Dragon Ball Super
Full chapter when?
>Lul DB always made sense
Pick one
Or are u going to tell me Goku's zenkai in Namek made sense?
That Piccolo fusing with Nail being able to fight 2nd form Freeza made sense?
How about the fact that some old man created being far stronger than the strongest alien in the universe? Super Saiyan toddler that didn't even know how to fly at first?
Yeah DB never made sense
Why is the manga so shit?
Still better than the anime in most cases.
>reaching this hard
Top kek
She was fearless and crazier than him.
She was his queen,
and God help anyone who dared to disrespect his queen.
>Still better than the anime in all cases.
>Inconsistency is ok when I can't explain it.
lol Damn someone hit a nerve to this guy.
>lul you're mad
Feels good to win!
You're right. Trips confirm this.
Sit down paco
Holy fuck his head is small
Explain if they're not inconsistent then!
Stop responding to bait
He's probably butthurt at all the criticism the last episode rightfully got.
Another month, another Toyo disappointment
When will mangafags learn that he's not /ourguy/?
> defending the manga for the same shit that they complained about in the anime
They're not even trying to hide their bias anymore
>muh edgy gore mutilation
based toyo xDD
This ship is so fucking hot.
Being powerlevelfags like you is the spicest thing.
Reminder that 17 is god tier.
So standard DB fare?
I fucking hate the Dragon Ball community.
17 is god tier, deal with it paco.
The Anime is preparing the Power Tournament arc, with 8 universes fighting over survival. But this makes me suspect something.
I believe the Universes will be reduced in number, but without destroying anything. What do I mean? Easy. Each universe has a twin universe, pairing the universe with the numbers that make "13". For example, Universe 7's twin is Universe 6. Well, my theory is, how about if instead of being erased, the universes are merged with their twins? That way their inhabitants survive and there are less universes.
All this reminds me the whole Amalgam Comics, where Marvel fought DC in order to decide which one should survive.
>criticism the last episode rightfully got.
Critisim By who?? ,ohhh Right we know don't tell me
Why does her hairstyle keep changing?
>defending the manga
People keep spouting this bullshit but I haven't seem many people happy that the retcon is in the manga aswell. Most people were shitting on Toriyama like in that pic you posted
So basically the anime and manga versions of the Vegetto part are the same?
So much for Toyo "fixing" anything
Now it all comes down to comparing their actual fight with Zamasu. Can the manga compete?
Because she's a woman.
>tfw Uub is confirmed coming back
>Naotoshi Shida Vs Toyo
You tell me
>Fuck I can't defend any of the criticism!!! Time to spam racial slurs!!! Triggered Spics!!!! Pedros be ass blasted!!!!
>Implying that criticism from spic are somehow relevant
Uub was never not confirmed.
any other gogetabros left alive?
>Being this butthurt
Reminder that 17 was also holding back
I'd like to see u7 moving to u6, I think u6 has much more interesting things than u7 i'd like to see some adventures with the saiyans of planet salad for example
Any translations, please?
Stop discussing about shows you don't follow
>People keep spouting this bullshit
Did you even read last thread?
"It's okay because it was in Toriyama's outline! Zamasu not taking damage is okay because he's immortal!"
Literally everything they're saying NOW is what they gave animefags shit for back then
But this is nothing new...
Imo the anime is better mostly because Zamasu felt way more angrier. Not only the amazing facial expressions but also his voice. Shinichiro Miki > text
Trips confirmed, the manga is superior.
Be careful user, they will throw tacos at us!
Lurk the previous thread
Why does Vegetto look retarded here?
>defending the manga for the same shit that they complained about in the anime
Except I complaint about
>mary sue Trunks
>mary sue Black
>asspulls saga
>useless humans fooling the villains
But stay mad, Toeishill.
>not our guy because Toriyama's script happen in his version, not only in Toei's
Because Toyo's art sucks.
Why not have a universe filled with gods instead of ningen scum?
It would raise the average power level of the universe right?
Indeed. That's exactly what I would like to see. And since Cabba didn't know about the Super Saiyins back in the last tournament, it would interesting to see how Goku, Vegetta and their children affect the ways of Saiyins.
Toyocucks are hyprocrite manchild, nothing new.
>She was fearless and crazier than him.
>She was his queen,
>and God help anyone who dared to disrespect his queen.
Where is it, please?
Reminder that toriyama approved /ourboy/'s strenght!
Reminder that this is canon!
if don't think babidi and buu are just gero and cell copies you're a fucking retard
the plot is exactly the same
heroes must stop the villain from awakening his creation
yamu and spopovich take the place of 17 and 18
babidi is gero
buu is cell
buu has regeneration and absorbs things to change forms
buus final form can instant transmission and he tries to destroy earth (and succeeds) wow so different!
Buu Saga is lazy. Deal with it.
>Did you even read last thread?
Did YOU?
>Fucking trash.
>Thanks Toriyama.
>It's like a big fuck you to readers. Holy fuck that was so disappointing.
>Oh boy, here we go.
>Toriyama retconned the potaras and it wasnt Toeis bs idea.
>no gogeta
>fake and gay
Why is the SSG transformation used constantly in the manga by Goku and now Vegeta, but in the anime has not being used since the Goku vs Beerus fight?
Someone said because Toyotaro actually cares about consistency and anyone who says otherwise is lying.
But I think that is why his manga is terrible.
Consistency is boring, we don't need that in DB.
At times, consistency must be sacrificed for the sake of fun in the show. Toyo cannot understand that and the manga suffers for it.
One page of Vegetto cutting fingers (which grew back anyway) doesn't make it superior to an actual well-animated fight
Are Toyocucks this delusional? ONE edgy page is all it takes? Really...?
This is Toriyama's original design.
Toei redesigned her to look like Broly, because fuck Toei.
>it's okay because it was in Toriyama outline
Said literally no one
it's Toriyama fault =/= it's OK
>but then it's not Toei fault either
We know. See and stop being retarded.
Also some other stuff is still Toei fault.
>One page of Vegetto cutting fingers
>implying it's only one page
>well-animated fight
True but shitty fight choreography.
>Why is the SSG transformation used constantly in the manga by Goku and now Vegeta,
Literally just because Toyo wanted to add his shitty AF fanfiction to the main story.
>Toei shill
>Are you retarded?
You already know.
He was in the original manga, he was referenced before U6, Toriyama already said that he intends to join super with EoZ, in what way were we given any new information whatsoever about him?
Maybe he was talking about the shitstorm when the episode with vegeto aired.
Don't fucking dare to say that no one was shitting on toei for vegeto!
>It may be toriyama
Is every DBS thread a huge shitstorm like this one?
Also, the Daishinkan is the TRUE Omni king
Post more "Don't worry guys, i'm holding back" pics
>mary sue Trunks
Compared to barely present Trunks?
>mary sue Black
Not a mary sue, but he's way more fun in the anime
> asspulls saga
You mean SS Rage? At least it made Trunks fight alongside Goku/Vegeta instead of being a cheerleader
> useless humans fooling the villains
If you're talking about the Flash grenades, Manga Trunks used Solar Flare and the result was the same.
Reminder that her vagina is the reason for any of db happening.
This, the manga has good power scaling but no hype at all from it.
The only part which got me excited was trunks's introduction, he seemed powerful, interesting, but now it's boring.
>Maybe he was talking about the shitstorm when the episode
Nope, read his post
>Did you even read last thread?
> cherry-picking specific comments, probably done by animefags too
Top kek
At least I directed you to posts from the last thread where as you just made some random which I didn't see anyone make.
do not use my image to speak ill of /ourguy/
Without image manipulation
>edgy gore
>Goku literally explodes out of the final boss of original DB's chest like a baby xenomorph.
Superbabies have never watched DB or Z have they?
didn't goku mention Uub long before last weeks episode although it is peculiar that Dende mentioned him they way he did I feel like this isn't much different.
Its still pretty in the air if he's coming back, if so definitely not now isn't he basically a baby?
I was thinking his head looked too small
>barely present Trunks
>not a mary sue
>also "mary sues are funnier!"
>You mean SS Rage?
>instead of being a cheerleader
>the guy who will defeat the evil guy
I guess Gohan was a cheerleader in the arc in which he defeats the evil guy at the end.
>If you're talking about the Flash grenades
I'm talking about how incompetent the Zamasus are in the anime, you only mentioned one example.
>Manga Trunks used Solar Flare and the result was the same.
Too bad it's not the same because you can't stop light, but you can stop a grenade before it explodes with light.
>the shitstorm when the episode with vegeto aired.
This is true too. Too many mangafags didn't want to believe it was part of Tori's script...and dismissed every animefag that was saying it WAS part of the script
Fuck I missed smug Vegetto, thanks Toyo. Can't wait for the full chapter
>that katchin storm
How come Goku doesn't become weaker since all he does is hold back?
>Too bad it's not the same because you can't stop light, but you can stop a grenade before it explodes with light.
The reaching here is hilarious
Stay mad toyocuck
Not enough pixel dust for you user?
Someone posts that page with Gero killing the random old guy
And Bardock's Power Pole.
>that katchin storm
Pretty sweet.
So in the end, Toyo's Champa arc was much better than his Trunks arc
That's too bad...
>Spamming katchin steel technique in Xenoverse never