Do you resent having to live through this time as a Millennial?
Do you resent being forced to be born in the Millennial generation?
waht difference does it make?
I just feel like I'm forced to go through times and trends I don't like just because I'm born now. I'm involuntarily being taken by a river
>live through this time
Ummm... may I remind you that Trump is President? Why don't you go back and fix your subject line to instead read, "Aren't you glad you're living through the Trump timeline?"
Fuck leftists.
My generation hates me for being different and other generations hate me for being Millennial. The only option is to be selfish and mean.
you just gotta branch out a little. there are more of us out there than you think.
That only proves you are weak, the need to be identified as something "bigger" than you.
Generation, group, nothing of this matters. The only things that matter are your race and you historical heritage. What are you doing to further you line?
I'm saying how they get offended if you're the slightest bit different. I feel angry and totally alienated. I was raised different from those my age. I hate almost everyone.
inb4: subhuman trash.
Yes, I deeply resent it and given half a chance I would make the entire world suffer for it.
Same. Do you agree with this person's online post? It really resonated with me
"Btw I hate being judged for how I look age wise. The universe can be a very cruel place sometimes because I have never shared a single quality with those so called millennial types. But I have known what it feels like for someone to think they know me based on what a magazine or news article told them. Makes me think "millennial's" act the way they do as a consequence of how they are treated. But they reject me too, so I can't sympathize with them. Actually I can't sympathize with anyone. I don't relate to anyone. Thank God. Jesus gets the glory for this wondrous work. Thank you Lord Jesus Christ."
Not really, because there is as much oppurtunity as there ever was, but at the same time I think a lot of people are retarded and illogical.
What keeps me going is the thought that some day, in the future, our generation will be the ones pulling the strings, hopefully in a non-retarded direction.
I don't agree with my generation on things and they reject me for being different and other generations hate me for being Millennial.
There is no other way out other than extreme selfishness and trickery
Both sides of my generation want things I don't want so that doesn't give me hope.
I regret that my generation didn't get a great war to die in. Nobody ever wants to help me take back Constantinople
Considering society hates me there's no real reason to sacrifice for its own sake.
It's either go with the flow or be genuine and an outsider.
Most of us are the latter. We're just as much part of a shitty generation as our predecessors
I might have when I was still transitioning from hardcore liberal to whatever the fuck I am now. Now I am grateful that I have seen the literal rise of technology. I have a perspective on it that neither older generations nor the new ones have. I do not resent it.
born too early
born too late
Everyone who responded to this slide thread should kill themselves.
Go back to
resent who? God? quit being a faggot, the only regret I have in life is not giving into my murderous desires, and maniacal plots, I should be out there hunting people, also leading a sect, skinning people alive
i regret that you normies made me feel bad enough for you that i just exiled instead of dedicating my life to pain and destruction
what is there to regret about the timing of my birth?, i am in prime fighting shape and ready to kick a thousand asses.... if anything i feel blessed because ragnarok is about to go down right at the perfect time for me, the stars have chosen me... BRING IT ON!!
No, I resent having to dumb myself down with drugs for decades to bring my brain to normie levels.
But people are literally backlashing against anything different or individual and other generations will collectivize me too. It leaves me no choice but to deal with the world like they are terrorists.
You're subhuman trash.
The only options are either extreme selfishness or extreme withdrawal. As far as I'm concerned I owe society nothing. I will never negotiate with the idiots trying to ruin my life. No negotiation no compromise.
What a whiny millenia cunt you are. Boo hoo.
Yes I hate what has become of western civilization.
Yes and I am proud to be a cunt that you hate. If others collectivize me I will act even more insufferable just to piss you off
t. 56%
I'm not helping until it starts being genuine. Till then, I'll remain a ghost.
brazil we both know you of all flags have no business posting this meme
Same. As of now both sides want things to make my life more miserable so I'm refusing to help either.
No because I'm not, I'm gen x.
thats not fair, brazil is purely portuguese, that means 100% nigger, not mixed
hello NPC faggot.
Say something funny!
No, why would this bother you? If you are a millennial than you are at the absolute youngest 20
You should be old enough not to let this kind of shit bother you
Race is for children, you like to feel special so you created a "rule" to be elegible to join your moviment
>you aren't white enough!!1
There's no point in a society 100% white, what we need is a society made and maintained by strong, intelectual men, regardless of race, which is the opposite of what we have now and exactly what we had in the past.
You guys kill your own movement by being dumb and wanting to be special snowflakes (oh the irony, just like the ones you hate).
Millennials are born in 1982-2004
Nobody judges individuals based off of something as vague as their generation
The worst you have to deal with is stereotypes which literally everyone does
You are having some kind of psychosis and persecution complex. Do yourself a favor, find your fucking balls and make something out of your life instead of hoping that the world and your circumstance is going to define you and make you feel validated
>Do you resent having to live through this time as a Millennial?
No, but I guarantee they regret me being born during the millenial generation.
>Race is for children, you like to feel special so you created a "rule" to be elegible to join your moviment
I'm pretty sure evolution did that. Evolution has made our genes survival machines. Our bodies are a tool to that end. Our genes have simply found out that making us care about our race is an amazing way to make sure the genes themselves survive.
Nope. Gen Z.
It depends on your source I’ve seen everything from 1979-2005
But virtually all agree it’s between 1980-2000
I tend to think millennials ended sometime around 1998
So if you are actually gen z and a highschool kid, quit being a mopey little bitch, lift some weights and go chase girls wuit letting your idiotic teenager emotions fuck with you
Your genes doesn't know about the color of your skin, the fact is just that white males are hugely more likely to be strong and intelectually gifted than other races, but relying on a dying breed within a dying race to save the west is the dumbest thing I've ever heard of.
I am actually Millennial by your definition.
I fucking hate it.
I wish wish I grew up in Nazi Germany.
But this right here is God's will, and so I must endure it, no hard feelings. It sucks, but there is a higher reason to it.
>Your genes doesn't know about the color of your skin
I'm pretty sure they do, since my genes define my skin color. My genes are simply replicating themselves. That's their purpose and their end game. That's why I care about people who share my genes. And the best way to know if someone shares my genes is to check out how similar they look to me. If someone has a white skin, blue eyes and blonde hair, they probably share a lot of their genes with me. Thus, I probably like them more. And my genes are content.
being a millenial is hilarious
I have access to 1,000,000,000,000 libraries worth of knowledge and literature that all previous generations would have to travel worlds to access, at the click of a button. I can trade the stock market without a broker from my couch when I wake up while smoking a joint.
The best part is, the mainstream media has influenced my entire generation to become an assortment of absolute retards, making it easier than at any other time in all of history to rise above the herd and be recognized as a shining light of intellect brazenly towering above the uncleaned masses. I am literally a super transhuman omnipresent god-life enhanced by by futuristic synergistic amalgamation of electromagnetic technologies. All will kneel before my illuminated intellect in the near future as the elders of my generation live for millenia.
Then you need to get the fuck up and quit acting like a mopey teenage girl
Seems silly lumping in the rad ‘80s kids
>I want to grownup in Nazi germany
Lol what?
>be born in 1920
>childhood is filled with poverty and crime as commies and fascists battle it out in the streets
>your cute teenage crush ends up getting faded
>you and your buddy fritz go off and freeze to death in some Russian field
>meanwhile your family is vaporized in allied bombing runs
Yeah sounds great!
>Your genes doesn't know about the color of your skin
Are you retarded?
>white males are hugely more likely to be strong and intelectually gifted than other races
Due to their race. You don't have societies full of smart brown people because that is an impossibility.
You're weak and your strength isn't coming from your core. If you seek validation from peers, find some weirdoes online you fit with and borrow their strength.
Then get out there and stop giving a fuck. Don't cry for the stupid, you'll be at it forever.
Here's the thing: I don't even care about my life. Treat me like garbage all you want to, I can take it. But I see you short changing the rest of the best and brightest, and I'm out.
Which is where we've been at for the last 15 years or so.
What I tried to say is, humans were not designed to breed based on skin color, but accounting for very specific characteristics like intellect and the capábility to provide for your family. That's the final redpill about this whole moviment, you guys are killing yourselves by thinking that only the 100% whites are the harbingers of good genes. That's like saying one breed of cattle which has white skin is better just because of it, unnaccounting for all the other variables.
Yes, whites are the ones statistically more prone to be born intelligent and strong, but it doesn't mean we should base a whole movement ONLY with 100% whites.
Western society died because we let uneducated, weak men procreate by the billions, not because some basement dwelling overweight racist thinks his race is dying and the others are at fault. YOU ARE THE PROBLEM Sup Forums.
t. a fucking uneducated leaf.
Growing up in Detroit and Baltimore as a white kid is far worse desu
>What I tried to say is, humans were not designed to breed based on skin color, but accounting for very specific characteristics like intellect and the capábility to provide for your family. T
Yes, and I'm saying you're 100 % wrong. Humans were meant to breed based on their genes. Just like all life. We are all replicators. Intelligence and capacity to provide come second to everything else. Even skin color is secondary, but it is an indicator of similarity. That similarity is the only thing that matters. Now, in the past and in the future. There is nothing else.
>That's like saying one breed of cattle which has white skin is better
No, I'm not making any kind of value judgments at all. Being better or worse is secondary. Survival of genes is all that matters. A duck doesn't care that a human is better than the duck is. It still wants to breed. With its own kind even. A rat doesn't care that a human is better than it. It still wants to breed with other rats.
A Finn doesn't care that a Swede, a Jew and a Brazilian are better than him. He still wants to breed with other Finns. He still wants his society to be 100 % Finnish.
So, you are saying it doesn't matter if a mongrel with an IQ of less than 85 is born, as long as it is born from 100% white parents?!
Kek, I'm done.
It will supposedly get better in 2028 in some ways but in other ways it will be when extreme conformity hits and then I'm forced into even greater alienation
No, he's saying in groups are going to seek in groups because it is the nature of things.
>no argument
try again mongrel
Yes, the mongrel doesn't care at all about it. It's glad it was born. I might care about it, if the mongrel is not a part of my people. Then I'd want to probably get rid of it. But the mongrel wants to live.
Even if those groups produce worthless offspring, that's exactly why the west is fucked... von Versucher was absolutely right about eugenics, low IQ mongrels need to be erased.
Remember, the duckling certainly has a sub 85 IQ. It still wants to live, and its parents are still glad the duckling was born.
von verschuer*
Somewhat but I wish I was born in the far future instead of the past
The thing is, we are not animals, and we have to strive towards a better society. Allowing low IQ mongrels to reproduce and strong intelligent men to remain childless is a crime beyond redemption.
No I'm Gen Z and it's even worse.
>and we have to strive towards a better society.
Better to whom? The people you'd kill for being stupid? I think not.
>The thing is, we are not animals
Yes we are. We will never not be animals. For as long as we are susceptible to the forces of evolution, we will exhibit animalistic behavior. And evolution will act on us for as long as we exist.
I was raised so different that I can't even relate to any generation.
I can't relate to the struggles of people my age because my family went out of the way to protect me from all of it.
On one hand, we have so much. A 100 dollar telescope can get you a better picture of the solar system than anything galileo ever had. (Pic is of the sun during eclipse with my camera phone) And it's possible to go buy better food than most kings have had in history. And it's so easy to travel the world and see new places and meet people.
But at the same time the West is growing with hatred and resentment against white men. And women don't want to be a loving mother and form a family. It's enough to push a man to drink.. or opioids.
No, I'm not a crying, liberal faggot soyboy
We are animals. If we weren't, we wouldnt have visceral, natural (untaught) responses to stressors.
One of the greatest qualities of humanity is charity. You seem dissociated.
>Better to whom? The people you'd kill for being stupid? I think not.
Better to the higher IQ intelligent, strong men.
>Yes we are. We will never not be animals. For as long as we are susceptible to the forces of evolution, we will exhibit animalistic behavior. And evolution will act on us for as long as we exist.
Then why your race is dying?
Charity is a christian construct, that's why Christ died.
Same. These youngfags have never known the freedom of a world without cell phones.
And, ironically, why the white race is dying too.
I hate how people are raised to be so rude and horrible. Every time my voice was the wrong tone or my posture was wrong or I was chewing wrong or not making eye contact enough or any faux pas I was told right away. I was also taught many formal manners too to the point I related to the manners being taught in the 50s. But because I can be a cunt when people are horrible but be polite the next second people think I'm fake. I pretend my family was just as against manners as other people otherwise my awkwardness or anger at the world can be blamed on me instead of upbringing.
>Do you resent having to live through this time as a Millennial?
>Better to the higher IQ intelligent, strong men.
As a weak whitey with a low IQ, I don't want to be a part of your society. I'd rather have my 100 % white ethnostate. Fight me. Literally, you'd have to if that's not okay with you.
>Then why your race is dying?
Evolution, I suspect. Turns out we are not mentally resilient enough to resist the lies of snakes. Such as yourself. You are quite literally advocating for the destruction of my people. Finns are not the smartest, the fastest, the strongest or the most educated. We'd die in the eugenics program of your utopia. I'd rather have Finland.
If only you knew how bad things really were
You see. I can't even relate to the both parents being workaholics thing or even both parents working in childhood thing. I can't relate to having no connections to neighbors growing up. People actually were so close they were like family. Doctors, even teachers, cousins, extended family, People were always over and welcome. My parents taught me many financial skills and many life skills at an early age and taught me a lot.
But I saw my peers at school being so vapid. I saw a school system that wanted to force conformity to the extreme. I saw how anyone different got so mistreated. I saw the vapidness and it caused me to hate my peers. Only later did I learn that they didn't have what I did.
it's not about being a millenial, its about the time we actually live in. Holy shit just by looking closely at all the shit that's going on in this world.
Just watch some TV, watch some commercials about whatever bullshit they advertise and just comprehend what in the world is going on there.
Like when you realise that everything in the timeline of earth, our universe flows into a commercial about a hometrainer or whatever fuck. this is simply insane
You don't seem like a low IQ white, don't underestimate your capabilities.
Also, there's things Finns excel in too, sure you can point out some of them.
My point is, the dumbest must be erased, regardless of race, and by having this discussion with me you already proved to be well above the IQ average of the world population as of now. Don't jump into conclusions about who Eugenics would allow and who it wouldn't. The average citizen who only minds its business and creates a good family that can produce productive individuals is the core of eugenics.
>Allowing low IQ mongrels to reproduce
Couldn't agree more. That's why Brazilian dogs like yourself need to be sterilized.
Then why does the concept pervade through ALL human religion?
Holy shit, the faggotry of the whining in that pic. Let me tell you, as Gen X, our parents didn't fucking train us for life, either. If anything, you were thrown out to play until dark. My parents dropped me off at college and bolted within 15 minutes. I had never lived alone, done my own laundry or had any basic life skills besides drinking and smoking. I paid for college myself through loans, and houses weren't fucking cheap for us, either.
Toughen up, little buttercups. Your parents doted on you more than any other generation's. That's why they let you live with them past 30.
I don't think it does, humanity was absurdly selfish before christianity, any good historian will tell you that. That's why our species survived for so long.
It is though. I've been persecuted all my life for being different and have had conformity forced on me. The persecution comes from both my own generation and others and because I have close connections in my life people tell me they don't understand how I can be this way. They have absolutely no idea
Boomers and Jews have pretty much ruined the west. The former merely had to preserve the institutions, values and policies of their parents generation and we would be having little or no problems today. The 50's were a fucking golden age in America. Obviously the latter have been working full time to subvert it.
That being said it is still an easier time to be alive than almost all other eras in human history. All we really have to do is stand up for ourselves and our identity. It's far less than many generations have faced and conflict/struggle is fundamental to human nature. We should embrace the challenge and crush our enemy who truly is contemptible filth. No kike shilling, defeatism, guilt or feeling sorry for ourselves. Victory or death.
It does. Hinduism, Judaism, Shinto, Buddhism, Jainism, Islam, all have the concept. Even the visceral pagans knew the concept.
I was doing laundry in elementary school and cooking and doing many different things idiot. Many people are dropping out of life because of other reasons idiot. If you got this snarky with me I'd be a cunt you hated.
Back in your day people weren't fired for being socially awkward. Being social wasn't required for absolutely everything. Unpaid internships also weren't a thing in your era.
>I've been persecuted all my life for being different and have had conformity forced on me
> If you got this snarky with me I'd be a cunt you hated
I already hated you from that first whine about conformity being forced on you. Welcome to society, faggot. The nail that protrudes gets hammered down.
Yes I hate my generation.
>walking down town
>its after the Orlando shooting
>all of these fags wearing gay pride fags and holding hands
>all have dyed hair
I wanted to pull an Ira and bomb those fuckers.
I worked as a problem solver for bloods AND GD by the time I was 17.
Continue about how I need to toughen up, please.
Read about the untouchables and the caste system.
Seriously? The literal OWNERS of the world, having to do with charity?
Never read anything related to it, so can't say anythign about it.
That's a good example, maybe that's also why they are persecuted to this day by other hostile religions and never fought back, also known as cuck-millenial religion
Also didn't read anything about it.
You are fucking kidding me?