Rumors about the >9000 sealed indictments are swirling; meanwhile, many potentially implicated individuals have slowly disappeared from the public eye. Let's pool our autism and track the Last Known Sightings of these people.
How to help: >IGNORE & DO NOT REPLY TO OFF-TOPIC, SHILL, AND TROLL REPLIES >Post public sightings after listed ones >Post information corroborating or disproving UNCONFIRMED (*) information >Suggest relevant other individuals to look into
>Hillary Clinton 15 Dec '17: End of her book tour 27 Dec '17: Saw Broadway musical "The Band's Visit" 03 Jan '18: Made no statement on Clinton property fire, was not present
>Bill Clinton 11 Dec '17: Seen at Reagan National Airport in D.C. 27 Dec '17: Saw Broadway musical "The Band's Visit" 03 Jan '18: Made no statement on Clinton property fire, was not present
>Chelsea Clinton 27 Dec '17: Saw Broadway musical "The Band's Visit"
>John Podesta 06 Nov '17: Attended "Clinton 25" event at Georgetown University 16 Dec '17: Last post on Twitter, about UFOs
>Tony Podesta 30 Oct '17: Stepped down from Podesta Group USA 04 Nov '17: Rumored to have been arrested (*)
>Huma Abedin 29 Dec '17: Seen going into HRC offices with possible ankle monitor bulge
>Barack Obama 05 Dec '17: Gave speech at climate event in Chicago 12 Jan '18: Will be guest on pretaped "My Next Guest Needs No Introduction With David Letterman" on Netflix
>John McCain 06 Dec '17: Participated in Senate vote at the Capitol and hasn't been present to vote since
>James Alefantis 05 Dec '17: Gave statement about Comet Ping-Pong
>Donna Brazile 12 Dec '17: Spoke publicly about her book
Other individuals of interest to investigate: >David Brock >Dick Cheney >Michelle Obama >George W. Bush >[Your suggestion here]
Additional information: >When sharing information, provide sources. Images are okay, but links are better, and archive links are preferred >Getty Images ( is a great source for this sort of thing (protip: sort by Newest) >Google News is another useful tool (
Previous thread:
Dylan Lopez
Where is Eric Holder?
Alexander Kelly
Easton Parker
Bamp for web scraber user
Jordan Rogers
I'm riposting this because I think it's important for lurkers (like me) to know that they are important to this process even if they aren't contributing directly:
>I have witnessed this many times, and though I am a very low level participant, know that your presence and observation alone adds power to the hive. You never know when you'll read something that triggers something that you have unique knowledge or insight on. Stick around, we need lurkers as much as we need diggers and compilers.
Eli King
This is neat and all but can any of you faggots give me the skinny on Trump tower's fire? First the Clinton's home and now this it can't be a coincidence
Jack Ross
>we need lurkers as much as we need diggers and compilers.
I figured out that the Seventh Floor Group is CIA command center, it's in a bunch of the books in the espionage series by random house
Blake Martinez
Nigga thats a gun
Austin James
>can any of you faggots give me the skinny on Trump tower's fire? please give specific times of both fires, it was probably occult bullshit I can tell by the time the fire happened and the position of the heavenly bodies
Cooper Wright
7th floor is the Saul alinsky sect
Charles Roberts
>Dick Ain't a god damn thing going to happen to him since other than having a lot of stock in several Merc groups and munitions suppliers he's done absolutely nothing wrong Bushy hasn't either and you're retarded if you think you should look in on him since he's still at his ranch in Texas like always because he's just a god damn cowboy now leave him alone
Levi Jenkins
When do things kick off, holy fuck you can just feel everything coming to an intersection, but this waiting is the worst.
Cameron Campbell
I dont even care about Cheney, he just wanted oil money. People like Chertoff are the architects with eyes on destruction of liberty
Connor Moore
seventh floor group is mentioned in espionage books dating back to the 70s, the alinsky thing was probably tagged onto it after, I kind of doubt the WWII era CIA guys were into Alinsky considering they were hardcore anti communism, seems only 2 or 3 of the top brass had the info on the shady bullshit back then, well, the conspiring with Communist Russia to rob the US military budget part
Liam Bennett
Never forget Sup Forums
if these threads don't mention Israel they are made by disinfo shills.
Alexander Reyes
Where is Colin Powell?
Kayden Foster
>he's done absolutely nothing wrong except that time he shot his pal hunting, seriously fuck Cheney, he's one of the worst of the worst, Bush is pretty bad also, I wanted to freeze his landing gear when I saw him unloading coke out of his plane in Fort Worth
fuck both of them, they can kiss one cheek and then kiss the other one
Josiah Moore
Checked but how is Israel in any way related to the last known sightings of people of interest? Unless they're being flown to Israel, which is highly unlikely.
Sebastian Garcia
>d/c shill and doesn't even make sense for this topic
Samuel Phillips
Oh cool bell bottoms are back
Easton Hill
Bump for being slid.
Austin Smith
What's it like having Jewish propaganda so far up your ass that no matter what you do you'll always be indoctrinated to think that those two were literally Hitler despite you k oeing almost absolutely nothing about them, what they did, or the decade they spent in Washington because you're an ignorant piece of shit? >Chertoff Haven't heard someone here use that name in a while, stay safe user
Grayson Scott
Bumpity bump it's a slippery ride on the shill slide
Daniel Ortiz
I volunteer my personal living location to house the criminal known as huma needsadicking
Kayden Ward
Oliver Rodriguez
Can something please happen? Nothing ever happens I want it to happen But it won’t happen Someone tell me why it won’t happen! Make it happen now! Do it! HAPPEN
Camden Sanchez
it will happen user it will
Charles Anderson
Oh look! More LARP.
Andrew Mitchell
boombooty. Fuck the slide threads.
Colton Phillips
Back in Africa where he belongs.
Adrian Gray
can't post in here. Every time i post something it says it thinks it is spam??? You are on to something
Wyatt Stewart
He will be happier in his natural environment
Robert Gomez
Juan Lopez
Question: Are we focusing our efforts only on USA related swamp, or should we broaden our focus to other countries as well?
Not trying to derail, so I'm asking cautiously.
Caleb Scott
Easton Hill
This is the perfect time to do this. I've been wanting everyone to compile something that we will call THE LIST. /tl/ will be a list of every enemy to the United States of America. These are threats to everyone of us. How can we put this into practice? We need to keep up with our enemies so they won't stab us in the back. For instance we could have a folder of Shareblue hacks, Antifa goons and media clowns.
What we should start with is the top down.
Senators folder Governors folder Mayors Sheriffs etc.
Hopefully we can generate some momentum on this and keep it on (Somewhere else hint hint) if we have to because there are too many goons that have taken over this site BUT we can take it back (which will be soon). Their paychecks sources are drying up.
Make sure we have an autist to come up with a new battle patch. We need a new meme patch that will be WELL known in due time.
Brayden Rivera
Personally, the happening I have my eye on at the moment is on Wednesday when the POTUS does the fake news awards, I have a feeling it's going to be a lot bigger than anyone is giving it credit for. I mean shit, I haven't heard about it mentioned EVEN ONCE from a MSM source.
Aiden Ross
The robo Hillary is in the secret lab being tuned up while Hillary is slowly dying in her own secret hospital
Logan Brooks
>Let's pool our autism and track the Last Known Sightings of these people. This. They must forever be exposed, with their "scarlet letter" (or Jewish star, whatever floats your boat) in plain sight for all to see. So that they may know the enemy and look at them with contempt and hate. Allow fear to consume them as they have nowhere else to hide. Break their will with absolute fear for their lives on a daily basis.
Brandon Rogers
Off topic shill. Keep it relevant. Any posts like this are designed to keep us off the task at hand.
Austin Davis
Prince Talweed would definitely be a person of interest. They are interfering with our lives so light em up.
Nathan Gray
bump The Absolute State of the Union address is soon. baiting with waited breath
Connor Diaz
Not sure how easy it is to track the oil princes. Aren't they still locked up in that hotel?
Brody Rodriguez
>Prince Alwaleed You're creeping me out man, I was just wondering about the Saudi situation, because I subscribe to the saved prince theory from the Vegas shooting. I'm REALLY curious to find out what's been happening since then.
Responding to obvious shills, is like letting you mind wander and losing focus on the task at hand. It's best to not do it.
Chase Cox
Are we sure Hillary set fire to her home. Her staff called fire dept. Maybe good guys set it? She was "not there". Snatched up and burn her servers so normies can't use?
Anthony King
>oil princes Why are you guys in my brain?
Jayden Morris
Nolan Gray
anyone got copy pasta of CEO/other prominent figures that were fired lately? Wanna comb thru for juden
With respect to McCain wouldn't his daughter on the view know ?
Evan Rodriguez
Jace Ward
I can't stay any longer, have a bump and make me proud anons. I will dream of your success and wake to that reality.
Chase Young
Last I heard was Yemen was getting a pounding from the 330 billion dollar arms deal Trump made with them. Talweed's father was the King and was sick. He knew his son was a shit just like the movie Gladiator. The king gave power to his brother and the brother is letting the new prince run the show. He was nearly assassinated in Las Vegas but he escaped and is PISSED! He strung up all of the cousins and uncles etc. and beat the hell out of them sand nigger style, took their money, their harems, and drug factories. The very next day there was about 400 strikes in the middle of the desert on CIA run drug facilities (without warning...whoops!) and now every silicon valley cowboy is getting his ass in line because all of their money is dried up and they know they have been caught because of the SPECTRE bug in ALL microchips manufactured. The NSA has EVERYTHING recorded. Can you say 33,000 emails? Doh!! The next thing on the list is to pressure China, not North Korea, into sitting down and shutting the fuck up or else. Elon Musk sent up the Air Force's newest EMP weapon to threaten China by using North Korea as target practice and they have no ammo to use against us because Trump kicked off all the jews off of the federal reserve board so they can't yank the rug out from under us. Now it is just cleanup time through boring attorney stuff that is over our heads because Trump doesn't want anyone screwing these prosecutions up and getting a mistrial. If anyone doubts this just look at Trump and Jeb during the debates when Jeb stupidly mentions 911. Trump can barely contain himself. You could have fried an egg on his head.
Brayden Roberts
fyi, first guy came up with a wife named (((Kerzner)))
Caleb Collins
>despite you k oeing almost absolutely nothing about them, I know them personally, fuck them, one of them is my cousin
Carter Ross
Matthew Thomas
>the decade they spent in Washington my favorite Bush move was when he spent 60 billion US dollars to cure AIDS in Africa and didn't cut funding for AIDS here, he could have exported all the AIDS and instead just opened the purse like a fucking democrat
the Bureau of Indian Affairs sterilization thing his dad did was ok but the guy is a closeted homosexual, cool to be that close to the Nazis but fuck them they were always lackeys
Cheney can't even catch an Army Ranger in Montana with a dozen black helicopters
Carter Watson
these are resignations where are the arrests?
Hudson Morgan
>no concern regarding known organized crime figures
Bentley Taylor
Checked and great post.
Jonathan Wood
>We need a new meme patch that will be WELL known in due time. name your general,
I will assist with occult memes specific to the operation
hardcore occult memes usually represent planets somehow and often revolve around themes of freeing slaves or capturing them, making women love you or hate you, to benefit or harm someone's finances, property or appearance before a king or judge
we own this shit now
this reality belongs to all of us
Parker Torres
list of arrests? Where? Who made it?
Connor Rogers
If they arrested them one at a time we might lose interest Get ready for the fireworks when the fuse runs out
Henry Thompson
what an amazing time to be alive
Aaron Ortiz
where is bare leg pic from
Adrian Harris
>If they arrested them one at a time we might lose interest they've been arresting a lot of democrats, but news media not covering it much
I hope Trump gives every single meme war veteran a purple heart
this place deserves a reward if we can fix something that corrupt and broken with autistic shit talking
Bentley Clark
Please be troo
Hunter Barnes
Aaron Cooper
Eric Prince of Blackwater
Ryder Thomas
Owen Ortiz
Autists can into memes.
Michael Campbell
One bump of cocaine, por favor
Jacob Bell
Bill Clinton tweeted today
Wyatt Thompson
We need a spreadsheet of all the enemies. Have to be careful, no actionable intel though. Need to report any sighting of listed pedo perps. Q monitors us and we need to give him any friendly intel.
Aaron Robinson
Interesting about the EMP satellite as I saw a news article saying the launch failed- but as Sun Tzu said "All warfare is based on deception". Is it up there or isn't it? If it is up there the first deployment will be quite the surprise.
Dominic Robinson
Josiah Flores
or a staffer. He could be in prison.
Ryan Richardson
It is a lot to take in but that is where we are at in this game. The dominoes will be falling pretty fast which means we might have a few weasels slip through the cracks and get us from behind.
This is why I have been contemplating on our next step. This is so important to the human race that it has to be done. What will history see us as in 50 years? In the bible the jews always went back to their old ways of human sacrifices and jewry. It is like we need to make sure that this doesn't happen anymore. We need to make sure that history is recorded as accurately as possible this time. The history books might get changed like they have been over the course of history. LET'S MAKE OUR HISTORY BOOK RIGHT NOW! It has to be done. In order for our grandchildren to not suffer this fate we need to make a multiple series of DVD's of AMERICA'S SECOND REVOLUTION starring Donald Trump. He can narrate it. Think about what he is gifted at. He can create the best television programs ever. Can you imagine what he has up his sleeve for the "Fake News Awards" show he is putting on?
Get them down in writing. We must pass this on!!!
James Clark
Also realize that the normies are NEVER going to believe what is really going on. That is why every day needs to have a general script of what is going on and changing. It would be extremely difficult to be the stenographers of the second renaissance. The first one happened in the 1600's and we don't have a really good way of teaching our children the past yet. If we do this right then even liberals will see the true story (hopefully).
Thank you papa Trump. I have believed in you since the beginning
John Price
I appreciate all the replies to this thread but I can't help but notice the overall lack of new info. Everything in OP is mostly my own research done in a few minutes while drunk, plus the work of a few anons last thread—surely we can do better? Are these really the Last Known Sightings of these people? Have they really not been seen since?
stock photo
Jose Flores
I guess just try the thread another night. A lot of us are doing research on a couple of other projects so our time is pretty limited. I would love to add this project to something I would call THE LIST. We need to keep up with these goons but alas it is late and I need a nap. Good luck with the research. You either make history, record it, or fall by the wayside of dust.
Easton Nguyen
i legitimately believe there is some wide scale "They Live" style systematic brainwashing that prevents normies from understanding just how fucked up all the shit going on around them is
Adrian White
BTW I've been looking for Dick Cheney for a while and haven't seen him since Trump inaugurated that new aircraft carrier.
Jeremiah Thompson
As interested as I am with this, anything we find out wont change anything that's set in motion. Risking being called a shill, I feel that for a lot of this stuff, I feel like we just have to sit back and let all of the legal stuff go through. If something's fishy, then we dig but I'm fairly confident that Trump has his ducks in a row. This stuff is at a level that I don't think we can impact. I'm not suggesting anyone stop looking but I think the real impact we can make is at the cultural level. That's where I'm putting my focus. Good luck to the anons working on this.
Samuel Butler
Yes, that is the media's job. Have the normies into sports, celebrities, superheroes, capeshit, sci fi bugman garbage, music subcultures and the like. This creates a false reality for the normies that fully occupies their minds. Many normies are now politicized but only as much as the media is training them to be. Destroy the media, and you destroy the Matrix that the normies are trapped in.
Jace Ward
Oh don't worry I'll be more than happy to repost over the next couple of days, especially leading up to whatever the reveal on Wednesday is... but if I may ask, what other projects are you referring to? Purely curious, might be willing to contribute any errant autism. btw,
I disagree but only because I see this as the greatest challenge the military intelligence counter-coup has to overcome. Sure, draining the swamp, setting up the criminal charges properly, etc., is hard fucking work... but reversing the brainwashing, countering the programming, is ultimately the hardest task of all. And it's hard enough domestically, but then you consider how our MSM spreads throughout the world, and how many international normies believe the same line of CNN-tier bullshit being spread... indeed, they/we have their/our work cut our for them/us. But I truly believe we'll see a great turn in public opinion in the coming months, if not weeks... irrefutable proof that absolutely demolishes The Narrative and at least brings over a large number of them to our side. You'll never convince everyone, of course; the mind-virus runs too deep. Nevertheless, I think many more people will end up being receptive to The Truth than They think. Justice will prevail in the end, it always does, you just have to believe, user.
Oh for sure, this is ultimately purely for Sup Forums to notice the absence of these fine folks in recent days and possibly build hype for any near-future happenings. You're not wrong though, researching won't change anything ultimately.
Jason Powell
Subversion started in the late 50s.
Chase Gonzalez
Lots of digits in this thread; encouraging.
When was this?
Jacob Wright
This is going to sound like a larp but it isn't. I do something called neurofeedback. I have experimented on liberals and conservatives. I would ask them questions and measure their avoidance. It is amazing to see how much a liberal lies to themselves. It is on the border of being schizophrenic. If I could get a few people interested in this project I would love to do a video exposing liberal insanity and have actual scientific evidence that liberals lie to themselves and others. Can you imagine the views it would receive? These people have full on meltdowns but what is strange is they never rip off the EEG cap.....It is like they are crying out for help. My conclusion is this: The human brain is fighting a war that we ALL are apart of. This war is not a right versus the left. It is a war of COGNITIVE DISSONANCE. Cognitive Dissonance is the STRESS that is in a 9 year old's eyes when you tell him Santa Clause isn't real. You can see the same look in a liberal's eyes. Why? Because he is going to have to face the fact that EVERYONE has been lying to him (Like the way you felt when you realized 911 didn't happen the way you were taught). CD messes people up bad. Not only did his teachers tell him Santa Clause wasn't real but his own parents!!! This is a MAJOR factor in it because this is pure BETRAYAL. Your parents are supposed to never lie to you, never put you in harms way, never expose you to bad people, but now they made you look like a fool in front of the whole class and everybody is laughing at you. What do you do? You stick with your story (lie) and you plug your ears, stomp your feet, chant antifa slogans, and try to find others that believe in santa clause yourself because tribally there is strength in numbers. These people will never be able to speak in an academic sense. The only way to defeat them is to keep asking leading but very gentle unharmful questions but NEVER give them answers. They have to GENTLY come to truth.
Jason Young
I totally feel the same way
John Murphy
>notice the absence In that case, good on you user because embarrassingly, it wasn't something that had really crossed my mind. It's so easy to become distracted these days with everything going on. So even if only for reminding or bringing it to peoples attention, you're doing gods work.
Jacob Wilson
Look into dopamine loops and oxytocin based conditioning.
They will make A LOT more sense to you.
Justin Lewis
July 22, 2017 along with twisted Donald Rumsfeld
Henry Wilson
Only playing devil's advocate but I think that the right (I'm talking about blue-pilled right) employs just as much CD. It's natural. That's why I love that overused "you can't handle the truth" line from Jack Nicholson. I think most people realize they can't handle the truth on a subconscious level. Just a safety mechanism. I was out with a girl recently and she and her mother claimed Turmp was an idiot. I asked why. They had no answers aside from "He just is." The girl is very academically smart. Top of her class. She's very socially mature too but it was clear from my early discussions with her that she was not emotionally mature. She actually had me fooled at first but the strong grasp on emotions turned out to be walls she put up because again, she, like many, just can't or won't deal with the reality.
Leo Lopez
Thanks for the crumbs. I am always searching out new info
Zachary Diaz
That's interesting, user. You should make a thread about this if/when you have the time.