Is almond milk the most redpilled milk?
Is almond milk the most redpilled milk?
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No, high lactose Kefir is the white man's beverage of choice.
>High in protein
>Probiotic as fuck
>Makes testicles bigger
>forgot pic
Drink regular milk queer
What is hemp milk?
The most red-pilled milk is water (and vodka). Unless you're little baby who want suck a booby.
What about water + vodka? Two birds as they say, especially with ice cube
>suck up all of california's water
>bad for anything but cereal and straight drinking
>grey color
unsweetened vanilla is god tier but I don't spend the money on it, I just eat almonds
it looks like cottage jizz
soy milk is redpilled
Almond milk tastes better I think.
Milk straight from the bull is the best milk!
Do you know how much actual almond milk is in 'almond milk'?
stop drinking that shit you fag.
no it isn't soy boy.
>What about water + vodka?
Not good. Just get it cold but don't mix with anything.
The same goes to whiskey. only faggots mix it with ice or cola.
This is
Enjoy your bitch tits and low test
I drink most alcohol with water. You ought to try a good watered red comrade.
But is it activated?
It's either ridiculously expensive artisan shit or has got little to do with almonds.
The oil in almonds isn't even very healthy. No omega 3 to speak of, not that real milk is any different in that respect.
Almonds don't have nipples and the stuff you but in the store is not real almond water.
Nah breh. I prefer to drink it clean. You will drunk smoother without any shit in your drink. And as bonus no headache in the morning.
I like the cut of your jib.
>tfw i just got almond flour and will make keto hot pockets with mozzarella and ground beef
u mad, carb cucks?
Goat milk kefir is best.
Drink raw milk for healthful benefits
> still consumes cow milk products
Get on the goat milk train, user. Much better for you with little bloating lactose.
As for almond milk, it’s redpilled as it has origins in medieval Europe. It’s not a vegan fad.
Buy Vitamix or Blendtec blender.
Put almonds and water in blender.
Almond milk.
Almond milk by sogood on its own is really good, especially their chocolate almond.
and almond is great in coffee.
I'd still rather consume regular milk as its cheaper.
I think that is literally the brand I had. Though it was vanilla. Got it at the discount grocery store for $1. Unfortunately they don't have any more.
Only because you're fat and alive, not because of keto. If you didn't overeat so much you could have delicious bread.
Put orange juice in muesli
I have changed your life yw
If you drink nut milk, you are a faggot.
>implying your normal diet shouldnt be a light form of the keto diet
>taking nutritional advice from cereal companies
are you russia or serbia? some irrelevant country i assume
You don't want to suck on a titty, faggot?
>mfw OP is not drinking cyanide
well, it's okay, I tried oat milk for a while now and that's a really good substitute too.
rice milk is fine too.
They have it at most health food stores. Hippies love that shit, that doesn't negate the fact it's good for you, however.
Almond milk has no protons, pointless. Drink whey instead of milk.
rice milk is way too thin. it tastes like water imo
How the fuck is milk RED PILLED?
tit milk and only until you turn 1
well it probably depends on the brand but given a simple choice between oat milk and rice milk I'm not gonna lie that oat milk is more nutrititious and probably thicker by itself too. so I'm happy with that.
It is responsible for California drought so yes.
Milk lowers testosterone
so does every thing in Japan.
Oh no SOY is far more beneficial pls see my website
You know the lactose is converted into acid by the kefir culture?
Oat milk is easily the healthiest milk substitute. As oats is easily the healthiest grain. If cows ate oats instead of soy, milk would be much healthier also. Grass fed is best, though.
+1 for oat milk, the redpilled meme drink
No thanks, I dont wanna end up a stinking brain damaged drunkard russki like your shithole is infested with.
Turmeric + Milk.
It's not going to make an appreciable impact on your health or lifespan either way if you're not fat.
Stop being fat and you can eat more delicious bread.
Buy bulk nuts, almond, macadamia, walnut and make your own if you have blender or juicer. Homemade almond milk can be made less diluted than store bought which gives it a richer & creamier profile. If you get a good deal on nuts it will be cheaper too. It's a good dairy substitute but whole food is superior for majority of daily consumption
Water is the true redpill
it's not as nutritious much though unless whatever mineral water gives you but that won't cut it.
Whites have no problem digesting lactose for ages.
I ain't never seen a titty on an almond.
For Amerimutts it's a problem.
empty carbs like your soy bread are literally the reason why people get fat you autistic dumb shit
Almonds are high in polyunsaturated fatty acids and which create an estrogenic atmosphere in the body
so no. Eat macadamia nuts or brazil nuts
>Animal hormones convert into human hormones
>What is the human liver?
>tonsil stones
No, sad people who have to replace self control with a disgusting diet are fat.
Non fat people can eat delicious bread.
It's not redpilled especially if you buy it and don't make it by yourself. It's water and 1-2% almonds with a bunch of added shit. If you make your own almond milk and use the remaining dry parts instead of discarding them, then it's OK. Everything else is totally bluepilled.
It's about 25% polyunsaturated and 75% monounsaturated. Also almond milk is 99% not almonds so a serving contains about 0.5 grams of polyunsaturated fats i.e. practically none.