Powerful... :o

Powerful... :o

Oh say can you seeeeeeee???




'm starting to believe that this shitty paint drawing is getting worse each time I see it.


A black soldier surely beats a white beta manchild bitching on Sup Forums from his disappointed parent's house.

She isn't White. She's already quadroon/octaroon mix of some sort, nothing of value lost.


The boomers in the comment section were like *awesome, I love this, more of this please, MAGA*

wep, she is american :^)

> blacks are deadbeat fa-

>thought he'd cop a feel for the camera
niggers just can't help raping women can they

>Ofc of all soldiers who do the same they picked this one.

Did I have to pay for this?

Stupid fucking nigger took 10 flights to do what a white man could have done in 3.

>she is american :^)
with your faggot PM letting in all the haitians, el salvadorans, and chinks buying up toronto, where do you think you're headed? And faster than ZOG. Even being on here is a hate crime for you.


the baby looks pretty white. you think she cucked him?

baby is clearly white

What a cuck

At least we are white Carlos :3


Since when did Breitbart start pushing this shit?

niggers are
that kid doesn't look half negroid at all.

They were always about (((civic nationalism))).

White father attends birth of his daughter - nobody gives a fuck it is normal
Black father attends birth of his daughter is National news, first time in the history of USA

>Imperial Orc Soldier returns to mordor from war on Arrakis to witness the spawning of his progeny.

this couple is particularly disgusting.

makes you understand why people woulda lynched blacks

Support our troops!

I used to pay for my own travel when I was in the military.. Twice, I never took any time off.
Not even when I was sick or someone died. The black ass manlet commander never granted me any leave because I wasn't dark enough, he was a blatant racist.

So yeah.. whoever wrote that article, go eat a dick.

Do you have kids?


But I had grandparents

>st we are white
you aren't. And you have much less land than ZOG has to flee. How much of that fucking shithole is inhabitable? You're the nation who jailed Zundel and deported David irving. Between your jews and this cuckold communist, you're finished before ZOG is with the spics here.

THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE MY AMERICAN HERO! YOU DEFENDED OUR RIGHTS TYRONE, you warrior you! Practically George Washington, a real American not like you racists!

The memes are becoming reality.

This LUL

Blacks are born white-ish. They get darker as they age, the palms of their hands always stay white though.

>A black mercenary on turbo-welfare bombing goat farmers in some illiterate backwater for corporate overlords
Wow so honourable

cuckservatives disgust me

2edgy4me XDDDDDD

you haven't been here long chen. Edgy is "go dig up your dead mother's rotten corpse and sit her on your sofa for tea."

Every word I typed in post referenced was completely true. check your demographics and answer how much land is habitable in that frozen shithole. you won't, and you know why. You're more fucked than ZOG. I can go inna woods and never see a spic or nigger or chink in 15 states. You're fucked.

What a beautiful child. Lets give this proud american a collective SHADILAY!

These "le 56 percent" threads are created by (((sliders))) and anti-pol (leftypol) posters to sow dissent within the communities of predominantly white, western culture that frequent this site for dialogue. Compare this thread to the numerous on the front page deploying the same kind of division tactics. Puritan beliefs are counter intuitive to the defense of our nations and preservation of our respective cultures. Remember that even Hitler had Punjabi Indians, Bosnian and Palestinian Muslims, Russian Cossacks and the Japanese fighting for nationalism against the Jewish financial structure (as part of the Axis or Nazi army directly).

In addition to globalist/leftist agents and leftypol posters, these threads also serve as honeypots for 13 year olds, r_donald and stormfront remnants who erroneously think this is an exclusively white-supremacist website, and ethnic belligerents masquerading as (((white))). Posted is a verified list of tactics employed by nation-destroying Kikes and their ilk since the recent American election. Perhaps you have seen these tactics in other threads, no?


How long until he leaves?

This never stops being funny

Red pill me on civic nationalism

stfu mutt pig

fuck america

Fucking basedddddddd

>Have you see this father: Last seen at wife's son's birth.


Witness the birth of the 28%

my local burrito vendor looks like that lel

56% is real

Was her husband there too?

WOW! Real American hero.

Burn the coal
Pay the toll

>this is considered 'white' in muttland


>ywn be a based black man that proves to leftists than Trump supporters are not racist

I need the original of this with no edit I have most of the drawings and edits saved but not the original

Stop making this thread every day you asshole

damn good fo dis nigga

Whiter than you, Muhammad.


Daily Reminder that white pussy was MADE for BBC. More and more white women are leaving whitebois to the real men-the Black Men. Whitebois as result have to resort to easy nonwhite sluts like chinks.


What is interesting about this picture is the fresh plate of cheese or butter

checks out

At least the father is present. That baby gonna turn brown tho.

i don't think you can eat it


thats a taxi sign

el salvadoreans lol
muh fucking flag

The absolute state of muttland. Stop referring to yourselves as white, please. Thank you.

lmao and that dumbass britbong thought it was cheese/butter

I would be more offended by white men fucking black women, at this point. I expect white women to be traitorous single-moms. Nigga will probably get himself shot just to dodge taking care of that nigglet.

You arent white Hirohi



Pls source sir.........


And now he’ll take one flight to get away for a pack of smokes.

That is a 100 percent white baby; he got cheated on. So this should read...

U.S soldier takes ten flights in two days to attend his wife's daughters birth

You can get it nearly for free. There's a guy who explains it at one of the hacker conventions, shmoocon maybe.

>el salvadorans,
Lol this is the most funny shit ever

I agree. This black man joined the military, which in itself speaks to his character, then he took the responsibility to attend the birth of his child. Not a nigger.





>10 flights in 2 days

did he get lost?

Source pls that pic really turned me on

That's no niggers child.

why the soulce?
and why that leally tulned you on?

kek the absolute state of the Jew S A.

Look at that woman's face.........

What have you done in your life that could equal this man serving his country and starting a family? Mock me all you want, but character counts for more than skin color. I'd rather have a beer with this fellow, than some meth head inbred hillbilly.