(((Kraut))) was a Jewish youtube skeptic (fedora athiest) who led the witchhunt against alt-right youtube girl RageAfterStorm & got her fired from her job. He then attempts a skeptic "debunk" of Race Realism by snarky pilpul Youtube vids.
This YT debate on Race Realism goes on for the past 4 months: Kraut & Tea vs JF Gariepy (Québécois PhD Biologist) & Ryan Faulk of The Alternative Hypothesis. JF & Alt-Hype have been merrily BTFOing Kraut.
Kraut's sekrit Discord is leaked revealing a massive dox & pilpul operation of Skeptic Stasi working with /leftypol/, Antifa & the New York Times, to infiltrate, gaslight, dox & erase every Alt-Right/Race Realist on the net (& fake their nudes) called Operation Mincemeat & Operation Red Mackerel. Kraut's world comes TUMBLING DOWN & he deletes everything.
JESUS FUCKING CHRIST the Damore document is insane!
Here's some things we know about Google if the claims are true
> There are actual Pleures holding speeches about being Pleures, same for otherkin and furries. > Whites and men are booed for existing in weekly meetings by high level staff > Alarms literally erupted when a conservative blogger visited to eat lunch with an employee and security was called to remove him
Connor Peterson
Kronos clips from the Spencer vs. Sargon debate, where Spencer BTFOs the libs:
>Spencer calls Sargon autistic for focusing on the ideals of government, rather than the reality of government: youtube.com/watch?v=eCvh0EFprP8
Carl's inescapable issue is his desire for fairness, which, in the context of modern belief, is understandable, as a good. The problem here is the belief that, not only is fairness good, but it is also an objective moral. The key here is 'objective', as, despite his atheism, he seems to believe in morality conforming to reality, and as such, all reality leads too the moral position, being the 'center'. In simple terms, Carl thinks the moral position is always the center, even, or perhaps especially, where there is no clear center on an issue. Here, his problem should be clear. Not every position is on a 1-dimensional spectrum. This leads to a problem, because when your worldview requires putting a wide opinion spectrum on a 1 dimensional line, with a left, a middle, and a right, and, you force yourself into a place on that phony spectrum, your view will end up far from the center. This facade of beliefs of convictions is very frustrating to most ideologues. This is why Carl, among all of the Skeptics, is uniquely divisive and angering to the left and the right. He refers to both as SJWs, but, when arguing with one, he adopts positions of the opposite, while maintaining his centrism, and such, moral superiority. The unconscious hypocrisy of this is why he is so infuriating, and why eventually, regardless of outward political views, he will destroy himself.
How leftists/libcucks use Loki's wager to deny race:
Adam Thompson
Here's a collection of archived Twitter posts where Tiny slandered JF. Give them to JF to help him sue Tiny.
Basically, Tiny accused JF of: > Having an anchor baby. > Being a mentally ill person. > Raping a retarded girl.
It's not just about raping a retarded girl. There are multiple false allegations that can be disproven and show that he acted in bad faith. Not only he asserted falsehood against JF and intentionally misread the court cases but he actually created a difamation campaign when he personally or by proxy riled up people with this storys to make them spread.
Mike Enoch and the Daily Shoah gang BTFO Tiny and Sargon in this segment. They also talk about the hypocrisy of leftcucks calling us "snowflakes", etc.; and describe how things would work in a white ethnostate.
Employee terminated by Google suing them for unlawful dismissal, basically laying out the case for how insane Google is and how horrible they are against non-far-leftists and white men.
Carter Sanchez
Oh and pleures are headmates
Justin Morgan
>pleures are headmates for fucks sake, this has to stop Metokur did make a video about headmates, but that was when he was know as IA i think
Hunter Hernandez
and what the fuck is a headmate?
Evan Cook
People who pretend to have Multiple Personality Disorder to be more special
Jonathan Brooks
A person's alternate personality that lives "inside their head". Basically it's some weirdo SJW shit trying to normalize people with schizophrenia.
>is a manlet >beat up his ex-wife >got literally cucked >became a "skilled" SC2 player by spamming roaches >gets hand-held by Blizzard (programmers literally gave Zerg a buff just for him in one tournament) because they need somebody other than Koreans to win SC2 tournaments >gets his dick pics shared publicly, and quits out of shame >tried to murder a fat kid and his dad because they DDOS'd him >bullied his own son on livestream for being Christian and telling his dad not to swear (son visits on weekends, etc., lives with the mom) >tried to sue Aydin because she called him a cult leader >has a cult of retards on Leddit >they pay him $40 per month in order to shitpost here >is literally funded by a Qatari Sheik who wants to weaken whites with liberalism (chatlogs posted by an Argentinian user) >unironically supported Hillary Clinton >supports open borders >thinks more welfare checks will fix all problems with immigrants >told his best friend to kill himself, & the madman actually did it >IS A PEDO >shared lewds of a 15-year-old girl; and sexually-harassed a 12-year-old girl (Baby Miku) along with his top admins >wants to legalize CP >tells his daughter that incest is okay (preparing to rape her in the future, much?) >defended CP for hours in a debate >Andy Warski hates him for being a pedo, and won't let him back on >got BTFO'd by Naked Ape and left the stream early >got BTFO'd by JF in the fist 15 minutes; and spent the rest of the debate deflecting, and brought-in Tara as a punching bag >is afraid to debate Alt-Hype, and blocked him on Twitter >is afraid to debate Richard Spencer >is afraid to debate Mike Enoch >is currently deleting tons of his own Twitter posts because The_Guardian is collecting info on him about supporting pedophilia, harassing people, defamation, etc. >is gonna get sued by JF for defamation
Nice character assassination attempt you loser cuck with no life
Ryan Mitchell
he did that a couple of times, one time he was namde Jim81 or something, then when gamergate came around he was Internet Aristocrat and when he got tired of that he deleted his account and came back a few months later as Mister Metokur youtube.com/watch?v=lfhseUDFI04
Owen Russell
Fuck, I can't even get through more than 5 minutes of this. Everything is fucked.
Angel Collins
yeah some of his videos are more tragic than just being able to laugh at some lolcow like his first video on gangstalking
Aiden Bennett
I used to be alt right, but Destiny's arguing is so lucid and air tight. I'm basically a liberal now lol anyone know this feel?
Juan Lewis
I used to be part of the cuckolded degeneracy promoting Alt Right but then I saw Destiny's strong disavowal of it and joined his supremacist militia against the nigger menace
Oliver Barnes
How much did he pay you for this post?
Blake Torres
He had much more energy back then.
Kevin Thomas
Kayden Hernandez
Swede friend its a shitpost. This is the issue we've had the past few days. A lot of Destiny posters are people spreading the meme. There are shills and they use the people spreading the meme.
Ethan Foster
Yes to be quiet honest with you the way Destiny dismantles the alt right talking points is amazing. He is so fast and efficient and always has his sources ready. I'm literally a radial centrist now.
Nathaniel Jones
Let me guess, you are somekind of inbred horse fucker aren't you?
Alexander Lewis
I know senpai im just bored, its 7:16 am in the morning ive been awake all night and i thought there were gonna be a race-warski stream
Carter Howard
it's fucking hilarious. maybe if he hasn't been so persistent she wouldn't have released that video
Carter Campbell
These Sup Forums idiots have nothing better to do but trash talk people who are much better than them and actually became recognizable.
Whether it's jealousy of Sargon's intellect or Destiny's video game skills, it's clear some people posting here have an obvious chip on their shoulder. Projecting much lmao?
Samuel Davis
imagine being so thirsty that you set in motion events that make race-realist increase their sphear of influence and becomes to big to ignore
Cooper Parker
because someone called him mediocre and spelled it like he is now, metokur
Landon Campbell
the gang stalking one is real sad/ dangerous. these people are egging each other on
Carson Hill
That face. He made that face.
Tyler Nelson
Its based on the Metokur Archive. An old troll forum. Jim was a part of it until it fell apart, and his "mentor" cucked hard. Metokur took the name, the same way a man waves a banner.
I'm not quite sure, and I heard the tale about two weeks ago. Basically he felt bad.
Daniel Howard
The fuck kind of race is he? Looks like someone stuck a Poo in the rice cooker. Good videos though.
Oliver Hall
100% amerimutt
Mason Davis
>literally a purebreed amerimutt top kek
Tyler Adams
But he's already in the ethnostate.
Daniel Ortiz
one of the leaders is now a fat transgender (male) 40 year old man living on benefits in the UK.
Dominic Phillips
He's originally Canadian. It's likely he's got some Poo in him. IDK much about Canadian minorities except the "Sihks are bros" meme.
Isaac Reed
REEEEE stop calling this fucking l*Af a Murican
Gabriel Johnson
>fat transgender (male) 40 year old man living on benefits in the UK i wonder who
David Watson
I like bringing-up Japan whenever leftists say ethnostate are bad, or won't work.
Camden Peterson
Literally pic related
Isaiah Gutierrez
>Abe's Japan >implying that all other parties don't support what they call "racist" and "patriarchal"
Hell, even the fucking Japan Communist Party doesn't want refugees that aren't Chinese spies.
Ethan Bennett
Can you define animal? Can you tell me where EXACTLY the line between humans and animals is?? You cant, can you? Your argumentation and beliefs are invalid as they are clearly not concrete and our based on feelings not facts, through this harmful preaching of unsubstantiated feeling based arguments you are preventing what could be loving and prosperous relationships. You are just like SJWS Feels over reals. Pathetic.
Noah Sullivan
I know. It's based.
Owen Price
Japan literally has the largest communist party of any nation other than the DPRK and China obviously.
*Jim posts his final video, bitter at his defeat in Gamergate* >I guess this is the end. Opening the gates to the fucking barbarians. *Months pass. Jim grows jaded and jittery.* >Autism. Bike pumps and headkin everywhere. *Degeneracy now runs rampant. The inmates took over the asylum, and now Jim is watching the fires grow* >How could this have happened? *He discovers the whereabouts of one of his old troll acquiantances.* >What the fuck? *He's a she, and now gets her gibs from the government every 3 weeks.* >This has to stop. *Jim thinks back to the Metokur Archives, and how far the others have spiraled* >I've got to go back. *Donning the title Mister Metokur, an insignia to represent both his purpose and remind himself of the shells of his former friends, Jim sets out to once again bring darkness into the light.* >Best hide your bike pumps. I like it when you put up a fight.
Ryan Ortiz
>12/465 in House of Representatives
>14/242 in House of Councilors
weaksauce dawg
Noah Russell
whats the matter?
Jaxon Reyes
Caleb Watson
Jason Turner
Hey guys, do you think Amerimutt memes will be halal in Europe 20 years from now?
Shut up. Nothing is ever happening. you are all just delusional.
Nicholas Cox
The fuck is happening user?
Jordan Foster
What did he mean by this?
John Jenkins
Phoneposting and cant watch the stream, explain
Asher Thompson
fug, linked to wrong one
Michael Baker
Nicholas Rodriguez
Who doxed BPS?
He doesn't really mess with anyone and he's hardly the most abrasive person on the right.
Brayden Cox
>cant watch the stream what stream?
Jaxson Rodriguez
It means hes based. Sargon unlike you recognizes the need for hard work and perseverance of the individual and not judging other based on arbitrary concepts like race or gender. Hes classical liberal in the way founding fathers, lock and paine intended. True equality.
Jacob Garcia
That video posted was from 2 months ago. IDK who did it. exactly, but people in the comments were saying it was /leftypol/. They have a beef with Black Pigeon because he shits on communism a lot in his videos. He also made a video insulting them directly a while back.
Adrian Campbell
I thought this was related to a stream, I dunno.
Ryder Myers
>the way founding fathers, lock and paine intended
Really made me think.
Ethan Moore
He was likely doxxed by fascists.
They were probably trying to false flag so you people could play victim.
Boo hoo for you.
Lucas Kelly
Tis great, pretty much blows all their narratives out of the water completely.
Elijah Roberts
*Fast forward to current year. The (((Skeptics))) have now started to push back against a growing Alt Right. Failing at doing so, they resort to underhanded tactics such as doxing and harassment. Jim is drug in once it leaks, and all the information is put on his desk. >Well, well well... *Split dick, doxing and denying, Psy ops involving masquerading as an Alt-Right female backpacker from England that studies chemistry, and even more interesting... a free speech event with dirty intentions. >Could they have fucked it up any worse? *Now, the man who was denied his Gamergate, holds in his hands the power to cripple the skeptics that ruined it. He doesn't need to debate them. He doesn't need to respond to their arguments. He just needs to lay it out. Weeks pass as he pops in and out of streams, spreading fear everywhere he goes. The doxers throw themselves before him and try to out rat each other in the hopes he will go easy. The man who they betrayed now has them by the neck. >I just wanted to talk about bike pumps, but you Autists had to sperg so hard I just couldn't ignore it.
Isaiah Green
who got BR's photo that tiny posted?
Juan Perez
Maybe. Glad your side is sad about it too. F
Aiden Wright
its true.
if you look at the views of these people they clearly would have supported and promoted immigration to europe and america so that they could benefit from the best africa, asia and the middle east have to offer.
Aiden Young
Cooper Cruz
yeah but how was it found?
Logan Myers
who's BR?
Carter Scott
Oh , we arent sad about seeing a racist gone.
We are sad to see Kraut go though.
We would be happy to see him gone.
But obviously like all of you people, you infight. so we dont have to do anything.
Lincoln Rodriguez
dunno, maybe one of the retards that pay to shitpost for Tiny
Braving Ruin
Dominic Perez
Not sure if you're a troll or just retarded, but "Lock" (actually spelled "Locke") and Paine were not US founding fathers.
Also, our immigration system doesn't choose the best; we let in basically any random nigger with a pulse. I wish we had an immigration law that says only people with STEM degrees or people of "major cultural/societal relevance" can be let in.
Jacob Cruz
>mfw Pokimane and lilypichu are starting to hate Destiny because he supports pedophilia hahahaha