Who else loves Trudeau?

Unemployment in Canada is at a record low. The lowest in 4 decades. Look it up if you dont believe me. The tech and real estate markets are booming right now. Of course. this challenges pol's worldview so I'll probably just get called a Jew and my points won't be addressed. Can't refute facts.

Other urls found in this thread:


>"We'll elect this substitute teacher because he said he'll legalize weed"
>Gets elected, legalizes dog blowjobs and doubles shitskin immigration instead
Headbutt a knife.


>Unemployment in Canada is at a record low. The lowest in 4 decades. Look it up if you dont believe me.
I haven't tried to get a job in over 3 years, checkmate statistics.

Sure. Congrats. I'm absolutely in agreement this is all due to this corrupt idiots policies of 'if you kill your enemy they win' and 'returning Isis fighters will be an asset to canada'

You are literally to stupid to insult. Please go find a tall building to jump off

>Legalizes dog blowjobs
Might as well just stay quiet if you're willing to talk about shit you don't understand.
>Double shitskin immigration
Immigration numbers have been pretty consistent in the past years, even when the conservatives were ruling. I hate the guy, just as much as the next Sup Forumsack, but misinformed opinions are fucking garbage.

f u mister


>Unemployment in Canada is at a record low. The lowest in 4 decades. Look it up if you dont believe me.
Sand niggers don't want jobs. How's the welfare holding out?

Gary the unicorn loves Trudeau