7 TRILLION dollars of value created

What exactly does this mean in objective language?

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The jews won

Oh my god he's such an idiot. The market is inevitably going to crash in the future. If he's going to be taking credit for every good thing that's happening with the market now then he'll have to take responsibility for when it goes to shit again.

Public companies market caps have increased by 7 trillion.

its money created in open positions so not actually in circulation unless the positions are closed but it helps peoples IRAs and 401ks or whatever.

What does that mean? Please explain.

>its money created in open positions
Where is it coming from?

I mean every single day Trump is going on twitter taking credit for the current stock market boom. He's tying himself to it's success. That means when it crashes everyone will associate the crash with him

>McDonald's wages
>rich stockpile money offshore
>funnel fortunes into political campaigns
>public infrastructure crumbling
>more vacant homes than homeless people

Depends on how it crashes

>That means when it crashes everyone will associate the crash with him
Won't he shift the blame like always? I've never once seen him take responsibility


Money Wealth

If anybody is still defending this fucking retard, and still thinks it's 77D chess, they need to be castrated.

>The market is inevitably going to crash in the future
this is what meal mouth plebeians actually think

lets say there are 100,000 shares of a company and the company is at $1. Now lets say that the numbers of buyers in relation to sellers of that stock increased to where there are a lot of buyers now.

lets say $20,000 in volume increases the price from $1 to $2

$20,000 changed hands, but $100,000 in market cap was created.

The tax cut basically made everyone want to buy stocks, so then prices of stocks increases and thus increases the market cap of the companies by a huge amount.

Market cap doesnt mean a lot because its just how much money it would take to buy every share of the company, obviously wealth is created but market cap is not money in circulation and in order to cash out any gains from the stock market you have to sell your open positions which in turn pulls market cap down because of selling pressure assuming everyone did the same thing.

Why must it crash? Your tax changes alone allow for better business growth, unless the Dems fuck it up at some point.

Well Trump is always right

Only weak faggots like you say sorry like a little bitch.

It means money is a speculative lie

>What exactly does this mean in objective language?
that you should call congress and demand they allow the government to hit the debt ceiling

it doesnt. The market doesnt have to crash the same way it doesnt have to go up or even stay the same.

It doesn't mean anything in particular.like he guy above said, when you own a share it has a price at a certain moment. Maybe $100. The market cap is the total price of all shares at that $100 tag. But, if people tried to sell their shares all at once the price would go down. So there isn't *actually* shares all worth $100. The marginal value of the last share sold was $100.

>$20,000 changed hands, but $100,000 in market cap was created.
Where did the other $80k come from?

The nation's long run aggregate supply has shifted to the right meaning aggregate demand and aggregate supply have both increased without price levels increasing its jew magic shits happening.

thin air :^)

welcome to the stock market

it means daddy trump gave every MAGA supporter 7 trillion dollars!

go check your account, you deserve it after posting frogs on Sup Forums! :)

you fucking piece of retarded shit

>But, if people tried to sell their shares all at once the price would go down.
So does the money exist? I still don't get what it's measuring.

That seems like a bad idea.

Agreed, I was merely curious to hear his spin on it.

>That seems like a bad idea.
for you, i just bought a new Mercedes with my gains

>The market is inevitably going to crash in the future.
Yeah we already know what you're up to.

>you fucking piece of retarded shit
Thanks for explaining so clearly.

>calls someone a piece of retarded shit
>is actually a piece of retarded shit

>So does the money exist?
in theory

reddit spacing

>you fucking piece of retarded shit

It's real if you sell and others don't. Sounds like a gambling game.

absolutely nothing unless your name is Rockefeller or Rothschild

value is created from production not speculation

>he doesn't know what reddit spacing is

>he took the bait

Reddit confirmed.

its not gambling

I was just thinking the same thing about Canadians, faggit.

uh huh

>i was only pretending to be retarded

7 Trillion dollars of value stolen from worker's by businesses owners who don't deserve it.

>What exactly does this mean in objective language?

It was he who printed all that Tether

Same can be said for anyone who still believes Canada is a real country and not a satellite nation to absorb the brunt of a North Korean nuclear attack.

I visited Paris once. The streets are lined with beautiful trees.

I guess the Germans must like to march in the shade.


babbys first rustlin

mad newfag

You discovered 4chin with boxxy, right kiddo?

Speculation. Similar to how a, say, shirt maker can charge more for a shirt because the design is cute.

Does that design truly make that garment worth $10 more than a less cute one that takes up the same amount of craft material?
Depends on the buyer.

Why are macbooks worth more than the sum of their parts? Perceived value.
Same can be seen in all aspects of the economy, restaraunts for instance.

Is that steak and wine really worth a couple hundred dollars? Could be if it's a fancy enough place.

That's what it means Trump only speaks plainly. 7 Trillion. fuckin a. Obama was less than 1 trillion I bet

Add up all the value of the gains that stocks have made across all the US markets, since he took office.
He's taking credit for the market rally, as he should.
>fuckface had to eat shit on that one
Remember the market tanking when NBC 'made a mistake' about Trump reaching out to the russian's before becoming President-elect?
It tanked because without a business mind, an American first mind, the US is fucked.

Exactly. I love how companies can be valued in the billions yet be paper tigers. Look at this cunt. Elizabeth Holmes. She was able to swindle investors out of billions, over some poorly researched articles written about her and media buzz... muh womanz are strong hear me roar bullshit. That’s why I fear when the bitcoin market gets btfo a lot of idiots are gonna be holding their dick in their hand and standing in line at the homeless shelter.



That would make this many SuperKikes

I wouldn't say it exists, if you consider the scenario of everyone selling at once. Financial markets can be interesting, especially in the case of stock, because they operate a lot like a "pure market" IMO. The use value of a stock is technically that it returns a dividend, which makes it a vehicle for income. The basic demand for a stock would be driven by this utility, it gives you money. Think of any other commodity, like hotdogs. People buy hotdogs because they are food. What would cause the price of hotdogs to crash? If people didn't want to buy them anymore. Maybe it is revealed hotdogs give you AIDS, and nobody wants them. Sellers realize hotdogs are worthless and scramble to get some money back to cover their losses, they all bid each other down to the lowest amount possible to sell their AIDS hotdogs.

Well, in the stock market you have constant speculation on the value of stock because really, a lot of people want capital gains rather than dividends (I.e. Buying low selling high). If there was suddenly a dramatic sell off of stock (and just so you know, everyone on the market could see this happening), people would panic because they'd think that the stock became less valuable for some reason. This is speculation kicking in, people often have no idea what a stock is worth. If it's going red, they want to sell before they lose more money. They put a price at $98, somebody else does $90, they go to $85 etc. in order to try to sell faster than the other guy. That's a crash, and ultimately the shareholders would not receive an amount equal to the market cap.

talk about an ugly fucking coin

>The market is inevitably going to crash in the future.

Calm down, Nostradamus.

7 trillion on paper

It means that Trumps tax cuts inflated the value of us boomers 401K's rather than paying down the national debt. It's ok - you gen z types can pay off the debt while I'm enjoying my luxurious retirement.

You got a pile of dog shit in your living room you might want to clean first before open your mouth.

Good so then when you retire you can reinvest that into the economy at one of my luxurious retirement villas.

So Obama created nothing when the stock market tripled during his term?



there is a reason why so many CEOs are selling all their stocks now

but i can already see what he will say

So Obama inherited Bush's economy, but Trump can't inherit Obama's economy? The stock market has increased more under Obama.

exactly, it is actually shitskins mainly spics destroying any value in having stocks in the US. Better to cash out now before the death starts.

The complain they always use when the stock market breaks records is minorities don't invest or can't afford to invest.

>can't afford to invest
How is this not a valid complaint?

Major market corrections are just a part of capitalism that is entirely natural

you misunderstood friend
i didnt attack obama

i just said that the logic of will not stop trump of blaming what its comming in obama




>mfw Bitcoin crashes it all

it means buy bitcoins




The only reason the market could crash is by manipulation by the central bank, which is controlled by a network of international banks. So if it crashes the blame should be placed in the proper direction.

A frenchie doesn't understand economics, I'm so shocked.



Wtf I love bankers and money lenders now



It was funny for a while, this whole Trump business, but it's time to be serious and impreach him. The most powerful country in the world shouldn't be run by a mentally unstable moron.

Sup Forums really doesn't understand shit about economics lel

8 times more junk bond debt than when the last bubble popped in 2008.

nothing to worry about...

Explain why not.


we are about to reach ATH it seems. No wonder CEOs have been selling their stocks

don't look at this chart because debt ratios don't matter anymore

forming a cup and handle formation?

literally nothing. it barely recovered from the crash in 08

So when it finally crashes, is he going to take ownership or dindu then blame Obama?

soft data (expectations) have never been so far ahead of hard data (real production)

it means all the rich jews who bankrolled him and he wants desperately to be a part of the club with are now even richer


shelter in place...

They could not buy beer for a week and have enough to invest with Robinhood.

I can almost hear your squaky, whiny, annoying soylet voice through the screen just by reading your faggotry-loaded post.