What would be the most useful marketable skills to learn for the times to come ?

Okay Sup Forums. We're living in a world in which planning ahead is more than important so I want to know in which manner I could avoid being left behind in the job market. Especially considering that A.I are becoming more and more competent, it won't be long before individual without enough conceptual intelligence will be replaced. I don't want to be part of the leeches living with a monthly wage given by (((them))).

However I have to admit that I'm bad at math and science, so this removes almost every valuable marketable degree available. Unless I somehow work/study to solve my carencies I won't be able to pursue any career in these domains. What skills, in your opinion, would be vital ?

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being able to observe yourself and changing your behaviour is the most valuable thing you can learn

Study the classics and know how to handle a farmstead as well as a firearm to protect it and your people.

Learn a trade skill. These faggots don't know how to do anything for themselves. You can charge them whatever you want. They're rich and retarded, they'll pay it.

Study the blade.

Making bullets

Equipment Operator
maybe Doctor.

Laywers, IT, nerds...you're fucked.


Farming, every tool of the mercenary trade, dentistry(because no matter what happens people will always be irresponsible either their teeth)

Thats more long term. Someone with the right set up though could make a ton of money when things fall apart. Lead is easy to find (i comb my local gun range, never been cleaned. Tons of it) and black powder can be made from scratch. Sulfur is not 100% necessary but it helps. charcoal and salt peter can be had on any property. A good HEAVY DUTY tumbler would go a long ways. Only issue is casings and primers. Most alternative options require free and normal trade. Match stick heads and the red strike felt or strike anywhere matches can be used.The only priming compound you can make is H-42. A ww2 priming compound. Modern primers use restricted chemicals, stuff you need a license to get. BP and the H-42 will be rough on the gun. H-42 is bad on brass so steel cases which kind of solves the casing issue since steel cases are a lot easier to make than brass. Not sure about aluminum. A lathe might be able to make shells.