT MAKE SENSE
Fuck you idiots are stupid
Google's a fucking joke and everyone involved should be held accountable.
Good to see some names coming out from the inside though. Great that this conversation is being started.
Holy shit is that nostril real? You could take out an eye with that thing.
>t. one of the google employees screenshotted in the lawsuit
Half-Jew here. I'm honestly pissed off at both sides. I'm at war with myself half the time, lol.
The vast majority of big tech companies have a similar culture to what is on offer at Google. The bimbos in HR set the boundaries and basically have them enshrined into the internal laws, which almost all amount to liberals good, conservatives bad.
If you want to succeed in these companies there's very heavy pressure to get involved with "diversity" initiatives internally and externally.
So unless you're stating he just stay away from work that interests him and which he can excel at entirely, then the issue is square on the cultures these companies are offering.
I definitely want google to die off. Sounds good.
They liberal types shriek at any implication of them censoring or black listing. It gives them massive cognitive dissonance
Hope u like baking at 2000 F
What are all these dumb assholes going to do when the straight white men that actually do all the work up and leave because of this bullshit?
Regardless of the outcome of the lawsuit, this will be a huge victory for our side. Exposing the psychotic behaviour of these monsters to the general public is going to redpill a lot of people.
Follow them and demand access to the same companies under the guise of those companies needing "diversity".
And then having their friends at Salon and Buzzfeed survey them for numbers of vaginas and penises, and skin colours, to shame them publicly online.
This is the honest state of the tech industry and the leeches hanging off it in the "tech media".
Cost of everything goes up. They don't care if white men make problems for them. They just throw money at those kinds of problems to make them go away.
Link to this?
That's not true. I'm in tech in the Bay area (mechanical engineering not software) and the environment he described is rare. It's professional practice to never bring up politics at work. Everywhere I've worked has been politics free. There is literally no pressure to get involved in your so called diversity initiatives. If you think everyone in HR is a bimbo then you either haven't worked a real job or have a really shitty one.
Reminder: If you file a lawsuit against your ex-employer for violating laws designed to protect employees from unfair treatment is actually doxing
Isn't it funny how the left are suddenly against employee rights?
Isn't it funny how the left are against doxing despite throwing a sizable fortune at YesYoureRacist on patreon?
Cheesy white males need to be removed from conferences.
I can't believe what I'm reading in that lawsuit. Damore will never have to work another day in his life. This is more than some stupid workplace suit. This is a view into the world of the people taking over the planet. This suit will attract msm attention. Normies will get a peak at what we here know. This is a big deal people. Its fucking Google and their baby killing CEO. Damore gets my support.
Thanks very much
it's only doxxing if it's the left.
Goddamnit user, how can the rest of us help? I'm only a studentfag but I feel like going full RAHOWA on the daily.
eliminate all instances from google from your life as much as you possibly can