Alabama has WON, the Drumpf curse is broken! It's only downhill from here Drumpftards hahahahaha! Good luck in the mid/dems/ hahaha! Literally BTFO!
>I originally wanted to back the Tide because I knew the bulldogs were a weak team, however I congratulate Nick Saban and Alabama for a hard fought victory. It never ends!
>Their QB that trash talked got benched
>Start winning
>QB that won the game thanked Jesus Christ
>ESPN gets triggered
Sorry libshit
who gives a shit about niggeregg
Did Trump pick GA or something?
>watching college bread and circus
Abalama player shouted fuck Trump before the game
One of the Alabama star players yelled 'Fuck Trump' while running down the tunnel and onto the field.
Drumpf fags lose their shit and brag about how the Drumpf Cruse strikes again because Alabama is down by ten at the start of the 4th quarter. They proceed to tie the game and win in overtime.
sure is politics
OP is right. Some nigger yelled "Fuck Trump" and then won a stupid game. I, personally, cannot bare such circumstances.
Goodbye, world. It was a fun ride.
>caring about sportsball
so tragic
>Damage control
That just means you believe in the curse.
No one cares retard
The trump curse targets the individual. A whole team shoudlnt suffer because of one idiot. The kid will be drafted late and have a shitty nfl career. Screencap this
I'm a Trump supporter and Alabama fan. What do?
Georgia should start voting Democrat if they want to win again. It worked for Bama, it can work for them too.
#RollTide #BlueWave
>ESPN got triggered
Explain pls
>I'm a Trump supporter and Alabama fan. What do?
Your cousin.
Bo Scarborough had like 20 yards all game. Sounds like the Trump Curse is still in effect.
This. Bo completely irrelevant in this game. Did he even start?
Is that Riley Reid
whoa, how is that sign floating between two cars?
>spee thread is filled with politics and Trump fans yelling about the Trump curse and stupid libs because someone on Bama yelled FUCK TRUMP
>Georgia starts choking like usual
>people stop shitposting temporarily
>Bama misses FG to win
>Gerogia gets FG in OT and sacks Bama QB
>Bama unleashes the dragon and wins like 10 seconds later
>B-b-but well you see actually they're both red states and it doesn't really matter don't know why you libs care and when you think about it it's really more of a curse on the individual player and not the team and furthermore I'd have you consider the fact that...
No time for back pedaling now bois, you made your bed with those Georgia faggots and now you have to live with your stupidity because
Just like Georgia choked back with the Superb Owl?
>hahaha this thing you like didn't happen, you were wrong
Do you have any idea how you sound?
See this link also: BOTH videos of the Al Linebacker Mheni Brown Ape-Ball Chimping event are at the link below..... (enjoy) TNB.'s the "f--k Trump" pic !! LOL!!
>Damage control
this bitches.
the curse was/is on bo, not bama.
the curse
>cunts from tinder make a thread to btfo Sup Forums
>cunts from tinder btfo
Sup Forums=1,222,333
Sup Forums=winners
now get ready to cry
>hillary is -- without doubt -- going to jail
chelsea probably will, too
Bo is a backup RB that had a great 16 yard run and averaged 5 yards a carry. Tonight he's banging white cheerleaders while trump eats two cheeseburgers alone.
I can smell the desperation.
Don't shitpost so hard if you're going to bitch out when you lose.
>People shitpost
>Libs take it seriously
Why am I not surprised
Trump BTFO libtards so hard that they've been reduced to claiming victories in magic football games lol
What a timeline
>Tonight he's banging white cheerleaders while trump eats two cheeseburgers alone.
>I-I-I was just joking sir, honest
>we don't throw out nigs for nigging because they are good at niggering
>bread and circus
>believing football dictates American politics
Ya ok retard
> be star college football player
> fuck sluts all day
> headed to nfl for sure
> tell prez to fuck off on live tv
> he finds out
> nfl won’t draft you
> have to move back in with mom
> now neet
> invest in crypto
> become millionaire anyways
best timeline
Bo was never a star.
He's a fringe NFL player. Doesn't really have the break a way speed to be a featured back.
more like
>be nigger
>coming to the end of your apeball career
>in the spotlight
>have once chance
why do libs always declare victory after having been covered in shit? is your goal to be shit on?
Implying Rome never used the Arena to manipulate the masses moral/recruit for the legion.
Remember that when you see armed forces ad before a college campus promo to target youthful athletic dimwits who dont get a scholarship.
Politics dictate sports from the shadows when subliminally guiding by star appeal.
God and Govt come together and meet on Sunday Sports and Champion Level Competitions.
>white cheerleaders
>a sixteen yard run
bitch doesn't understand football, thinks this stat is going to make headlines
>eats two cheesburgers alone
The President is reviewing indictments
you totally believe in the Trump curse. it's sad, lads; she's a superstitious racist. thought these people were supposed to be better than us.
you know what your problem is (besides the peculiar and pronounced vaginal odor)? lonliness. it is clear to user that you are projecting; user can see right through you. this loneliness from which you suffer is itself like a living thing. the pain it inflicts has, in its own way, been in your life personified. you've made an entity out of something (someone) that isn't there; you talk to it, plead with it, yell at it. but it never budges; stubborn in its way of never being.
and then you attack yourself for making loneliness such a priority in your life, to the extent that nothing else can compete with it.
and this is why you, in particular, believe in the Trump Curse; it is because, as with the President, your loneliness always wins...the entity of emptiness you've conjured in your life always comes out ahead -- even when it seems as if he's lost, he's actually won.
So, if you wonder how the Trump Curse beat you this time, it's in this: had Georgia beaten Alabama and scarborough broken his tibia, you'd have never have received this particular message from this particular user.
as for me?
not too rich but, you know, three sons, blonde qt 3.14 wife, size 0.
not lonely, yo.
what about you, ho?
see, your loneliness won again; and so did the Trump least for you...and bo scarborough.
He'll break a leg or tear an ACL. I don't know any curse that happened immediately,
>when the schizophrenia hits
tell me i'm wrong.
>implying anyone even reads your stream of consciousness aspie novellas
I'd rather not catch the autism
that's what user thought
good luck with the feminism (the most anti-feminine phenomena in all of history). you bitches have been telling men what's wrong with them for three generations. now it's our turn. and you better have a seat...this is going to take a while.
Sup Forums has much to say on the matter.
and you're going to read it because you cannot resist it -- which is why you are here and reading this now.
the ideas are going to pierce your ego and attach themselves to something primordial in you. they will start to change you -- the truth has that peculiar effect on people.
you will at first resist; but you will in time yield -- as accords your very nature.
you are being mind-raped, sweetie. and it will exceed your wildest fantasy.
and it's fair to say you're already pregnant with something.
>no means yes
I don't watch sportsball anymore (and neither should you). It's casual nigger worship. But I have watched enough of it and keep track of the very basic happenings for normie conversations.
A nigger going out there and screaming "Fuck Drumpf" is killing his own career. The fact that this one apparently got benched in the championship just puts the nail in the coffin.
NFL owners might be giving lip service to left-wing causes, nigger kneeling, etc. but they know it's poison for their franchises and purge it behind the scenes.
Colin Kaepernick is unemployed. He is feasibly a second or third string guy but no team will touch him.
Richie Incognito the "racist bully" has a job in one of the best defenses in the league while his "victim" is unemployed.
The top celebrated quarterbacks are small town white guys. Brady, Rodgers, Brees, Roethlisberger, Ryan, Wentz, Goff, Keenum, etc. They always try to push a few niggers into the spotlight but 99% of the time they crash and burn.
Every nigger who opens their mouths about "Fuck Drumpf" is sending themselves down the draft list and sabotaging their pro careers before it even begins.
Unlike you are a once in a generation player teams will not hesitate to pass on you for the next guy down the draft list who is smart enough to keep his mouth shut.