Pick your poison.
Pick your poison
I'll take niggers over east asians as immigrants tho, because atleast niggers are stupid and can later one asiliy be racially cleansed when shit hits the fan. Every chink in the west is a spy working for the colonization of the west.
>easily racially cleaned
my friend,
look at my flag
trust my 56% ass when I say
it is not so easy
I prefer the blacks. They stay in their ghettos. The Asians are studying machines who end up taking the best jobs and saturating the STEM departments at state schools and ivy league schools.
White people like balanced lifestyles. Asians are very smart, ruthless, work machines.
Yeah but thats because youre cucked atm. If a race war actually broke out and white and blacks equally wanted to fight eachother then niggers wouldnt stand a single chance.
Not because of blacks, though. Because of other whites.
Christian niggers are based
Norskbro hit the nail on the head. Although I do like asian qt3.14s, for every decent looking asian there's a horde of ugly insect "people"
niggers a blight on society.
you're making a mess stake. plus at least the chinese can produce some cute girls and bro tier guys.
I mean I like asians but we will terminally regret inviting them in grinning and all when China becomes a meat grinder of every other culture and race than their own that is if they don’t implode which I’m betting they will.
>one asily
on easily*
Happy? Literally a misplaced spacebar.
Niggers never go away. They're like shitty cockroach infestations. Don't meme a "final solution" for blacks because it will never happen. At least Asians can be assimilated and won't rape or murder you and your family. Nobody ever feels threatened in Chinatown. They might be alienated and dislike how foreign it is, but they don't worry that a group of thugs who will pull some shit. Niggers will kill for sneakers or a sail phone.
When I lived in Atlanta and worked downtown, niggers threw chicken bones on the sidewalk and shit in parking garages. A friend heard a knock on here door, in a nice urban neighborhood, and it was a black with gun who took her wallet. Even the office coons constantly wanted other people to do their work for them and I could never figure out what they actually "did" for work.
Chinks are bug eyed weirdos who eat dogs, but they work hard and many of them are good people. They like Western culture and I'm ok with calling people with residual Asian ancestry like Keanu Reeves, 1/8 Chinese and 1/8 Hawaiian, white.
t. chinkoid
nigs and indians are our only allies
The black population in the US isn't increasing. Asian population is and if Ivy League schools stop discriminating against them they could easily become 50% of the Ivy League.
>If my very specific and completely unlikely scenario were to happen then my choice would make sense.
Can't argue against that logic.
Nogs don't stay in their ghettos. They always want more and there's a constant flight of blacks trying to get near ypipo. I used to work for a nonprofit that promoted economic development in downtown Atlanta. The shit nog residents wanted for free was disgusting. "Hey Google, why aint you givin' us da fiber for free, for da community and shit?" "Hey university, why you gotta keep on building dorms and why can't you give us free food and jobs and sheeeeit?" Niggerss are entitled as fuck because they know if they bitch and complain long enough that white people will give them free sheeeeit.
>the absolute state of europeans
What was so bad about the white australia policy?
True, niggers are only a threat to the long-term well being of the nation so long as the government is irrational and focused on multicultural egalitarianism. Intelligent foreign tribes can be a real threat even after you take power.
All of that is annoying but handouts only take you so far. The two largest dangers white Americans face are Jewish/SJW propaganda in News/Hollywood/Education and reaching minority status in the US such that they can never again elect a candidate that represents them (e.g Trump).
Minority status is the reality in the coming decades.
The chinese will also produce people who gain power over your people by rising to positions of economic and political influence.
If you have to have mass non-white immigrarion, you want the dumbest and least capable ones possible.
I thought you all were the master race. Sup Forums lied to me :/
News media likes to say "white supremacist." Almost nobody identifies as a white supremacist. People on Sup Forums acknowledge that race exists and that different races need different things to make them happy.
would you rather live in a white or a non-white country
Eternal Anglo actually. Indians are confusing because many of the ones who come to Western countries, who aren't code monkeys, are Brahmins with holier than thou attitudes. Those Indians are pricks because they have pent up aggression against whites and get super heavy in SJW shit because they think they're Ghandi. Brahmins also trick blacks into thinking they're all POC and use blacks as pawns. I briefly had an Indian boss and he was the worst boss ever because he was convinced the mission, of the company he founded, was so important that he could get away with lots of bullshit.
Thank God for Planned Parenthood and Margaret Sanger.
Top tier admissions at universities are weird. "Holistic" applications are disguised racism. Are you familiar with Ron Unz? Arguably a bigger problem with elite schools is Jewish overrepresentation. In fairness, that's partially because gentiles outside of the Northeast are more likely to go to State U because of cost, loyalty, and ignorance. It's also hard for a kid to turn down an honors scholarship at State U especially because, in most of the country, the state power structure runs through the big public state universities.
>poor person with a ton of kids can't afford to give them all the minimum standard of living
>rich asian guy who just doesn't speak a language but is already fairly successful, succeeds
A lot of people have been saying for years that his numbers were wrong because he overestimated Jewish enrollment by using Hillel "data," which is non-scientific. None of the big names in the HBD world defend his conclusions.
I think Jews could be over-represented, but even they would drown under the infinite waves of mathlete Asians with perfect SATs and GPAs.
Jewish enrollment is definitely not a bigger problem. Caltech is ~50% Asian because their admission process is strictly meritocratic. MIT, CMU, massively Asian. Harvard, Yale, Princeton would be ~40-50% if not for their holistic process.
Rich black communities have higher crime rates than poor white communities or poor asian communities.
Giving this baboon more money will not stop her spawn from being gang members, it will just make gang members with more expensive guns and knives.
Niggs will always nog, no matter what you do.
More niggs = more welfare paid out.
From a population standpoint, ~2-3%, they're definitely overrepresented. Elite universities are something like 1/4 Jewish. If you start counting gentiles with mixed Jewish ancestry, then it's even more apparent. Anecdotally, I went to a "Near Ivy" and many goys were 1/4 or 1/8 Jewish. The only really defensible way to say Jews aren't overrepresented is when you start playing with probability functions and assuming Jews have a higher, like one standard deviation, average IQ. Lion of the Blogosphere had a recent post about that topic.
>Asians work hard and in recent generations have small families (quality over quantity)
>Nogs increase crime while parasiting off the country's welfare while reproducing like rabbits
Gee... such hard big boy decision we have here...
The average Jewish IQ is supposedly 112, close to 1SD above the white mean. Jews could be overrepresented beyond what their IQ would predict, but overall Asian enrollment will be a larger threat in the future.
High Jewish miscegenation levels and their current level of economic comfort will probably reduce their powers of influence as less natural geniuses are born and as Jews strive less vehemently than they did in the 18-1900s
As an aside, I went to school with a lot of Jews and I've heard them exclaim, with exasperation--"Why are Asians so good at math? Why do they always major in STEM fields?"
Jews feel the threat too.
Interestingly, Jews aren't earning nearly as many scientific Nobel Prizes as they did back in previous decades. Jews are typically more interested now in business and law careers than STEM. Part of the reason, I'm guessing, is because a lawyer or financier major makes more more money, have greater social prestige, and do easier work than physicists.
I'll take "kill myself at the gates of the airport" plz