New Jojolion chap
Feminism ruined Jojo.
Here is the page from V2, Kewl was wrong and corrected the panel.
Grazie medico
Here is the page from the initial release:
>Gave josuke a warning attack during beetletendency, pretty much telling him to stay out of his business
>Cried like a bitch when damo died, damo was attempting to kill his entire family
>Is a part of the rokakaka smuggling organization
>Has goals to "climb higher than his start from zero"
>Speed king confirmed to have super secret hidden abilities
>Doesn't care if morioh is destroyed, as long as he can obtain the rokakaka (This includes the destruction of his own fruit parlor, which means his goals extent farther than 'muh fruits')
>Tragic backstory that hints to us that he's fucked up in the head
>Told by the woman he trusts most, his mom, that he never did anything wrong, leading him to have a superiority complex, very common among jojo antagonists
and this one is a stretch but
>Speed King could possibly resemble King Crimson to an extent
Jobin is the main antagonist.
That flashback felt really disjointed. Honestly, felt like it was missing a page between that girl asking Jobin if everything's alright and them camping out near her house with oil and lighter.
Absolutely, although I dont remember him crying for Damo, more like a "Oh fuck he's dead and I'm all that's left"
I was hype for this chapter but it was such a disappointment, we got nothing new from it
It's safe to say that "Kato dindu nuffin wrong" ?
She's a good mom.
Jobin a shit.
Neither did anything wrong this chapter
Please tell me that book cover is fake
>Feminism saved Jojo.
Jobin killed that boy, sure he was a dick, but no need to deep fry his brain with speed prince
I really hope that's just shitty translations
Glad to see him again.
So where's the chapter rate sitting at?
A good 7-8/10 for me. One of the best in JJL
I like the flashbacks, the art was really on point other than the potato babies. The panels of Jobin/Kato looking at each other really are Araki's strengths with the close ups. Really glad he went with the grey morality with Kaato and made it interesting. Honestly Jojolion is shaping up to be my favourite part. Still loving the drip fed of for every questioned answered another appears. I know some people say JJL can be slow but I think the pacing is on point if you are gonna go back and marathon it.
People legitimately think Jobin was wrong here?
He activated Speed King unconsciously, he was in a state of absolute worry. It was life or death and SK just sorta manifested and did it's job.
Even then that kid was demented as fuck
>you'll never take pictures of naked pregnant kaato
My fucking fetish thank you araki, kaato will destroy my penis today cant wait for the shota doujins
HOLY SHIT THIS CHAPTER. I wasn't one of those people complaining about Blue Lagoon, but this completely blows it out of the water and the arc proper didn't even start yet. The idea that there's some bigger group closely watching Rokaka alone is a step in an absolutely different direction. The Joubin stuff basically confirmed him becoming an ally near the end of this Part. Kaato is beyond based. Also, lol, autistic smol Joubin.
>Steals Jobin's money
>Tries to start a fire in his hair
>Forces him to not only steal his moms underwear but also to take nude pictures of her
>Beats him several times
>Tries to force him to commit arson
>Threatens to rape and murder his mom
>Threatens to burn him to death
Yeah sure Jobin is in the wrong user, I bet you think Yasuho is Joshuu's GF too
>Specting doujins
Wonderful, the mind of a child is.
I honestly forgot I was reading this, monthly chapters are fucking hell. The last chapter o remember reading was miracle man p2 I think.
Joubin thinks Yasuho is Joshu's gf
A man can dream user, people tought we would never get a "proper" jojo adaptation
10/10 chapter desu
>Wake up
>Check latest Part 8 release
>Still no return of Judgement
>Go to bed
He's an antagonist, but not the main one, there is still someone else watching.
He could be, but I suspect the corpse or something to be involved.
Sometimes Japanese fans just forget about the most obvious settings for an H doujinshi and make up extremely stupid plots for the very few doujinshi they make, so don't expect anything out of this chapter.
So, why do you think Norisuke asked about Joubin's last physical and then stared at Kaato and his children?
>speed king looking worse and worse each chapter
what went wrong?
You think Jobin could control it?
Joubin's mysteriously unaffected by the family disease while Kaato is completely fine
Norisuke was clearly suspecting something even before the corpse was found
Fun chapter
I enjoyed getting to learn more about Jobin's past and finally figuring out why Kaato went to prison. It seems like a very good setup for a main villain. On top of that we got to see a little of the plant appraiser which is fun.
That's speed king from like 10+ years ago.
He's even more shit now.
It's just baby speed king before he got demented and fucked up after years of mental torture
That's either another redesign or we're missing something important here.
So the lines on Jobin's face are cracks and not scars?
It looks like a nigglet
It's not a redesign retard it's just the child form of Speed King like how Silver Chariot was different when Pol turned into a child
Cracks that turned into scars, probably.
He didn't kill him though. Kaato buried him alive.
>Burying a person alive
We Diavolo now
How was Kaato the only that was arrested when Joubin also touched the body?
loli hato is THICC
It was DNA, maybe hair in the body.
The Diavolo elements were already there, now we know Jobin had a traumatic back story like Bossu too.
Enzo se que estas aca
By the way, the name of Norisuke's mom is Tomoko. And Norisuke's name used to be Josuke.
What's next? Flashback Man is actually Valentine?
Suddenly his weird hair makes a lot of sense.
So, is joseph a rock human in jojolion?
Or was there another joseph in the family tree? I can't remember
Biggest question I have is who was this?
inb4 alt universe Shizuka Joestar
[spoiler ]Escribe bien, puto de mierda
>Johnny legend mentioned again
Oh good Araki didn't forget it
Flashback Man
It's not something I found out just now, I'm posting it for others who don't know.
Speed Prince
>the real main villain is alt Shizuka, an invisible stand user who was watching everything from the shadows
Us, the readers. Jojolion is going for the same twist as DRV3.
Flashback man, Jobin's alternate personality that is held back by Jobin's hair clip
JJL Joseph is Johnny's descendent.
That's Josuke and Yasuho
Could this be Mitsuba?
It was Emporio and he's gonna tell Josuke that the Steel Ball Run verse is the continuation of Stone Ocean or something.
Isn't mitsuba's hair different color?
Or she dye idk
So..Jobin - Eventually Ally or Main Villain?
Her hair changed color when she awoken her stand
She's JJL Giorno
What was Joubin staring at? Did he already have plans to be higher than anyone else when he was just a kid? Did he see Jesus? and I really do like how Joubin was pictured higher than Kaato there since it ties in with his future intentions.
Why the fuck would he be an ally?
See He is Josuke's foil in every way, theres no way in hell he's teaming up with anyone.
>Those burning eyes
Oh shit
He had frequent memory loss when he was younger, maybe he's in the middle of that.
Yeah, she didn't do anything
The way the bus driver got off looked really fucking strange to me
Is this Plant Man's stand?
Jojolion keeps involving innocent bystanders !
I don't know how the Plant Appraiser took over his spot. There's no room to the right of the driver except for maybe a window he could have snuck in from while the bus moving, but that wouldn't explain how he heard the conversation between Yasuho and Josuke.
Who cares, civilians in JoJo are all assholes
this plant nigga looks pretty cool
Maybe some kind of tranquilizing ability?
That's only so Araki can justify the horrible things that happen to them.
Pocoloco's great great grandson
Wait are we sure that eye image is not Kaato
Sorry i mean is the eye image -Jobin?
Look at the hair, blonde not black, we also see Kaato's eyes in another panel so 2 eye shots of the same person would be kinda redundant
Delete yourself.
>implying we got one
He's got some thicc lips
> the return of donut hairs
> naked prego kaato
> loli hato
> speed prince
> we hijack a bus now
Boy, that was a solid good Jojo chapter.
He saw Kars coming back.
It might not be Jobin as Jobin looks like this
Looking at it again with what you said, I think it actually is Kaato with the fiery eyes.
The hair is swept the same way.
There is no hair clip.
Same eyebrow a couple panels later.
Kaato is the only one sweating.
Seeing Joubin above her must have sparked her to doing what she did for him.