Where does life begin?
Where does life begin?
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When you have a genetically distinct organism that begins to grow on it's own.
just after a sperm is into an egg
abortion is a murder no matter when it's done
few months after birth, before thats its just a screaming flesh ball with no thought.
who cares.
abort it if its a nigger.
Wen u nut in da slut
Most organisms are alive without the capacity for thought.
it begins where SHE wants you racist bigot
its OK, niggers need cleansing.
You might understand after the (((united nations))) forces a few million nogs into jap-ville. You'll have some HIV cocks in your gook holes in no time.
Then and only then will you come to understand the wisdom of aborting niggers as frequently as possible.
Life is cellular division. The DNA is uniquely human. Thus it is a living human, albeit in premature development. Now whether the developing human has the same rights as a full grown white man is another question.
There is not such question as where life begins. Life is !
The cells from which we develop are living organisms. Especially when the egg was fecunded by the sperm cell.
yeah, but people arent arguing if its ok to kill germs or plants.
And why should they be arguing about if it's ok to kill humans? Obviously it's a trick question because the answer is that you'd want to not have to ask it in the first place unless you had to.
9 months
1 week
Do you see that blank spot right before week 1 where the sperm first enters the egg.
Right there.
Day 1 for whites, never for niggers
1 night stand
Why are republicucks afraid to outlaw abortion after 20 weeks when polls show nearly two in three Americans support banning it?
it does
Uff sick burn bro
When the dog dies and the kids move out.
By the time you wake up from the hangover and realize you got cummed inside without using contraception you should be on the day after pill and shamed for being a thot.
Nah, thats why condoms are for
yeah but overpopulation means we need to find different ways for people to die prematurely and that might include us
Cancer, neclulear, aids
When does life count?
Condoms are good but they aren't perfect. You'd both want to check up on the end result sooner than later.
> sperm is into an egg
Such a distant possibility for a jap though
at conception
maybe we should tell that to the countries/continents actually fucking like rabbits and not the west
I'm gonna have to agree.
This isn't a women's rights issue.
Man and Woman copulate.
They produce a Child.
An independent LIFE FORCE BEING having an IMMORTAL SOUL.
Conclusive: Man and Woman (people) are in fact GOD IN THEMSELVES! Together they BOTH produce a Sentient Being. The literally produce LIFE. MAN/WOMAN are thus GOD in the flesh!!
Conservative policies such as abstinence only education and a broken foster care system caused due to poor funding only encourage abortion. Some of the people here claim to be anti abortion but in reality they have caused far more then they have stoped
this is why we're allies, little yellow friend
Personally, I think a solid definition is when the fetus has a unique DNA code, so at inception. Regardless of personal definitions though, the medical community has no consensus as to when life becomes "a life", so I'd say we should air on the side of caution and not murder possible children.
They aren't retarded and don't want to give the country to democrats in two decades?
around 3
>Still believing the overpopulation meme in any countries other than china,india and africa
Even microbes “fight for their lives”. Hard to believe simple life has an awareness that a fetus doesn’t.
At conception
When it pops out the vag
After birth. Before that it's an organ that a human has the right to remove.
Sometimes never.
>Where does life begin?
what race is it?
hey come discuss life with us or whatever you want
discord gg/c37NwyB
Their argument is that it starts when they feel like it. It's arbitrary as fuck. I would say blood would be life's indicator if I had to pick a mark on the time line of gestation, But that's just me. Really it begins before conception when you boil it down to it. It's easy to say it begins at conception but what about everything that has to go right for that to happen? If you knew Hitler was being conceived tonight, say a Hitler that might win even... And you knew that and went back in time to cock block him from conception then wouldn't that be the same thing? Murder is preventing future life. You cannot undo the life someone has already lived, murder is taking away a person's future. That is what you are doing at any stage of birth whether you abort or time travel to cock block Hitler. Taking away someone's reality, their ability to percieved and have experience is why murder is wrong. You damage the people around them yes, but it's wrong to murder lonely people too. The right to experience reality is one humans have no business removing from other humans. You can shape their perceptions where you can but removing their ability to perceive is particularly heinous. Its a debt you can only pay with your own life, and only tacitly. In reality not even your death balances the scales. If you've murdered you have devalued your life such that losing such a negativeto society cannot alleviate the larger debt the negative you would be removing caused ... You create a debt that cannot be paid without mercy.
Ignorance is not innocence but it is the
epitome of forgiveable.
>Forgive them father, for they know not what they do.
The opposite is also true ... Blaspheming the spirit is unforgivable.
>2 weeks
At the moment you embrace white identity.
At Erection
Dude that's not cool. I'm hard as a rock half the time I'm asleep. You can't hold me accountable for that.
40 days after fertilization
the woman does not have the right to have abortion after that.
Nobody knows it but me and my bed sheets. And sometimes my hand.
OK and occasionally the bathroom floor when I have to pee really bad.
At 2-3 weeks, we look like vaginas
At the end of your mortal life your body dies, but your soul lives on forever. The 'soul' and the bodily 'life' aren't the same thing in the womb either. A body grows and 'lives' - but the human soul only exists after "quickening" happens at month #6.
Conception. It's a medical fact, there's no actual serious scholarly debate going on over the topic, despite what leftists try to suggest. A zygote is a new human organism. The debate being lead is purely over whether the existance of human life implies the existance of a "person", which is a philosophical question, and not a scientific one.
t. med student
like a tumor?
you're a retard
>thinking black engineer rainbow reading man . Jpeg
>if all babies are vaginas at 2 weeks is it their vagina their choice?
Um not on chart. About when the child learns to communicate.
I think it's less important to talk about when life begins and more useful to talk about when personhood begins.
It's also not an immediate thing. It's not like a foetus gets to two months and then suddenly becomes a person, it's a progression from conception through to birth. Most people instinctively agree with this, in that they wouldn't choose to kill a mother if it meant they could save a 1 week old foetus.
So the law should reflect that. It should be harder to abort a baby the later on in the pregnancy it is, ranging from "I didn't feel like having a kid" at 1 day through to "I can't about this baby even though there's a reasonable chance the birth will kill me" at 9 months.
Different people have different degrees of personhood, and having more personhood also means more rights. This is why a family can choose to turn off the life support of someone in hospital, but they can't shoot them while they're walking down the street.
I agree personhood is what matters. Look at my post right above yours. KEK. both showed up for me at the same time.
When the sperm hits the egg that's when life is created. If the sperm doesn't hit then there would be no life at all.
Around the age of 25, OP.
>anti-abortionists are jew and nigger lovers
So if you have a kid, what happens if I run up to it and break its neck?
Would I get charged with murder or vandalism? It's the difference between a life sentence and a slap on the wrist.
Scientists says the universe is a simulation, so I guess life never really does exist.
Idk, what is an egg and a sperm before they are so?
Then what were they before that?
Life does not begin, every sperm cell and every ovum is living. It matters that you preserve your own genetic material just as you preserve yourself.
TL;DR being a hoe is absolute degenerate
Yourera simulation
That fetus has a bigger stock than I do in my adulthood holy shit.
Wtf i love abortions now!
>genitcally distinct organism
what did he mean by this?
If I am making a cake, and you overturn my cake batter, and I charge you with damages of a cake. Then you say you object, that there was no cake yet so you dont owe me anything.
Yet I my labor and ingredients and intentions for my friend's birthday party, had been damaged.
God was in the middle of making a man of his own creation, and had endowed his property, his creation with the unalienable right to live. Murder is theft from God of his, right to live, endowed creations. War against god, is in our American system of law, called crime.
Personhood is a bad starting point. If you can pass a turning test, read about the bicameral mind theory and consider most people flitter in and out of conciousness at best and in the past most people were probably not concious persons due to the lack of brain changes due to modern sophisticated language.
No fool, that means life is the only thing that does exist.
You are pro-cruel punishment and unduly high fines?
As soon as it leaves the womb, of course.
probably vandalism and a fine depending on how long ahead it is. Applying the laws that already exist for animals would probably work
before the parents even meet.
Sentience is better in my eyes. Once the child can communicate (real communication, not just saying mama) then it should qualify as a person.
in da beginningz
Technically after fertilization. At that point the cell becomes unique to itself. But whether that actually matters or not is the big moral question.
3 years old or when a baby can first talk.
>Where does life begin?
At conception. The better question is, when does humanity begin?
when there's a heartbeat
Life ends when your heart stops beating, it begins with a heart beat. I expected my baby, now 1 month old, to look like a peanut at the first ultrasound. She looked like a baby, you could even see she had my chin. This was at around 8 or 9 weeks, IIRC.
Well done, yes.
I think there is a heart beat pretty early on, but it makes the most sense.
It's a sperm cell and an egg cell, their was no absence of life in the cycle.