Yuyuesday again
We have an OVA now
This gif's still good though
/yys/ - Yuyushiki
Other urls found in this thread:
I love Yukari!
I think I like Brown Yukari more than the actual Yukari.
Nantsutte Tsuchatta
Let's have a nice clean thread with no getting turned on by any moms
How did I not notice how similar these character designs were?
Sorry, I am now thinking about moms and getting turned on.
This is your Yukari for the evening, make sure you take good care of her
I want to eat out Yukair's butthole and pussy until she pees all over herself in pleasure.
I see you're a man of culture as well
My friend.
It can't be helped.
I'd hit that.
>hitting a sample
I want to do that with Yui.
I think I like Yukari Akiyama more than the actual Yukari.
Can Yui still turn me on?
That is also a good Yukari.
I'm turned on by Yui's mom.
Yukair a SHIT
Leave her out of this.
>Finally watch the OVA
>It literally starts with Yuzuko shouting she loves Yui
Do other CGDCT even try?
>tfw no mommy-milkies from Okaa-san
>tfw Okaa-san will never brap on your face
They can try but they won't succeed
It's been confirmed that Yuzuko has the best butt
Yuzu has the best everything.
Best girl confirmed.
Was there ever any doubt?
Not the best social life.
She has more and probably better friends than most Sup Forumsnons.
>Yuzu's anus is practically non-existent
Tell me about Yuzu! Why doesn't she wear the glasses?
Anyone else not watching the OVA until S2 is announced?
But what if they'll never announce S2?
It's the only way to ching chong Yui's nip nongs.
Free samples
>Yuzu corners you and makes these polite requests
>wearing glasses in a bikini
She would not have an optimal beach-going experience. My boner is RUINED.
She's doing her homework like this. With me.
Season 2 is definitely happening, right?
When will the announcement for S2 be?
After Taneda rises from the dead.
Is this a good way to pat heads?
>still no S2
The Yuyuesday thread I made earlier today died apparently. RIP
>Whoring out your girlfriend to your classmate
We should make it ourselves without a licence.
Your sacrifice is what will make this one thrive!
Rest in pieces
I hope Taneda is fine and someday we will get a new Yukari song.
The one last week died instantly or wasn't made at all, right? I didn't see it.
Has Yuyushiki ruined other SoL series for you?
I didn't see it either, which worried me.
No but maybe I would have liked YuruYuri more if I hadn't seen this first
We were never alive. Take a look at this sweet slice of death though.
I like the "Yuzu slapping herself" instrument. I would very much like to play it one day.
Minna, genki?
There is no genki. Only death.
Yes today is death day. Not to be confused with the Day of the Dead. That's an entirely different thing.
Death Day is my favourite holiday!
You only get to experience it once in an incarnation, after all.
Yuzu a real woman
giving Yui the succ when she need it anytime any place
100! 100!
I'd be lying if I said I didn't want all of the Yuyus to step on me
and I want user to watch
Post a smiling Kei!
Every kiss begins with Kei.
Why are their bodies so sexual?
having a laugh there mate?
She's the best.
I don't know what you mean. There's nothing sexual about this.
Didn't the Mango end?
Was it puppets