anybody have any more info on this? just saw this screenshot, that's it.
how reliable is Corsi?
anybody have any more info on this? just saw this screenshot, that's it.
how reliable is Corsi?
ps i could do without these faggots literally hash-tagging cripplechan ffs
big if true
EmbassyCat is free
Why do liberal men look effeminate Sup Forums.
>Trusting infowars
>Trusting Q
You are one retarded OP, you're also a faggot.
Fuck out of here CNNIGGER
Some pimply retard from rEdit is still laughing his ass off that he pulled off a larp of this magnitude. Q is total bullshit, user. The sooner you realize this the better you'll feel.
post clearly is asking for verification of some kind or informed speculation.
you dumb niggers glow so fucking bright you would think you would learn some subtle tactics
i know what EC is, but what did you mean by this?
It's one of those things, either he's right or he's wrong, who knows, would be a big scoop for the guy for sure if the details wind up right
going to keep bumping until we get answers
a little weird how this is getting slid hard at 1:32 am
Fuck off we are full
go check around swiss land and report back if you see assange mountainnigger
How was it an "extraction"?
They dropped all charges on him months ago.
seems a little ridiculous
so they could safely remove him from the embassy? he's still a man many people would like to see killed. just speculating. while in the embassy, even tho not charged, he remained safe with the diplomatic immunity and according security oresence of that area.
Lmao. You neutral faggot i am going to live there one day
Trump has been planning on releasing assange claiming that his detainment was unjust.
If you catch me at the border I got visas in my name
Anyone posting qanon crap is a moron
Switzerland is pretty small and I haven't seen him around yet.
>believing in ""Q"" user
Lmao why don't you just ask anon5 some questions too
AFAIK they dropped the rape charges. He skipped bail in Sweden, so he could have still been charged with that.
Look in the Ecuadorean Embassy user
Jerome Corsi is a real person though. And the things he revealed about the Clintons and Obama turned out to be on the money.
You know what, they'll open in 45 minutes, I should call them and ask
He's not very big either.
for you
This: ^
The UK govt still want to pursue the bail fuckery.
It's a process "crime"....
And the "rape" charge was bullshit too.